DX LISTENING DIGEST 0-126, October 21, 2000 edited by Glenn Hauser, wghauser@hotmail.com {Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only if full credit be maintained at all stages and we be provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. For restrixions and searchable 2000 contents archive see} http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/Dxldmid.html ** ALBANIA. B-00 ALR - 13 October 2000 Freq Strt-Stop Zones Loc kW Azm Language 6115 0245-0300 7,8 CER 100 305 ENGLISH 6115 0330-0400 7,8 CER 100 305 ENGLISH 7130 2230-2300 27 SHI 100 310 ENGLISH 7160 0245-0300 7,8 CER 100 305 ENGLISH 7160 0330-0400 7,8 CER 100 305 ENGLISH 7210 1945-2000 27 SHI 100 310 ENGLISH 9510 1945-2000 27 CER 100 310 ENGLISH 9540 2230-2300 27 CER 100 305 ENGLISH (R Tirana via Andreas Volk, Germany, Oct 18, via Wolfgang Büschel, DXLD) [gh excerpted English only; BTW, R. Tirana`s highest non- harmonic frequency is only 9575!] NOTE: this info is highly contradictory to another supposedly B-00 sked for this in DXLD 0-121! It had times as 0130, 0330, 1715 and 2230! (gh) ** ANTARCTICA. 15475 khz. LRA 36 Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel, Base Antártica Esperanza. 20:35 utc 19 de Octubre del 2000. Temas antárticos "difusión del Foro RAPAL que reune a los administradores latinoamericanos de la Antártida. Ellos son Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Ecuador, Peru y Uruguay". Seguido del espacio "Sucedió un día como Hoy" para finalizar a las 20:43 utc con una canción de rock argentino del Grupo Hit "No te portes mal" SIO 555 (Gabriel Gómez, Montevideo, Uruguay, DX LISTENING DIGEST)) ** CHINA [non]. Falun Dafa Radio in Mandarin Chinese noted on October 20: 2200-2300 on NF 12145 (53443) co-ch CNR-1, ex 12120/12140 (Observer, Bulgaria, Oct 21 via DXLD) ** COSTA RICA. RFPI will have a ``batch`` of new frequencies [like, two? hi] to announce shortly, so be prepared. Will have to move off 15050 to somewhere nearby. 6969 will be changing somewhere in the 5, 6 or 7 MHz range due to RTTY QRM. Will tune new antenna this week to new frequencies which will be registered with ITU, hoping to avoid QRM problems. Check http://www.rfpi.org/frequencies.html for latest info. Antenna feedline for 6970 had a meltdown à la Salvador Dalí. Meanwhile 15050 is 24 hours again (James Latham and Joe Bernard, RFPI Mailbag Oct 20, notes by gh for DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GERMANY. DX Information from the British DX Club (BDXC-UK). Hi All, from October 29th the Deutsche Welle in German will use 25740 kHz in the 11 m/band from Wertachtal. Times 0800-1400 UTC. Have a nice time checking the new Winter 2000/2001 frequencies! (Stefano Valianti, Italy, BDXC-UK via DXLD) ** HUNGARY. B-00 HFC 3-Oct-2000 HNG Freq Strt Stop Zones Loc kW Azm Slw Language 3975 2230-2300 28 JBR 250 0 0 English 6025 2000-2030 28 SZV 100 0 0 English 6025 2200-2230 28 SZV 100 0 0 English 7135 2000-2030 27,28NW JBR 250 288 0 English 9835 0200-0230 3,4,6-9 JBR 250 306 -10 English 9835 0330-0400 3,4,6-9 JBR 250 316 0 English (RB via Andreas Volk, Germany, Oct 18, via Wolfgang Büschel, DXLD) [gh excerpted English only; so 9835 is the only one to NAm. BTW, RB has no frequencies in the 13, 15, and 17 MHz bands, but has one on 21 MHz, 21560 in Hungarian 1100-1200(Sun -1300) toward Middle East] ** IRAN: Winter B-00 schedule of The Voice of The Islamic Republic of Iran (VOIROI) [VIRI]: ARABIC (VOICE OF ISLAMIC PALESTINIAN REVOLUTION) 03.30 - 04.27 7250, 9610 19.30 - 20.27 6020, 6065, 6200, 7115, 9860, 13800 ARABIC (VOICE OF ISLAMIC REVOLUTION OF IRAQ) 03.30 - 05.27 6145, 7100, 7295, 9535 EBRI (NEW LANGUAGE MAYBE HEBREW!!!) 04.30 - 04.57 9830, 11985 19.00 - 19.27 7175, 7255 ENGLISH 00.30 - 01.27 6065, 6135, 9022 11.00 - 12.27 15185, 15385, 15585, 21470, 21730 15.30 - 16.27 7115, 9635, 11775 19.30 - 20.27 6110, 7215, 9022 21.30 - 22.27 9780, 11740 GERMAN 07.30 - 08.27 15084, 21775 17.30 - 18.27 6180, 7295, 9022, 9500 FRENCH 06.30 - 07.27 17590, 21645, 21775 18.30 - 19.27 6180, 7135, 7295, 9022, 9535, 9755 23.30 - 00.27 6135, 7260, 9022 PERSIAN 00.00 - 06.27 15084 01.30 - 03.57 7275 07.30 - 11.57 15084 10.30 - 10.57 15115 10.30 - 11.27 17785 10.30 - 11.57 13695 13.00 - 23.57 15084 17.30 - 18.27 9765 20.30 - 21.27 7105 20.30 - 21.27 9775 SPANISH 00.30 - 01.27 6020, 9515, 9650 01.30 - 02.27 6020, 6135, 9515, 9650 02.30 - 03.27 6065 05.30 - 06.27 17590, 17785 20.30 - 21.27 6005, 9022 (Observer, Bulgaria, Oct 21 via DXLD; gh excerpted certain languages) ** ISRAËL. The html Winter schedule valid October 29, 2000 - March 25, 2001 is now available at: http://www.israelradio.org/winter00.html (Daniel Rosenzweig, October 19, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ISRAËL: Galei Zahal Radio in Hebrew noted on October 19, 20, 21: 1600-0700 (time vary) on NF 6983-6986 (55544), ex 2442v 0700-1600 (time vary) on 15783-15786 (55544) (Ivo and Anguel, Observer, Bulgaria, via DXLD) ** LIBERIA. Cumbre DX Special 316.1 October 19, 2000 Re: LIBERIA. Jim Moats says the new GJA sked is up, and we find: 6280.0 KVOH LIBERIA 2000-1000 1029-0325A C Africa 10.0 75 11530.0 KVOH LIBERIA 1000-2000 1029-0325A C AFRICA 10.0 75 (George Jacobs & Associates B-00 schedule via Hauser DXLD) Mr. McDevitt, Marketing Director for High Adventure, told Cumbre DX the following about this operation: High Adventure confirms they are planning to start broadcasts from Liberia, 10 kW on shortwave, 50 kW on AM. They plan to use FM as well and maybe some TV. High Adventure doesn't anticipate any problems getting the licenses, but they do still have to get the equipment into Liberia and raise some additional finances. They do not anticipate being on the air until the start of 2001. When asked about why they are going into Liberia (given the government crackdown of Star Radio and Radio Veritas as well as the fact that ELWA has literally been burned out of the country twice) Mr. McDevitt replied, "We go where the Lord wants us to go." (via Hans Johnson, AZ, Oct 19, Cumbre DX Special via DXLD) ** LITHUANIA. Hello colleagues, unfortunately I must report that the jazz radio station Spiritus Movens has been sold to another person. The new owner discontinued rebroadcasting of all programs except daily news in Lithuanian from RAI International, Italy. Spiritus Movens broadcasts in Vilnius on FM, 99.3 MHz, with a 24h jazz format. It rebroadcast several programs for DXers from major international broadcasters [including WORLD OF RADIO], as well as programs in Esperanto, Radio Finland's weekly news in Latin and some other programs. These are all gone now. At present I am looking for possibilities to arrange the same rebroadcasts with another station in Vilnius. 73 de (Sigitas Zilionis, DX editor, Vilnius, Lithuania dx@is.lt Oct 20, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MALTA [non]. ITALY/MALTA: Updated B-00 schedule of Voice of Mediterranean via tx in Rome 100 kW, non-dir (c.f. OBSERVER#89): 0600-0630 Mon-Sat in Italian on NF 6010, instead of registered 5995/7150 0630-0700 Mon-Sat in Arabic on NF 6010, instead of registered 5995/7150 0700-0730 Mon-Sat in English on NF 6010, instead of registered 5995/7150 0800-0900 Sun only in Italian on 11770 0900-1000 Sun only in English on 11770 1000-1100 Sun only in Maltese on 11770 1100-1200 Sun only in French on 11770 1200-1300 Sun only in German on 11770 73 from Ivo and Anguel! (Observer, Bulgaria, Oct 21 via DXLD) ** MÉXICO. Dear friends: I happened to hear a new frequency yesterday from Radio México Internacional which led me to contact its manager, Licenciada Ana Cristina del Razo, who has confirmed for me that they have taken 5985 kHz off the air and have started testing on 11770 with the intention of replacing 5985 with it. She commented that they would be testing for several days and if results are good, they will definitely change to the new frequency. In any event, this new frequency is heard with better quality. So please spread this news to your colleagues and friends, send reception reoprts quickly. The frequency of 11770 is testing practically all day long. Reports to: Radio México Int. A.P. 21-300 04021 México, D.F. or to E-mail: rmi@eudoramail.com Cordial 73 from Tepic. (Iván López Alegría, Nayarit DX Club member #1, Oct 19, translated by gh for DX LISTENING DIGEST) I immediately tuned this in at 2105 UT Oct 19, and there it was, fair signal and better at this hour than \\ 9705; but some splash from DGS Anguilla 11775. Later checks and on Oct 20 found 11775 a problem especially during musical breaks; and we also heard Italian chirping bleeding over from Ascension 11765, as those high pitches always do on adjacent frequencies. Oct 21 at 0451, 11770 was still on, but their tape was snagging and running slow with a horrible effect on the music and speech. Now 11775 with Martí and jamming is an annoyance on the side. RMI also audible on 9705 but way under WYFR Spanish mailbag there. We remember 11770 (as well as 15430 and 17765) being used years ago by XERMX. BTW, tho we do not expect to make a practice of it, since this item barely missed the deadline for DXLD 0-125, news about this was posted immediately on our What`s New page, http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/Anomaly.html (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NETHERLANDS [non]. Hi everyone, Just to let you know that the final B00 operational schedule of Radio Netherlands has been posted on the Web at http://www.rnw.nl/realradio/html/scheduleb00.html It includes an additional broadcast of the Democratic Voice of Burma at 2330-2355 UTC from Madagascar (50kW) on 11820kHz, beamed 55 degrees. (Andy Sennitt, Radio Netherlands, hard-core-dx via DXLD) Interesting items from RN`s new B-00 schedule: RN has one new relay via Sackville, for Dutch to N&CAm 0130-0225 on 6020, 240 degrees, 250 kW. This is apparently in exchange for RCI via Madagascar, 1800-1855 on 13640, 300 degrees, 200 kW to E&S Africa (language not given, presumably French). The only `clandestines` shown, via Mad are: 1430-1455 17485 DVOB 55 degrees, 50 kW 1458-1525 17490 IBC Tamil 55 degrees, 50 kW Nothing about V. of the People, for Zimbabwe, which is hardly secret any more thanks to RN`s own acknowledgment months ago. Presumably it is still on 7215 at 1715-1745, 1900-1930 (Glenn Hauser, DXLD) ** PARAGUAY. 8921, Radio Primero de Marzo, Asunción (780 kHz in mediumwave). Frequency for technique connexion with external team transmission!!!!!!. 1041-1055. USB mode. Transmission of cars rally from Chaco Paraguayo ----it`s the XXVII Transchaco Rally. 34433. Tnx to Marcelo Cornachioni, of Argentine, for the discovery! (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina, October 15, Cumbre DX Oct 20 via DXLD) Too bad we didn`t have this a week ago. I assume it is finished by now; make a note for next year? (gh, DXLD) ** SIERRA LEONE. 3316, SLBS 2140-2220* Oct 12, advertisements and promos at tune-in; with phrases like: "...the home of computers and office equipment. Your satisfaction is absolutely guaranteed". ID and TC at 2155, followed by EZL instrumental music. At ToH, TC, drums and ID, followed by their national news. Audio was abruptly cutoff at the end of the news. SINPO 32333 on an excellent African late afternoon (Maroti György, NY Cumbre DX via DXLD) ToH = top of hour ** SOMALIA. Radio Hargeisa tells Cumbre DX that their latest schedule is as follows: 0300-0600 on 7120 or 6843. 0930-1200 on 6843, 7120, or 7530. 1400-1800 on 6843, 7120, or 7530 (via Johnson Oct 18, Cumbre DX via DXLD) Does this mean there is one transmitter or two? (gh) ###