DX LISTENING DIGEST 0-162, December 22, 2000 edited by Glenn Hauser, wghauser@hotmail.com {Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. For restrixions and searchable 2000 archive contents see} http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/Dxldmid.html ** AFGHANISTAN/CANADA. New web site radioafghanistan.com | Text of "World of Radio" report via WWCR radio on 21 December [Presenter, Glenn Hauser] The Clandestine Radio Watch team draws our attention to http://www.radioafghanistan.com which is a new non- profit organization focused on broadcasting and streaming Afghan music. I've enjoyed hearing some of that myself. They say watch this site as the political situation in Kabul develops. There is a good chance the Afghan opposition will begin to use the web more as time progresses and there is great expectation that the new administration in Washington will employ the tools of public diplomacy to reach Afghanis directly through radio and the internet. [The domain name radioafghanistan.com is registered by Nazmedia.com of Toronto, Canada] Source: WWCR radio, Nashville, in English 2130 gmt 21 Dec 00 (BBCM via DXLD) ** AUSTRALIA. RA programming is undergoing major changes, not only for Xmas but for summer holidays. Asia Pacific will be off for 3 weeks; World Today for 4 weeks; and RPM(?) for two weeks, to return in a shortened form. Substituting will be current affairs and education specials, repeated Margaret Throsby interviews, etc. RA will carry R National special Xmas day from various locations around the country for 11 hours, commencing at 2200 UT Dec 24 (John Westland, RA Feedback, 2110 UT Dec 22, notes by gh for DXLD) For the latest RA program scheduling and content previews in detail, (as well as for RNZI) consult John A. Figliozzi`s postings on swprograms. Non-subscribers may read this group via http://www.topica.com/lists/swprograms/read (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CANADA. Glenn, your little one-line tip-of-the-hat to Allan McFee was brilliant. Thanks. Just the one well-thought out reference to vacuumland said it all for me, made me realize just how much I had appreciated listening to Eclectic Circus all those nights while studying. Funny, sometimes you don't have to use lots of words to get the sentiment correct. Cheers, (Eric Floden, Vancouver, Dec 21, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CANADA. [Re: LBH on 17865 via Sackville] I talked to people...and there was great surprise to hear this. First guess is that it was some sort of feed mix-up at Merlin in London. I'll keep you posted. 73- (Bill Westenhaver, RCI, Dec 21, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Good morning! Well, there have been messages back and forth across the Atlantic, and it definitely was a mixup in feeds before the feeds got to Montréal. Merlin says that all should be OK for the ROI feed today 73- (Bill Westenhaver, RCI, Dec 22, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Yes, Dec 22, ORF back at 1600 German, 1630 English (gh and Mike Barraclough, England, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 22 Dec. 0900 R Rebelde, once again is polluting the 60mb, with a number of very powerful and distorted spurious signals, from their primary freq of 5025. This time on USB: 4990, 4960, 4925, and the LSB counterparts on 5060, 5095, and 5125. The TX is also creating an intermittent second harmonic on 10050. The harmonic is only fair, here in TN, but that freq is probably, close to, or over the MUF for propagation from that region, at this time of day. Glenn, have you seen this harmonic reported outside the Americas? I have been hearing it here, on and off since the 15th of Dec (David Hodgson, TN, DX LISTENING DIGEST) I think not (gh) ** CUBA. RHC 6000 at 0100, hindered by 5995 VOA English until 0159*. Then 6000 rules, 11705-USB pretty good; it may drop a bit by 0300 at times. 9820 poor to fair. At 0400, BBC 6005 has some splash on RHC (Bob Thomas, CT, Dec 18, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** HOPI NATION. Glenn, KUYI is *88.1, not 89.1, per FMedia!s more recent than your "M Street Radio Directory." I have e-mailed them to try to find out if KUYI is stereo or not. I carefully defined stereo, as "your radio's stereo light should come on, and you should hear the music with left-right audio separation." As ever, (bruce elving, MN, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Later: they confirm it is stereo! Ha, I thought KNAU said ``88.1`` but it took me by surprise and I was not recording, then found 89.1 in MSD... Yes, I figured your first priority would be to determine stereophony... BTW, you should also keep track of which stations have true stereo on their webcasts, which does not necessarily correlate with what they do on FM. Ah, somebody bit, informing me that HOPI NATION is actually part of the USA. As you may not have noticed, I tend to be generous in recognizing ``countries`` as headers in this publication. The more, the merrier! Since I don`t keep my own heard or verified totals, I am being totally altruistic; but it seems odd that Keepers of Country Lists have not chosen to recognize each and every First Nation entity in North America as (at least potentially) an individual radio country (gh, Indian Territory, DXLD) ** IRAN [non]. CLANDESTINE from IRAQ to IRAN: 7070, Sedaye Mojahed is still on. I have heard this channel in Arizona just prior to 1407 close down, such as on Dec 9th. Also heard in the UK at around 2000. Jammer is a real pain on this one, seems to be in both sidebands as well as AM. Take care as the Iraqis are also using this channel to relay Radio Iraq International. Heard at 2124 on Dec 12 with long speech in Arabic praising of Saddam and an ID at 2133 (Hans Johnson, Dec 12-15, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** KOREA SOUTH [non]. RKI at 1130 English on 9650 has been poor. One malady, VOA English on 9645. It easily spars with the Sackville relay (Bob Thomas, CT, Dec 18, DX LISTENING DIGEST) That`s Thailand beamed 130 degrees, theoretically not a problem in ENAm. Later in the UT day, 9645 shifts to Sri Lanka, Morocco. Looks like RKI should use Thailand to reach you... (Glenn Hauser) 9645 1100 1400 VOA P ENGL UDO 04 130 (IBB via gh, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MAURITANIA. Radio Mauritania pounds into the UK in the evening hours on 4845. The signal is the strongest in the band. Modulation and stability are fine. I think it is safe to conclude that this is the new 250 kW transmitter that Thomcast was to install for them (Hans Johnson, Dec 14-15, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** OKLAHOMA. Now we finally know why Chisholm Trail Broadcasting swapped calls with 1640 CP so that 96.9 be KMMZ: Singing but legal ID at local noon Dec 22: ``Memoriez, 96.9, KMMZ Enid-Oklahoma City``. But what could be the significance of the ugly KMKZ applying for now to 1640? Most novel, and ultimately most accurate accompanying hypothetical slogans/non-IDs will be recognized here. I start the balls rolling with ``Keeping My Khakis Zipped`` (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PARAGUAY. UT Fri Dec 15 at 0000 I checked 9735 which Vilnius is supposed to be testing to NAm, 0030 in English. I had Spanish dominate with play-by-play soccer/football! ¡¡Gooooall!! 9735 doesn`t work for me. Later: ID jingle with music too fast. I think it`s R. Nacional del Paraguay. This knocks off R. Vilnius and its test, attempt to use its own site instead of thrice-as-costly DTK relay. They also take phone calls on sports topics, probably also active before 0000, for several hours. Checked 9735 again Dec 16. Music, songs and merriment unlike yesterday`s play-by-play sports. At *0300- 0330* 9735 is Wales Radio International [UT Sat ONLY -gh] (Bob Thomas, CT, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ROMANIA. RRI, 7195 remains best choice for most of us. At 0200, 9570 has CRI via Cuba in Chinese, also 0100 in English. RRI sometimes makes it on 11830 and 11940. At 0400, RRI on 9570 hindered by VOA 9575; 11830 may/may not make it or show up, and 11940 is not in use (Bob Thomas, CT, Dec 14, DX LISTENING DIGEST) As I said, I find RRI best at 2300 on 7195 tho with some ham QRM, but it is intended for WEu. Parallel 9570 covered by CRI via Cuba. Also 11940 bleak if there. Too much QRN. Latter two beamed to NAm (Bob Thomas, CT, Dec 18, DX LISTENING DIGEST) From the vantage point of Romania, there is little if any difference in azimuth between UK and ENAm. One can only wonder if the target distinxions they make are imaginary, or based on something more concrete such as vertical takeoff angles, controlling MUF at the far end, etc. (gh) ** RUSIA. Para quienes necesitan a Voz de Rusia en español, llega muy bien a las 0100 TU en 9860, dropando un poco por las 0130; paralelo 7125 también muy bueno y suele quedarse así; un poco de splach desde 7130 (Roberto Tomás, Connécticut, Dic. 13, freely translated by gh, para Compendio de Escuchas DX) ** RUSSIA. Found VOR in English on 9475 at 0400 \\ 7125. It`s not on 9475 or 9860 at 0300. Quality of 9475 varies from VG to pitiful. 7125 VG at 0400 (Bob Thomas, CT, Dec 13, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUSSIA. This holiday season Radio Center from Moscow (1485 kHz, 40 kW) once again will be carrying two special broadcasts targeted at DX-listeners worldwide. First broadcast will start on Dec 24 at 2130 UT and last until 0400 in the morning on Dec 25. The second broadcast will be on the air on Dec 31 from 2130 until 0400, Jan 1. All dates and times are UT! Both transmissions will be conducted mainly in Russian with frequent English announcements and some English or bilingual (English/Russian) features. The first broadcast will have lots of Christmas music. The second broadcast shall feature an extended version of a DX-program "Moscow Calling." The listeners will hear some of the interviews conducted by R. Center's program director Andrei Nekrasov during his visits to such North American stations as WJCR, KNLS, VoA, FEBC, WYFR, RCI, etc. (Many interviews were conducted in English with Russian interpretation.) During these special broadcasts R. Center will especially welcome phone calls from overseas DXers wishing to report the quality of reception in their area and to congratulate their Russian colleagues live on the air. Phone # is 7-095-247-2351. An English/Russian interpreter will be present during both broadcasts. Andrei Nekrasov promises not to put the overseas callers on hold and, in case of a pre-recorded feature, to interrupt it for your greetings (Sergei Sosedkin, MI, Dec 21, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SWEDEN. Radio Sweden/Teracom test 7 October 2000: 9495 & 15245 kHz. Full-data "Hörby Station" card, Radio Sweden schedule & Teracom book in 74 days for an E-mail report. Signer illegible (Bill Flynn, OR, Dec 22, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TAIWAN (?). New Star Broadcasting, 15388, Dec 4 0805 tune in, repeated phrases or numbers in Chinese, 0810 off abruptly. Not sure if anyone really knows the purpose of this station, but has been around on and off for many years. Site thought to be Taiwan (Craig Seager, Bathurst NSW, Dec Australian DX News via DXLD) ** TAIWAN [non]. RTI to us at 0200 on 5950 has co-channel QRM [whence? Guyanese?]. At 0300 RFI 5945 splashes. \\ 9680 poor to fair, 9675 RAI Italy splash, even at 0200 (Bob Thomas, CT, Dec 18, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** THAILAND. 1575, VOA Bangkok taped Dec 17 1143-1157 and Dec 18 1138-1147 -- with monologs in Oriental language separated by musical interludes. In parallel with VOA Burmese service from Sri Lanka on 9890 and 11850 kHz. It is very difficult establishing a parallel where you have a very weak signal in an unfamiliar language and no distinctive music or other characteristics, but I am 95% sure in this case. I hope others with better locations and low noise antennas will try for this one. However, conditions may not hold up very long. Prior to the last two weeks, monitoring TP frequencies daily for eight years, I only heard this station well enough to tape audio twice, Feb 20, 1995, and Feb 1, 1998. Now four times in two weeks. Peak reception was Dec 17 1145-1149. I would be glad to copy this for anyone who wants to send me a blank cassette. This segment includes switching back and forth between 1575 and 11850 kHz (Raymond Moore, FL; R8, 23" passive MW loop, 23" tuned SW passive loop. rsmcomm@usa.net NRC International DX Digest via DXLD] A second receiver for SW, even a cheap one, would facilitate parallelization. BTW, my NGS globe shows the Key Largo/Bangkok path within a very few degrees of trans-polar, not trans-Pacific, so it ought to be equally, if not more feasible (aside from QRM concerns) further north in North America. What bearing does this signal loop for you? We are speaking of grayline, or near-grayline, so could it actually be arriving from the south, or is it totally skewed? (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** UKRAINE. UT Thu Dec 14 at 0100, found RUI English to NAm dismal on 9385. YL on with ``echo, tango, oscar,`` etc. I`ve also heard an on/off/on jammer on frequency. Somebody wants 9385! UT Dec 15: 9385, pitiful, sometimes jammed for portion or all. There`s a YL on/off with ``word code`` (lima, xray, xray, sierra, lima, tango etc.). A couple of times reasonable reception/audio but only lasted halfway. Utterly dismal at 0130. Sometimes no show here. Scratching on 9385 at 0100, S minus 1, absolutely useless! Dec 17: 9385 runs hot and cold; good one day and poor/unusable the next at 0100. Has not been good at 0400. Jammer gave up? Has not QRMed as co-channel. UT Dec 19, RUI at 0100 on 9385 heard best, 3-4 4444 until 0127 when QSB and downhill 1-2.5 4333. Slight co-channel. Continued to degrade (Bob Thomas, CT, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U K. BBCWS Previews: PLAY OF THE WEEK Eu: Sun 0001, 1701 Am: Sun 0001, Mon 0630 The Lady Vanishes, dramatised by Neville Teller, 1 x 60 min Dec 23-24 One of Alfred Hitchcock`s most famous early film successes was the 1938 comedy adventure thriller, The Lady Vanishes, based on the classic novel of suspense by Ethel Lina White, The Wheel Spins. It is the late 1930s and the forthcoming world war casts its shadow across Europe. Iris Carr (Jenny Funnell) is travelling alone on the continent, having visited a remote mid-European country, Zabrovinia, and is returning to England on an express train where she meets a pleasant, garrulous, middle-aged Englishwoman in the railway carriage, Miss Froy (Renee Asherson). Iris drops off to sleep. When she wakes up, Miss Froy has disappeared, and her very existence is denied by the other passengers. Iris is slowly driven towards admitting that Miss Froy is nothing but a delusion. And yet a couple of tiny clues support her insistence that Miss Froy exists and that something sinister has befallen her. The play is directed by Andy Jordan. FESTIVAL OF NINE LESSONS AND CAROLS from King`s College, Cambridge Sunday Dec 24 1502-1630, ALL STREAMS and on many US public radios, some of which and/or delay it, as we shall later see HM THE QUEEN`S XMAS MESSAGE TO THE COMMONWEALTH COMPLETE SCHEDULE Dec 25-26: WAf: Mon 2105, Tue 0205 Eu : Mon 2005, Tue 0205 E&SAf: Mon 1805, Tue 0205 ME : Mon 1805, Tue 0205 SAs: Mon 1605 EAs: Mon 1105 Ams: Tue 0205 [BBC On Air via Chris Hambly] OMNIBUS Eu: Tue 0405, Thu 1430, Sat 2230 Am: Tue 0405, Thu 2030, Fri 0630 Up in Flames, 1 x 25/30 min from Mon Dec 25 Bestselling author Michael Dibdin uses fact and a fictional character, Venetian detective Aurelio Zen, to unravel the past, the present and the future of the most beautiful opera house in Europe, La Fenice. On the night of 29th January 1996, Venice`s neo-classical opera house La Fenice was destroyed by fire. As dawn broke, wisps of smoke rose from the charred remains of the ruined building and rumours began to circulate -- was this arson or an accident? La Fenice`s auditorium was a delicious confection of scarlet, blue and gold decoration with near perfect acoustics. The theatre where works by Verdi, Stravinsky and Britten were first performed was loved the world over by musicians, celebrities, and tourists. And they all came forward to pledge money and support for the reconstruction of La Fenice. But four years after the fire, La Fenice is still a building site, the walls resounding to the sound of Venetian workmen shouting as their jack hammers clean up the charred brickwork. Every Venetian has an opinion on what happened the night of the fire and Michael Dibdin`s fictional detective, Aurelio Zen listens to many of them, from the Vigile del Fuoco, the firemen, that struggled to douse the inferno, to the restaurant owners who ply their trade next to the burnt-out building. Up in Flames combines the music and drama of opera with the intrigue and storytelling of a crime thriller, set in the eternal city, Venice. The producer is Leo Krushelnycky (BBC Press Office via DX LISTENING DIGEST; times from BBC On Air via Chris Hambly) ** U K. If anyone knew how to make tea, I'm sure it's the staff of the BBC. Not necessarily so, according to this from the news wires: LONDON, Dec 22 - Fresh from issuing a memo telling staff how to use revolving doors, Britain`s public broadcaster has given staff a seven-part guide on how to boil a kettle. Workers at Radio Sheffield were stunned when they went to make a cup of tea with their new electric kettle and were confronted by the two-page memo telling them step by step how to brew up, The Sun reported today. The guide, called Use of Kettle, has separate sections titled Filling, Fitting the Lid, Positioning and Connection, Switching On, Boiling, Pouring, Cleaning and General. There is also explicit advice on how to pour the water on to the teabag. The guide says: "Remove lid from kettle and fill kettle with water. Replace lid after filling or kettle will not switch off automatically once boiled. Water level is only correct when kettle is horizontal. "The knob on the lid should be at a right angle to the handle, i.e. on the near side of the kettle to you. This directs steam away from the handle and the user." The BBC said the memo was designed to prevent accidents. "The instructions are a bit on the long side. But the kitchen at Radio Sheffield is now probably the safest place in the country to make a cuppa," spokesman David Holmes said (via Matt Francis, Canberra, AUSTRALIA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Making tea is not that easy. Would you believe some restaurants around here bring a cup of warm water and a teabag, expecting one to plop the bag into the warm tap water, rather than pouring hot water through it???!!! (gh, Okie) ** U S A. Some WWCR holiday specials: The Greatest Gift, with John Tesh: UT Fri Dec 22 0600 on 3210 UT Sun Dec 24 0800 on 5070 UT Tue Dec 26 0200 on 3215 Twelve Days of Xmas, with Jack Burns [not the comedian...] Fri Dec 22 0700-0900 on 5070 Sat Dec 23 1200-1400 on 5070 Sun Dec 24 1200-1400 on 5070 Salvation Army Special, with Kenny Rogers Sun Dec 24 2130-2200 on 12160 Afterglow Xmas Special Mon Dec 25 1030 on 5070 Ask WWCR, scheduled at numerous times for the next two weeks, has staffers with Xmas greetings; also ondemand via http://www.wwcr.com (Dawn, WWCR, Dec 21, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Webcasting Public Radio stations holiday specials for SATURDAY DECEMBER 23; ALL TIMES HERE ONLY ARE CENTRAL = UT MINUS 6. NOTE: some additional stations have been added. Most URLs are www dot call letters dot org; some exceptions are noted and check previous days` editions of these listings 0000-0100 KUOW BEST OF LOST & FOUND SOUND **** 0500-XXXX WUMB E-TOWN **** 0630-XXXX WYSO VOICE IN THE WILDERNESS drama 0900-1000 WUMB KLEZMER NUTCRACKER **** 1000-1100 WUMB MICKEY KATZ KING OF JEWISH MUSICAL SATIRE **** 1000-1100 WAMU CHANUKAH LIGHTS 1000-1100 WETA KLEZMER NUTCRACKER 1000-1200 KUNI WATERLOO-CEDAR FALLS SYMPOPS www.kuniradio.org 1100-1200 KANSAS RECORD SHELF Messiah www.radiokansas.org 1100-XXXX KING CLASSIC KID FM 1100-XXXX WUMB MOUNTAIN STAGE **** 1100-1400 WAMU EDDIE STUBBS country honkytonk 1200-1300 KUNI CLASSICAL GUITAR 1200-1300 WETA AMERICAN BOY CHOIR time apx 1230-1525 MANY METROPOLITAN OPERA: MERRY WIDOW 1300-1400 NWPR INLAND FOLK HOLIDAY SPECIAL 1300-1500 WETA MUSIC OF BAROQUE 1300-1500 KRWGFM AMERICAN ROUTES HOLIDAY 1300-1500 WUMB AMERICAN ROUTES HOLIDAY **** 1400-XXXX WXXIA CHANUKAH STORY 1400-XXXX WYOMING ORNAMENTS & ICING www.wyomingpublicradio.org 1400-1600 WUNC ORNAMENTS & ICING 1400-1600 KUNI MOUNTAIN STAGE 1400-1700 WAMU JERRY GRAY cowboy & western 1500-XXXX WUWF IMAGINATION WORKSHOP 2000 XMAS 1500-XXXX KING XMAS AT WASHINGTON CATHEDRAL 1500-1700 WUMB ORNAMENTS & ICING **** 1500-1700 KRWGFM WORLD CAFE HOLIDAY 1500-1800 NWPR FRESH BLEND HOLIDAY SPECIAL 1600-XXXX KBYU CLEVELAND ORCHESTRA XMAS 1600-1700 KUNI A KILTARTAN ROAD XMAS 1600-1700 KNAU JUDY COLLINS HOLIDAY FOLK TOUR 1700-1800 KPBS KLEZMER NUTCRACKER 1700-1900 KNAU ORNAMENTS & ICING 1700-1900 WUMB TOSS THE FEATHERS **** 1700-1900 MANY PRAIRIE HOME COMPANION XMAS 1800-1900 KRWGFM JUDY COLLINS HOLIDAY FOLK TOUR 1800-XXXX OPB XMAS CEILIDH [THISTLE & SHAMROCK] 1900-2000 VPR XMAS CEILIDH www.vpr.net 1900-2000 WBCQ DIFFERENT KIND OF OLDIES doowop 1900-2000 KWGS JOY TO THE WORLD 1900-2000 WETA SOME FAVORITE THINGS jazz 1900-2000 WNYCF HANUKKAH SPECIAL LARRY JOSEPHSON 1900-2000 WHYY JUDY COLLINS 1900-2030 WCNY DISTLER XMAS STORY choral 1900-2100 WMUB ORNAMENTS & ICING #1 1900-XXXX WUMB JEAN REDPATH **** 1900-XXXX WKARF AMERICAN ROUTES SOLSTICE 1900-XXXX WKSU FOLK XMAS WITH JIM BLUM 2000-2100 WBCQ MARION`S ATTIC XMAS SPL http://wbcq.com 2000-2100 KWGS JAZZ PIANO XMAS 2000-2100 WPLN BLUEGRASS BREAKDOWN 2000-2100 WUOT KLEZMER NUTCRACKER 2000-XXXX VPR MY PLACE r&b 2000-XXXX KBYU NY POPS XMAS 2100-2200 KRWGFM RIVERWALK HOLIDAY 2100-2200 KWGS BLACK GLEE CLUBS 2100-2200 WKARF PLEASURES OF WINTER 2100-XXXX KANSAS SONIC SEASONINGS 2100-XXXX WBEZ COMING HOME Blues Xmas 2100-XXXX WUOT ST OLAF FESTIVAL 2100-XXXX WYOMING TOSS THE FEATHERS 2100-2400 NWPR TRUE BLUES HOLIDAY SPECIAL 2200-XXXX WKARF JEAN REDPATH HOLIDAY CONCERT 2200-XXXX KWGS JAZZ XMAS 2200-XXXX WFUV A XMAS CAROL - ORSON WELLES 2230-XXXX WUOT SWISS XMAS 2300-XXXX WYOMING MOUNTAIN STAGE 2300-XXXX NPRN LATE IN EVENING HOLIDAY PARTY http://net.unl.edu 2300-2400 KUNI PORTRAITS IN BLUE 2300-2400 KING HARMONIA **** ANY LATE ADDITIONS SINCE ORIGINAL POSTING TO THESE LISTS, IF POSSIBLE BEFORE AIRTIME, WILL BE ENTERED IN OUR WEBSITE ARCHIVE COPY AND MARKED THUS **** SO CHECK BACK FREQUENTLY. Thanks to Bill Westenhaver, Richard Cuff, Chet Copeland, Kevin Kelly for additional references. Despite previous comment, some Xmas- episodes of regular shows are included if listed on the stations` holiday-special pages. NOTE: These listings are provided *pro-arte* and do not constitute an endorsement of any particular religion by gh, a secular institution (DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ZAMBIA. Christian Voice missing from 4965 around 1800-1830 UT Dec 22; have they moved? (Chris Hambly, Victoria, DX LISTENING DIGEST) JAMMERS, RTTY, HAMS. Dec 13: Jammer on 7315 at 0130; also on 7305, 7255, 6030, 5870, 5790, 5680, 5670 (nasty!), 5640 (nasty!). The only one I hear up on 9 MHz is 9805 as R. Martí gets trounced, at 0400. Nasty jammers on 6030 with some broadcast attempting to get through at 0300. 7315 jammer getting worse; really did a job Dec 14 at 0230. Dec 14/15: Hearing more and more RTTY and/or digital burst ops on HF. They come on a few seconds or a few minutes after a broadcast starts up (7400 and 9400 for Bulgaria, 9405 VOA, some VOG frequencies and others) and stay for 15-20, 30-45 or almost an hour. Oh! One is QRMing R. Prague at 0100 and 0200 on 6200 to NAm. So, the digital QRM you spoke of a few WORs ago has become an annoying industry! And on 40m (subject of editorial in Oct QST) the hams are adamant about using it despite SWBC also occupying; e.g. Romania English at 2300 on 7195 –- hams settle for ragchews on 7198.6 LSB. R. Slovakia Int`l 0100 English to NAm on 7230 is QRMed by hams or vice versa. (Bob Thomas, CT, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###