DX LISTENING DIGEST 0-166, December 27, 2000 edited by Glenn Hauser, wghauser@hotmail.com {Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. For restrixions and searchable 2000 archive contents see} http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/Dxldmid.html THIS WEEK ON WORLD OF RADIO EXTRA 38: See topic summary at http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/worx38.html (As a rule, audio of Extra editions such as this one will not be posted on our website, so you will still get WOR 1063 as ``latest``. Extra 38 should be ondemand via WRN by Friday December 29) ** BOTSWANA. R. Botswana, 7255, Dec 23 0251-0330+, tune-in to Barnyard IS, 0259 choral anthem, vern talk, local choral mx; weak with unID co-channel QRM at 0300. \\ 4820 weak (Brian Alexander, PA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BOUVET ISLAND. 3Y0C update: Astronaut Chuck Brady, N4BQW/3Y0C, has upgraded his antenna setup on Bouvet Island and now has his linear amp up and running. Brady is on Bouvet to assist a team of South African scientists. Mac McIntire, WA4FFW, reports that Brady was successful in getting up a vertical that he is using on 20 and 15 (all operation has been on SSB--[ARRL] Ed). He has worked on his beam antenna, but it`s not yet installed. On December 22, the fuel pump for the big generator quit. They found a spare and did get it installed the following day. Given fuel-consumption constraints, they can only run the generator three or four hours a day (and not necessarily every day) to ensure sufficient fuel to carry them through mid-March. This is not a DXpedition, so 3Y0C will not be continuously available, but Brady said he hopes to devote all his spare time to operating. QSL via WA4FFW. --Bernie McClenny, W3UR (ARRL December 27 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CANADA. Could that "one more hour of in-house English programming" from RCI be a possible relay from R. Netherlands' Flevo site for listeners in South Asia? Remember, last month RCI conducted tests to this target area via the Flevo site (Joe Hanlon in Philadelphia, Dec 25, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Sure could! (gh) ** COLOMBIA. LV [sic] Nacional de Colombia, 9635, Dec 23 0225-0504*, Spanish anmts, IDs, Colombian music, English Xmas mx: Jingle Bells, Silent Night, Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer. S/off with vocal NA. [you mean choral rather than solo? come to think of it, most NA renditions other than US seldom feature soloists; why would that be? --gh] Strong but slight distortion & hum in audio. Distortion got worse as the night wore on. Co-channel QRM from BBC at *0500 (Brian Alexander, PA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CIS. On 43250 kHz, 1215 23/12/00 CIS TV Sound, nx then Film in unID Russian-influenced language, best heard with 50 kHz FM Filters; 3rd order crossmodulation (49.75 + 56.25). The 49.75 MHz Video Carrier relating to this audio was present but strangely unresolvable; the said Video carrier had a very distinctive pulsating whine (that`s the only way I can think to describe it!) I hope all our members are having a lovely Holiday. 73`s (Tim Bucknall, UK, harmonics@egroups.com via DXLD) ** GERMANY. Recently Klaus-Dieter Scholz posted the news, that Radio Ropa 261 is going to close down at the end of the year. Just now, at 2255 UTC the announcer confirmed this: "We suggest that you enjoy our programmes for the next days, as we will close down for good on 31st of December at midnight". That means, that Radio France International, R. Finland and Radio Austria International are losing a relay facility too. A pity, the station had one of the best programmes of all German commercial stations. They are starving from lack of advertisers; the main client (almost the only client) was the owning company "Technisat", a producer of satellite receiving equipment. I guess the transmitter will serve as another outlet of Mega Radio... :-( -- 73's (Martin Elbe, MWC via Mike Barraclough, BDXC-UK Dec 27 via DXLD) ** GUIANA FRENCH [and non]. Partial Resumption of the Montsinery Relays. Currently Not in Operation, the relays of Radio Japan`s Japanese, Spanish, and Portuguese services to Central and South America, have been partially resumed from the Montsinery Transmitting Station in French Guiana. The relay had been interrupted owing to equipment failure as a result of a fire at the station. Until full resumption of services previously made through Montsinery, relays will continue from an RFI transmitter in France and an RNB transmitter on Netherlands- administered Bonaire Island. Transmission from RFI Montsinery Relay Station, 500 kW: UTC Service area Frequency (kHz) Language 1700-1800 Western South America 21600 Japanese 0230-0300 Eastern South America 15590 Portuguese 0500-0530 Central America 11895 Spanish 0900-1000 Eastern South America 9530 Japanese Alternate relay from RFI transmitter, Allouis-Issoudun, France 500 kW 2200-2300 Central America 11895 Japanese (Simultaneous R1 broadcast) 0300-0400 Western South America 9660 Japanese (Simultaneous R1 broadcast) 0400-0430 Western South America 9660 Spanish Alternate relay from an RNB transmitter in Bonaire-ATN 250 kW 0800-0900 Eastern South America 9530 Japanese (Simultaneous R1 broadcast) 1000-1030 South America 15590 Spanish 1030-1100 South America 15590 Portuguese Listeners can have access to Radio Japan news through "Radio Japan Online", the homepage of NHK World (NHK World Radio Japan web site, Dec 25, via BC-DX Dec 27 via DXLD) ** INTERNET VACUUM. New Year's Eve On The Web 2000! Lou Josephs of the Radio Netherlands` Media Network team is once again assembling a work-in-progress "live" page of suggestions on how to listen to the hoopla and celebrations of the New Year and the new Millennium around the world. Come join the fun. http://www.ibcworks.net (Tom Sundstrom, ODXA via DXLD) ** JAPAN [and non]. As every year, special event "NHK Year End Hitparade" will be broadcast also on SW. Operational schedule in Japanese, Dec 31, 2000 - Jan 1st, 2001. Many thanks to friendly Toru Yamashita of Asian Broadcasting Institute; he sent me an Excel file sheet of the NHK special transmission, and our WWDXC chairman Mike Bethge decoded that into pure text and a PDF file format. And now NHK World Radio Japan sent parts of the New Year End schedule. 73 de wb df5sx Dear Wolfgang, Please refer the attached excel file for the special transmissions of Radio Japan on December 31, 2000. Hope above in order. (Toru Yamashita, Japan, Asian Broadcasting Institute. http://www.246.ne.jp/~abi/ Dec 25) Operational schedule in Japanese, Dec 31, 2000: 1000-2000 UT, and Jan 1st, 2001, 0300-0400 UT. When information is available, the tx site, power in kW, and the antenna azimuth is given. Some information marked by [?] is assumed only. SE Asia 11815 JPN 1000-1500 300 235 7200 JPN 1500-1900 100 240 11665 JPN 1900-2000 100 235 17810 JPN 0300-0400 300 240 All Asia 9750 JPN 1000-1700 300 290 6035 JPN 1600-1900 300 290 6165 JPN 1900-2000 300 290 11910 JPN 1900-2000 300 290 15195 JPN 0300-0400 300 290 SW Asia 15255 SRI 1000-1500 300 350 12045 SRI 1500-1700 300 350 9845 JPN 1600-1700 300 270 15355 GAB?1700-1900 500 045 11925 SRI?1900-2000 300 350 11890 SRI 0300-0400 300 350 15325 JPN 0300-0400 300 270 N America 6120 CAN 1000-1200 250 240 6110 CAN 1200-1300 250 240 11705 CAN 1300-1500 250 240 9505 JPN 1500-1700 100 055 9535 JPN 1700-2000 100 055 5960 CAN 0300-0400 250 240 17875 JPN 0300-0400 100 055 Hawaii 9835 JPN 1000-2000 300 085 17835 JPN 0300-0400 100 085 C America 12030 JPN 1030!-1100 100 055 9755 GUF 1100-1200 500 215 15345 GUF 1200-1400 500 215 21465 GUF 1400-1700 500 215 9535 JPN 1500-1700 300 055 21585 GUF 1700-2000 500 215 15345 GUF 0300-0400 500 215 S America 9835 JPN 1000-2000 300 085 21530 ASC 1100-1200 500 215 21620 ASC 1300-1400 500 215 21755 GUF 1400-1700 500 215 21600 GUF 1700-1800 500 215 21620 ASC 1800-2000 500 215 9530 ISS?0300-0400 500 250 [ASC? 235 degrees, or GUF? 215] 17835 JPN 0300-0400 100 085 Oceania 21755 JPN 1000-1100 100 165 11850 JPN 1100-1600 100 165 7140 JPN 1600-2000 100 165 17685 JPN 0300-0400 300 175 E Europe 11660 UK 1000-1400 250/300 070 11625 UK 1400-1600 250/300 070 11665 UK 1600-1700 250/300 070 9750 UK 1700-1800 250/300 070 9815 UK 1800-2000 250/300 070 S Europe 9585 UK 1000-1200 250/300 150 9780 UK 1200-1400 250/300 150 11925 UK 1400-1700 250/300 150 6175 UK 1700-1900 250/300 150 9650 UK 1900-2000 250/300 150 9655 UK 0300-0400 250/300 150 ME & N Africa 21550 GAB 1000-1030!500 045 [due to Italian/Swedish 1030-1100] 21550 GAB 1100-1700 500 045 11880 SRI 1700-1900 300 310 21550 GAB 1900-2000 500 045 11870 JPN 0300-0400 300 305 W Africa 21675 UK 1000-1600 500 169 17630 UK 1600-2000 500 169 11945 UK 0300-0400 500 169 C Africa 21695 ASC 1000-1600 250 070 21630 ASC 1600-1800 250 070 15145 ASC 1800-2000 250 085 11980 ASC 0300-0400 250 085 ASC = Ascension Island, 250 kW BON = Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles, 250 kW CAN = Sackville, Canada, 250 kW ISS = Issoudun, France 250/500 kW GAB = Moyabi, Gabon 500 kW GUF = Montsinery, Fr Guiana, 250/500 kW JPN = Yamata, Japan, 300/100 kW SRI = Ekala, Sri Lanka, 300 kW UK = Skelton 250/300 kW, Woofferton 250 kW. Rampisham to Africa 500 kW? (Wolfgang Büschel, BC-DX, Dec 28, via DXLD) ** LUXEMBOURG. English service on 208 from the middle of 2001 From the middle of 2001 the 1440 kHz frequency, also known as 208 [metres], will be held for English programming from Radio Luxembourg. By Eivind Motland. The German website Radioskala is stating this, saying that the listeners of the German RTL Radio must tune in to the station on satellite, cable or FM at that time. The change will happen during the middle of 2001, when the English service of Radio Luxembourg has been relaunched. The transmitter will carry the English service at night time and the private German broadcaster Mega Radio during the day. (25.12.2000) End of French programming from Luxembourg Radio Luxembourg's sister station for the French audience - RTL on 234 kHz - has cut the broadcasts from the Luxembourg studios. Now the station are broadcasting 24 hours a day from the studios in France. Read more. (25.12.2000) (208 egroup via Mike Terry, Dec 27, BDXC-UK via DXLD) ** NETHERLANDS. 21889.75 Dec 24 1355-1402 PIRATE R. Alpha Lima International, English: Pop/Rock MX+ID SIO 555 (Salvo Micciché, Scicli, Italy, GADM Dxtract via DXLD) So they were on again this Sunday ** NICARAGUA. Nothing heard from R. Miskut on 5770 at 2300-2400 Dec 22 or at 1115-1215 Dec 23. Appears to be very irregular lately (Brian Alexander, PA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) I also heard nothing when checked a few minutes before 0600 UT Dec 25, when they were supposed to be on late. Try again NY eve (gh, DXLD) ** PAPUA NEW GUINEA. 3905, R New Ireland, Kavieng, December 26, 1925- 1955, English, instrumental music before 1930, program starts at 1930 with ID and QRGs, typical PNG-songs and western pop songs, surprisingly good signal with SINPO 33423. By the way, they have an opening song briefly before 1930, which is extremely similar to a well known German folk song. It's very strange, which inheritances of former German colonialism can be found sometimes. vy 73 (Michael Schnitzer, Hassfurt, Germany, hard-core-dx via DXLD) ** RUSSIA. 7180 (Far East site). Voice of Russia world service at 1715 with program about civil aviation. Excellent reception. You`ve questioned their sign-off time in the mornings. Great reception here until 1900 sign-off, with announcement that to NAm, will resume at 0200. This was followed by CRI signing on in Portuguese to Angola (Walt Salmaniw, 26 December, Queen Charlotte Is, BC, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUSSIA. December 25th. Radiostantsiya Radonezh on SW 6245 (site?) Observed from tuning in at 1800 with full ID. Talks about Christ and Christmas. Still there when I checked at 1930. Is this a one-off? (Silvain Domen, Belgium, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SOUTH AFRICA/USA. Dear Glenn, I was able to confirm 100% the correct frequency of the VOA; indeed 15.205 at 0600 VOA in English and not 15.215. I use the Sony ICF 7600 and I used the fine mode to tune the correct frequency. By switching back to the normal position I was able to hear the VOA on 15.205. Sorry about the mistake; I saw the listing in the Dec 25th issue of DXLD. Channel Africa was heard today on 15.215 at 0600 UT in English as usual SINPO was only 33333 today, whilst VOA on 15.205 was 44444 (Costas Constantinides, Cyprus, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TAIWAN. RTI, 9610.06, Dec 23 1200-1300 English news, local news, ID, local music, ``Let`s Learn Chinese``; good. Very weak on \\ 7130 (Brian Alexander, PA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Both direct from Taiwan ** TURKEY. Dec 27 at 1330 I had the option of English broadcasts from Finland, Sweden, UAE, Romania, and Turkey, at first switching around among them, but VOT on 17815 got priority, opening with news about Ramadan festival, while emphasizing that Turkey is a secular state with freedom of religion (unlike so many other Islamic countries). At 1350-1410 it was Letterbox with Reshide Morali. She is a Monitoring Times reader and has let me know she appreciates items about VOT in my SWBC column, such as Roger Tidy`s report on his trip to Turkey as a winner of a VOT contest. She does the show in a very friendly and informal style, and we quickly learn quite a lot about her from her interjected remarks. Her father was Turkish, from the European part of the Ottoman Empire, but she grew up in New York, which explains her accent, and ability to pronounce American names properly, unlike so many so-called English speakers, e.g. on the BBC. She recalled the beautiful fall colors the deciduous trees produced in upstate NY. Even though Ankara is the capital, it`s relatively unexciting and isolated compared to bustling Istanbul. She had trouble reading some fine print because there isn`t enough light in the studio in a cost- saving measure; the English section hears from a lot of people who listen to the Turkish-language broadcasts, especially for their music, which have generally better reception. Among the letters acknowledged was a fortnightly monitoring report from RCI Stittsville, which gave VOT mostly 4s and 5s, with a few 3s over a 14-day period. She remarked more than once about enjoying the stamps on the letters; and how in Turkey you have to wait a year before getting a tracer on lost registered mail; some of hers got held up in the US. She said a number of new shows start next year on VOT, though some of them are reruns (VOT has January-June and July-December program cycles; anyone have info on the new program schedule??). Followed at 1410 by another announcer doing ``The Middle East Equation and Turkey``. One can also hear VOT in English on webcast, repeated at 1930, 2130 and 2300, but good SW reception today made this unnecessary (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** UKRAINE. RUI, 15520, Dec 23 1200-1300 English news, local folk music, ID, pgm on New Year`s holiday in Ukraine; fair (Brian Alexander, PA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Hmm, they celebrate Xmas on Jan 6, so NY on Dec 23?? :) (gh) ** U S A. FCC Requests Voluntary Communications Emergency NEWINGTON, CT, Dec 27, 2000--The FCC has requested that Amateur Radio operators in and around Texas voluntarily relinquish the use of 3870 to 3878 kHz to enable the handling of emergency traffic. Texas and Arkansas are among states hit by ice storms that have disrupted power and communication and made for hazardous travel conditions. Amateur Radio operators have established nets to handle emergency traffic during the weather-related outages. Leroy Pittman of the FCC last evening asked the amateur community to cooperate in recognizing the existence of a voluntary communications emergency and to stay clear of the 75-meter frequencies at the request of ARRL South Texas Section Manager Ray Taylor, N5NAV. Taylor reports that Amateur Radio operators already have helped with hospital communications after hospital telephones were knocked out. Taylor requested a voluntary communications emergency from the FCC because the nighttime Emergency and Tactical Traffic Net frequency of 3873 kHz has been subjected to what`s believed to be intentional QRM. A net on 7285 kHz has been handling much of the winter storm-related traffic during daylight hours. A copy of Pittman`s request to voluntarily relinquish use of the specified 75-meter frequencies has been sent to the FCC`s HF Direction Finding facility in Columbia, Maryland. Roads in the Texas panhandle were reported closed in the wake of heavy snow. Elsewhere, highways have been covered by ice. An ice- storm warning remains in effect for Arkansas and Oklahoma [long since canceled for OK, probably canceled by now for AR]. (ARRL via John Norfolk, Dec 27, OKCOK, DXLD) ** U S A. Kid`s Day is January 6: Kid`s Day is intended to encourage young people -- licensed or not -- to enjoy Amateur Radio. As a "mentoring opportunity" for experienced amateurs, Kid`s Day can give youngsters hands-on experience that might lead to an interest in Amateur Radio. The next Kid`s Day is January 6, 2001, from 1800 to 2400 UT. There`s no limit on operating time. The suggested exchange is name, age, location and favorite color. Stations may work the same station again if an operator has changed. Call "CQ Kid`s Day." Suggested frequencies are 28,350 to 28,400; 21,380 to 21,400; and 14,270 to 14,300 kHz plus 2-meter repeater frequencies (with permission from your area repeater sponsor). Observe third-party traffic restrictions when making DX QSOs. Logs and comments may be posted to kids@contesting.com and reviewed at http://www.contesting.com/kids/ All participants are eligible to receive a colorful certificate. Send a 9x12 SASE to Boring Amateur Radio Club, PO Box 1357, Boring, OR 97009 (ARRL December 27 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. MARS celebrates 75 years of service: What`s believed to be the largest MARS net on record took place November 24 when 527 Military Affiliate Radio System members from 47 states, Puerto Rico and Guam checked into the MARS net to celebrate its 75th anniversary of service to the US Armed Forces. Five veterans of the original Army Amateur Radio System were on hand for the occasion, including Marvin Bernstein, W2PAT/AFA1DA -- age 85 and first licensed in 1932. Founded in 1925 the AARS became the Military Amateur Radio System in 1948 and was later renamed the Military Affiliate Radio System. "A historic event was celebrated tonight," said Army MARS Chief Robert Sutton, N7UZY. "A momentous accomplishment was noted and a major record was established for a single MARS event." (ARRL December 27 via John Norfolk [who asks, "What was the frequency, Kenneth?"], OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Vintage RCA transmitters to be on air for Straight Key Night: The Maritime Radio Historical Society K6KPH will be on the air for Straight Key Night from the historic KPH commercial station site (SKN is January 1, 2001, 0000-2400 UTC; see December QST, page 99, for details). The station will operate on or about 7050 kHz. All sending will be via straight key. Operation on 20 meters also is possible. "We're working to activate one of the 1950s vintage RCA 'L' sets on 14,050 kHz," said K6KPH Chief Operator Dick Dillman, W6AWO, "but it is uncertain if we will complete work on this transmitter in time for the event." The station's original Henry commercial transmitter (derated to 1.5 kW) feeding a double extended zepp via open wire line will be used on 40. Transmitters are located at the original RCA transmitting station at Bolinas, California. Operators will be at the RCA receiving station at Pt Reyes, using the original Watkins-Johnson receivers and control equipment and keying the transmitters by a landline link. The Maritime Radio Historical Society has been working with the Point Reyes National Seashore to preserve and restore KPH with the goal of eventually establishing a museum at the Pt Reyes site. KPH returned to the air on seven commercial frequencies last July, the first anniversary of the last commercial Morse message in North America. --Dick Dillman, W6AWO (ARRL December 27 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. W1AA/CC special event set: The Marconi Radio Club W1AA will celebrate the 98th anniversary of Marconi`s first transatlantic radio transmission with a special event operation on January 18 from Cape Cod, the site of Marconi`s original station. The club will operate two HF stations identifying as W1AA/CC. "CC" was the call sign Marconi used in 1903. Operating hours will be at 1200-2200 UT on 20 through 10 meters, CW and SSB. DX stations QSL via the W1 Bureau, and US stations via the W1AA database address with an SASE. Since almost all of the original 1903 Marconi station site has been carried away by beach erosion, operation will be from a former Coast Guard life boat station. --Whitey Doherty, K1VV (ARRL December 27 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. WMLK, 9465, Dec 22 1823-1915+. I`m still hearing these guys here in PA with fair to good level. Tune-in to English sermon about Yahweh teachings. Gone at 1935 check. I believe they s/off around 1930, Mon-Fri only. I have never heard them on Sat or Sun (Brian Alexander, PA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) For your amusement, Fred Waterer`s annual remarks about this: Elder Jacob O. Meyer was heard preaching against Christmas and other ``pagan rituals`` on Christmas Day [some previous year -gh]. Adherents to the Assemblies of Yahweh are not to sing carols at school or accept ``Xmas drinks`` at work –- no gifts, special dinners, treats, cards. During the broadcast Elder Meyer never referred to Christmas but to Xmas --- never says the word Christ. In fact Elder Jacob and his wife celebrate their wedding anniversary on Decemer 24 and ``go out of their way not to celebrate that even``. Brother Stair tends to lean this way too --- he doesn`t approve of most aspects of the celebration of Christmas and he doesn`t celebrate the Meyers` anniversary either (Fred Waterer, Dec 2000 Listening In Listening In, ODXA via DXLD) ** U S A. Subject: 3.270 MHz. Radio station WWFV is now using 3.270 MHz ssb via global-2. We will be adding another 3 MHz freq soon. 9:00 pm to 3:00 am eastern time 3.270 MHz [0200-0800 UT] (``Radio Station WGTG" wgtg@ellijay.com 12/26/00, rec.radio.shortwave via John Norfolk, DXLD) ** U S A. Another story about the impending demise of jazz format WNOP-740 Newport KY (featured in current COM 00-10) is at http://enquirer.com/editions/2000/12/20/tem_jazz_will_sign_off.html (someone on amfmtvdx via DXLD) ** U S A. Webcasting Public Radio stations holiday specials; ALL TIMES HERE ONLY ARE CENTRAL = UT MINUS 6. Most URLs are www dot call letters dot org; some exceptions are noted. -XXXX means duration not specified, tho often determinable from other stations` listings. On Dec 26 and 27, WYOMING website listings and audio were inaccessible at http://www.wyomingpublicradio.org As of Dec 27, WHYY listings for Dec 29 were not yet available but there were no holiday shows on the schedule for Dec 28. yir = year in review; bo = best of CST THURSDAY DECEMBER 28 1000-XXXX WFMT BACH XMAS ORATORIOS thru 12/31 http://www.wfmt.com 1300-XXXX KANU WONDERFUL WIZARD OF OZ thru 12/29 http://kanu.ukans.edu 1300-XXXX KPBX WONDERFUL WIZARD OF OZ thru 12/29 1400-1500 KPBX CAPITOL STEPS POLITICS TAKES A HOLIDAY 1400-1500 KUNI JUDY COLLINS http://kuniradio.org 1500-XXXX OPB CHANUKAH LIGHTS 2000 1800-XXXX WMUB IMAGINATION WORKSHOP YIR [not same as Xmas episode last week] 1800-XXXX WUMB E-TOWN XMAS 1900-2000 WUNC BACKFIRE 2000! 2030-XXXX KEMC A LIVING BILL OF RIGHTS [monthly special slot] http://www.yellowstonepublicradio.org 2030-2130 KCRW BLACK BETTY thru 12/29 2200-2300 OPB HANUKKAH SPECIAL WITH LARRY JOSEPHSON 2200-2300 KQED SEASON`S GRIOT 2200-2400 KUNI WORLD CAFE boyir CST FRIDAY DECEMBER 29 1000-1100 WAMC SEASON`S GRIOT 1000-XXXX WFMT BACH XMAS ORATORIOS thru 12/31 1300-XXXX KANU WONDERFUL WIZARD OF OZ serial concludes 1300-1400 KPBX WONDERFUL WIZARD OF OZ serial concludes 1300-1400 KUNI PLEASURES OF WINTER 1306-1359 WHYY TALK OF THE NATION SCIENCE FRIDAY IG NOBEL AWARDS [and many other stations] **** 1400-1500 KUNI SEASON`S GRIOT 1400-XXXX KPBX BACKFIRE! 1406-1459 NPR TALK OF THE NATION SCIENCE FRIDAY Steve Allen on critical thinking [many stations} **** 1730-1800 CBCR1 MUCKRAKER YIR AT feed **** 1800-1900 KUNI CAPITOL STEPS 1800-XXXX WMUB MAMA & SAM TOGETHER AGAIN jazz 1830-1900 CBCR1 MUCKRAKER YIR ET feed **** 1900-2000 KUNI AMERICAN ROUTES XX CENTURY REVIEW 1900-2000 WAMU DC POLITICS HOUR bo 1930-2000 CBCR1 MUCKRAKER YIR CT feed **** 2000-2100 WAMU CAPITAL [sic] STEPS 2000-2100 WMFE THE WORLD AND HIS WIFE drama **** http://www.pbs.org/wmfe/radio.html 2006-2059 WHYY TALK OF THE NATION SCIENCE FRIDAY Steve Allen on critical thinking **** 2030-2100 CBCR1 MUCKRAKER YIR MT feed **** 2030-2130 KCRW BLACK BETTY serial concludes 2030-XXXX WFMT STAR CROSSED LOVERS simulcast WTTW 2130-2200 CBCR1 MUCKRAKER YIR PT feed **** 2200-XXXX WKARF PORTRAITS IN BLUE bo 2200-2400 KUNI WORLD CAFE boyir 2400-2500 KUOW LOST & FOUND SOUND bo **** ANY LATE ADDITIONS SINCE ORIGINAL POSTING TO THESE LISTS, IF POSSIBLE BEFORE AIRTIME, WILL BE ENTERED IN OUR WEBSITE ARCHIVE COPY AND MARKED THUS **** SO CHECK BACK FREQUENTLY. NOTE: These listings are provided *pro-arte* and do not constitute an endorsement of any particular religion by gh, a secular institution (DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** VATICAN [non]. Vatican R, via Chita, Russia, 6205.5, Dec 23 1245- 1345*, tune-in to religious programming in unID language; 1300 VR IS, into more religious pgming in lang; very weak, poor (Brian Alexander, PA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ZIMBABWE [non]. 7120 Radio VOP [via Madagascar]. What a difference a day makes! 26 December at 1700 dead air until 1701, then African singing until 1704 with heavily accented woman. Not even sure if it was English. "7120 kHz" heard. Followed by another woman not in English. At 1706 program about HIV and papilloma virus, with comment that younger and younger women are being infected. At 1709, canned ID in English, "Write to us`` at a box number I couldn`t make out in Harare. Overall a good signal. At 1730 lost to Chinese station (Walt Salmaniw, 26 December, Queen Charlotte Is, BC, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 7120, Voice of the People. What a difference a day makes again! Yesterday a good signal, but today 27 December nothing! at 1700. Glad I was listening yesterday. Propagation always fascinates me. There`s more to it than just the A and K indices and solar flux, as there`s not a big difference between yesterday and today`s numbers (Salmaniw, Queen Charlotte Is, BC, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###