DX LISTENING DIGEST 0-118, October 3, 2000 edited by Glenn Hauser, wghauser@hotmail.com {Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only providing full credit be maintained at all stages, and we are provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission. For restrixions and searchable 2000 contents archive see} http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/Dxldmid.html CONTINENT OF MEDIA 00-08. New October edition has been produced and may appear on RFPI as early as Wed Oct 4 1730. Topic summary will soon be posted at http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/com0008.html NETS TO YOU. New October edition by John Norfolk has now been posted at http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/nets2you.html ** ANGOLA. 11954.78, `Tis the season again for Radio Nacional Angola to be heard here in the Pacific northwest. Fair signal with Portuguese easy listening music and talk at 2338 Oct 1 (Walt Salmaniw, Victoria BC, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** AUSTRIA: Esquema final de emisiones en idioma esperanto de Radio Austria Internacional, el cual desaparcerá a partir de[l fin de] Octubre 2000: HORA UTC DIAS KHZ 0004-0030 Lunes 9870, 13730 0405-0430 Lunes 6155, 13730 0805-0830 Domingo 6155, 13730 1005-1030 Domingo 21650, 21765 1205-1230 Domingo 6155, 13730 2005-2030 Domingo 13730 2330-2400 Domingo 6155 La última emisión será verificada con una tarjeta QSL especial. QTH: ORF, Radio Austria Internacional, A-1136, Viena, Austria. E-mail: roi.service@orf.at (Esquema de la emisora via Marcelo Cornachioni, Conexión Digital via DXLD) ** BELARUS. 11959.98, Radio Stolitsa. Nice ID at 0350 Sept 30, even though my records didn't indicate weekend use. In presumed Belarussian. ID at 0400, but rapidly fading after (Walt Salmaniw, Victoria BC, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BELGIUM. RVI B-00 schedule for English programs: 0400-0430 NAm 11985 (via Bonaire) 0800-0830 Eu 5985 1130-1200 EAs 9865 (via Russia) 1230-1300 Eu 9925 1830-1900 Eu 5910 9925 13710 2230-2300 NAm 13660 (Bonaire) (Cees van Oudheusden, Electronic DX Press Oct 2 via DXLD) ** CHINA [non]. Glenn, I see you have reproduced an article by Nick Grace concerning whether Falun Gong Radio is a clandestine. I have sent a response to Nick (webmaster@clandestineradio.com), which you may find of interest. It reads as follows:- Nick, I disagree with your contention that Falun Gong Radio is not a clandestine station. First, you cannot arbitrarily separate religion from politics. The Falun Gong sees itself as a rival to the Communist Party in the struggle to win the hearts and minds of the Chinese people. Not surprisingly, the Communist Party, whose ideology is rooted in Marxist materialism, sees this as a threat. Quite obviously there is an ideological struggle going on between two, radically different, outlooks. For this reason it is incredibly naive to say, as you do, that "Politics and power, however, are not part of the Falun Gong/Dafu's mission." Secondly, the Falun Gong has not revealed where it is transmitting from and over whose facilities. In my book, secrecy surrounding the location of a transmitter is one element defining a clandestine station. Thirdly, we do not know who is financing the station. Does it receive money, clandestinely, from the United States government or from a "private foundation" wholly or partially controlled by Washington, in the manner of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty during the first phase of their existence? If it is in receipt of secret funds from US government-supported bodies, that would be another obvious reason for describing the station as clandestine. Fourthly, it is not unknown for stations with a political motive to claim to by apolitical. Take, for example, the Christian Peace Movement station, run by the Germans during World War Two but pretending to be a dissident Christian anti-war station operating in secret from the UK. Then, of course, there was the British clandestine station "Christus der König", broadcasting to Germany between 1942 and 1944 under the pretext of being a devotional German station run by priests. I do not doubt that the Falun Gong movement is a home-grown Chinese organisation. But that does not mean that Falun Gong radio is non- political, nor does it mean that its radio station is free of foreign influence and funding of a clandestine nature. There is nothing inherently discreditable about the term "clandestine radio". It simply means that the stations concerned are, in some way, secret, whether in terms of their location, sponsorship, funding or motive. Whether you support the views of the Falun Gong or not, I think you have to admit that there are clearly clandestine elements to the station. I will only accept that it is not clandestine if (a) it reveals where it is transmitting from and who is running it, (b) if it reveals the sources of its funding, and (c) if it can persuade me that it is non-political, i.e. if it could prove that it has not set itself up as an opposition force preaching a rival and incompatible political ideology to that of the ruling party. I believe that Falun Gong Radio is incapable of satisfactorily meeting any of those requirements and should, therefore, be regarded - whether one supports it, opposes it or has no view about it - as being clandestine. (Roger Tidy, UK, Oct 2, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CROATIA. Despite a recent message announcing the closure of SW relays of the Domestic Service as of October 01, the relays from Croatia on 6165, 7365, 9830 and 13830 are still going strong! I heard them yesterday morning and this evening in Denmark. Best 73, (Anker Petersen, Oct 3, Electronic DX Press via DXLD) ** IRAQ. 11787.0, Good signal at 1946 Oct 1, with ID in English: "This is Baghdad, Radio Iraq International". In German when rechecked at 2003 (Walt Salmaniw, Victoria BC, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KINGMAN REEF. Path: barf80!news. From: Garry & Yelena {ni6t@intuitive.com}. Subject: Kingman Reef Update, 25 September Preparations continue at an accelerating pace for the Kingman Reef DXpedition in October. The ICOM IC756Pro radios have arrived in Honolulu, as have the diesel generators. The antennas (Force 12 and Cushcraft), amplifiers (Alpha and our own) and cables (Davis RF) are on the way. The motor schooner Machias is being prepared for the journey---she departs 8 days earlier than us. Site planning is almost complete. Our web site is coming along nicely, under the capable hand of Don, N1DG. Check us out at http://www.qsl.net/krpdxg. And check back daily, as more info is added. Financial support is coming in from foundations, clubs and individuals. We thank everyone who has helped us so far---don't stop now! Contributions should be sent to Tom Harrell, N4XP, 2011 New High Shoals Rd., Watkinsville, GA 30677. We are pleased to announce the appointment of Dave Batcho, N5JHV as Six Meter Pilot. Our other pilots are Tosi, JA3AAW (JA and Asia), Bill, K6GNX (North America) and Klaus, DL1XX (Europe). Mike, KH6ND, The Palmyra QSO Machine, returned to Honolulu from Palmyra for a respite. He has almost 22,000 QSO's in the log as KH6ND/KH5! Mike plans to return to Palmyra today--the 25th. QSL's for KH6ND/KH5 go to K4TSJ. For the Kingman Reef/Palmyra DX Group Garry Shapiro, NI6T Frequency Plan For The 3B6RF Operation (October 8-24th) Band CW SSB RTTY/PSK31 -------------------------------------------------------- 160 1827-1829 Tx No Op No Op 1834-1855 Rx -------------------------------------------------------- 80 3500.5-3502.5 Tx 3620-3625 Tx No Op 3512.0-3540.0 Rx 3630-3650 Rx -------------------------------------------------------- 75 No Op 3800 Tx No Op 3805-3820 Rx -------------------------------------------------------- 40 7005-7007 Tx 7060-7065 Tx No Op 7012-7024 Rx 7070-7180 Rx 7025 Tx (USA)7100 Tx 7027-7035 Rx (USA)7150-7170 Rx -------------------------------------------------------- 30 10103-10105.5 Tx No Op No Op 10107-10125 Rx -------------------------------------------------------- 20 14023-14025 Tx 14190-14195 Tx 14080 Up 5-10kHz Tx 14027-14040 Rx 14200-14220 Rx 14085-14095 Rx -------------------------------------------------------- 17 18072-18074 Tx 18140-18145 Tx No Op 18079-18090 Rx 18150-18170 Rx -------------------------------------------------------- 15 21023-21025 Tx 21290-21295 Tx 21080 Tx 21027-21040 Rx 21300-21320 Rx 21085-21095 Rx -------------------------------------------------------- 12 24893-24895 Tx 24940-24945 Tx No Op 24899-24910 Rx 24950-24970 Rx -------------------------------------------------------- 10 28023-28025 Tx 28465-28470 Tx 28080 Tx 28027-28040 Rx 28480-28500 Rx 28085-28100 Rx 28003-28005 Tx 28008-28025 Rx -------------------------------------------------------- 6 50102 Tx 50145 Tx No Op 50107-50120 Rx 50150-50170 Rx (watch 28.885) -------------------------------------------------------- Satellite: AO-10 Mode B Uplink 435.030 - 435.180 CW/LSB Downlink 145.975 - 145.825 CW/USB Beacon 145.810 CW Our downlink frequency will be 145.900 MHz, +/- QRM. In the case of heavy pile-up we will listen 5up and in the case of heavy QRM on our first frequency we will use 145.920 MHz. RS-12/13 Mode KT Uplink 21.210 - 21.250 CW/USB Mode K Downlink 29.410 - 29.450 CW/USB Mode T Downlink 145.910 - 145.950 CW/USB Beacons 29.408 CW and 145.908 CW RS-15 Mode A Uplink 145.858 - 145.898 CW/USB Downlink 29.354 - 29.394 CW/USB Beacons 29.3525 CW and 29.3987 CW (via KB8NW/OPDX October 2/BARF80 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MAURITANIA. On 783 kHz, R. Mauritanie, Nouakchott - Formerly on 1349, this is the Arabic-language station with anthem and s/off at 0100 hesitantly reported as Syria. Mauno Ritola of Finland IDed it parallel 4845.4 SW. The 2000 WRTH correctly lists s/off at 0100, but also that in June 2000 this was supposed to move to 739 kHz [Bruce Conti, NH, NRC International DX Digest Sept 22 via DXLD] Is booming in here nightly - much better than I ever had them on 1349. In fact it was almost impossible for me to get any audio on 1349 even when they had a strong carrier. Have not noted much else of interest so far this season but have not done much listening [Al Merriman, VA, NRC International DX Digest Sept 22 via DXLD] ** PAPUA NEW GUINEA. Bandscan morning of the 23 Sept yielded the following: (times 1030 to 1230 time period). 2410 Radio Enga. Nothing at 1030, but weak audio by 1121, and carrying on past 1230. Radio play at 1152. Somewhat muffled. 3205 Radio Sandaun. Not heard. Used to be one of the strongest PNG. 3220 Radio Morobe. Possible. Weak audio heard. 3235 Radio West New Britain. Good signal in Pidgin, with program details for independance weekend. "program now", "celebration", "number one", "thank you God". 3245 Radio Gulf. Not heard. 3260 Radio Madang. Very strong with typical local instrumental, almost C & W music. In Pidgin. "Popular music", "8 o'clock", "music on Radio Madang". 3275 Radio Southern Highlands. Strong with western music, past 1200, still there at 1238 recheck. 3290 Radio Central. Fair with local choral music. 3305 Radio Western. Fair to good in English, with songs from the 80s. 3315 Radio Manus. Very strong, with music. At 1129: "Reggae family night" ad in Pidgin. Open carrier at 1208 recheck. 3325 Radio Bougainville. Appears to be on the air, but cochannel Indonesian. 3335 Radio East Sepik. Very strong. Reading letters mostly in Pidgin. "675 medium wave", "country music Rabaul", "thank you, thank you shortwave". 3345 Radio Northern. Not heard. 3355 Radio Chimbu. Not heard. 3365 Radio Milne Bay. Fair, except for ute right on top of frequency. Use LSB. Local vocals. 3375 Radio Western Highlands. Not heard. 3385 Radio East New Britain. Good signal, with public service announcements. "25 day September Council meeting", "Provincial elections", "Provincial police commander, Rabaul district". On past 1210. Entertaining ads after 1200, like: "IBM the name you can trust, Island Building and Maintenance (!!)". 3395 Radio Eastern Highlands. Not heard. 3905 Radio New Ireland. Very strong with local vocals, into song "Cecilia" at 1106. 4890 NBC superb strength with English news at 1104, heard past 1200. (Walt Salmaniw, Grayland WA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PERÚ. 4388.8, RADIO ESTÉREO. 2308-0110 SEPT. New Peruvian station from Distrito José Leonardo Ortiz in Chiclayo. Noted with the program: Magazín 14-90 "...sirviendo a todo el norte del Perú en amplitud modulada y onda corta, Radio Estéreo desde el Distrito José Leonardo Ortiz en la Provincia de Chiclayo...." At 0000 with the program Órbita Deportiva. "... Con Orbita Deportiva se informa más y mejor.`` After evangelic program from La Iglesia Pentecostal La Cosecha. Does not mention QTH. This station was reported by Mohrmann in various bulletins [and Dave Hodgson who says Oct 2: This morning R. Estéreo was a little down in strength from the previous 2 days.] 5512.1v RADIO SAN JUAN. 0140-0215 OCT. 1. Comunicados. "y bien, amables oyentes, nosotros seguimos con la mejor música, música tropical y por supuesto Tropicalizando la noche a través de Radio San Juan..." "...en Radio San Juan saludamos a todos los amigos oyentes a esta hora de la noche seguimos adelante con la mejor música..." 5608v UNID. 0100-0130 OCT. 1. Mx folk. with distorted audio. Mentions Rodrigo Pinillo Rios as Gerente Propietario; also mentionss Sorochuco and San Juan de Recopampa. "...el folclor es una expresión del alma de un pueblo, proviniendo de las verdaderas raíces de nuestro folclor desde Sorochuco tierra hermosa donde florecen los campos..." Does not mention any ID but I think maybe that station is Radio Sorocucho; was active in the first months of the last year, but various colleagues report on that frequency Radio Tigre, a station that I never heard. 6535.8 RADIODIFUSORA HUANCABAMBA. 1058-1110 OCT. 1. Full S/On: "...Desde la naciente y progresista provincia de Huancabamba, ciudad enclavada entre las cordilleras oriental y occidental del Perú, situada a 1957 metros sobre el nivel del mar, Region Grau, nace una voz clara, precisa, y franca con un mensaje lleno de cultura e información buscando el progreso y bienestar de los pueblos más recónditos del Perú, América y el Mundo; desde aquí transmite Radiodifusora Huancabamba, La Voz de la Frontera, en su frecuencia de onda corta internacional banda de 49 metros; con estudios y oficinas ubicadas en Calle Unión 407, teléfono 473233 en esta hospitalaria ciudad de Huancabamba..." 6782.5 RADIO ONDAS DEL PACIFICO. 2234-2350 SEPT. 30. New Peruvian station, Noted with Colombian music (Vallenato) "...Para Ayabaca transmite Radio Ondas del Pacífico, gracias por escucharnos..." At 2300 noted with the program La Hora de la Cumbia, sabor tropical. Partial QTH Mentions"...Jirón --- 905 en esta ciudad de Ayabaca...." Comments about celebration of San Francisco de Asís and Comité del vaso de leche. "Atención a la hora que te informa Ondas del Pacífico en nuestros estudios y en todo el Peru 6 de la tarde con 15 minutos. (all: Rafael Rodríguez R., Bogotá, Colombia, Oct. 2, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PERÚ. 10000 KHz USB, Radio Fuego "104.7", Ciudad? 30/09/2000., 2200-2348+, 2330: Cumbias, llamadas TEL ("43168_2" aprox.), oyente llama desde "San Martín de Porres" (pueblo cerca de Pucallpa?) Fuerte QRM de "aficionados" en esta habitual frec de "tráfico" QRM diverso. Extraña frecuencia para una emisora peruana (Gabriel Iván Barrera, Jorge Aloy, DXcamp Los Hornos, Argentina, IcomR71+Windom 15m, Conexión Digital via DXLD) ** POLAND. 6035, Radio Racija. Interval signal starting 23 Sept at 0355, with IDs every 4th or 5th time in presumed Belarussian. Only fair, but double checked at Dave Kernick's interval signal site, and confirms this was what we heard. A difficult catch, rarely reported in North America, and I wasn't even sure if they were still on, as I have not seen reports for many months. Fades out soon after 0400. Nothing heard following night (Walt Salmaniw, Grayland WA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ROMANIA [and non]. With 0200 UT poor or no-show on 9570 (with CRI from Cuba perched on there) and 11940 and also poor or no-show at 0400 on 11940, 15105 sometimes late either time 3-8 minutes with English to NAm, R. Romania Int`l is fair at 2300 on 11775 in English to WEu and NAm. There seems to be a percolator jammer in background. Somebody doesn`t like somebody. They announce NAm service at 0200 on 9570 and 11940, and 1300 to WEu on 15390 and 17770. The jammer remains on 11775 after 0000 when RRI goes off. There is some obliterated station on. I can`t ID it yet (Bob Thomas, CT, Sept 27, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** RUSSIA. 4940, Radio Mix Master, Yakutsk. Sept 23 1236 with Russian pop music, including the first time I've heard Russian rap music, alternating with English language tunes, including "The Power of Love". Nice ID at 1251. Where on earth did they get a name like Radio Mix-Master? Another ID and phone number at 1317. Fair, occasionally good (Walt Salmaniw, Grayland WA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SOUTH AMERICA. Assunto: R. Cochiguaz From the Andes to the World: RADIO COCHIGUAZ inform that have been repaired its own transmitter after a delay along 5 months looking for a new frequency for reach to the World, according to the propagation conditions. Finally, -the most difficult for us- we obtained and placed the coil & capacitors necessaries and the transmitter now is ok, and we will be actives soon also on the NEW freq of 11440 khz USB. On this days we are waiting only for to receive the crystal for to start our pirate activities testing on this frequency, and in the meanwhile, we are preparing the new system of antennas for the new channel. Our main frequency of 6950 khz LSB also will continue active. FFFR, ;-) Cachito Mamani Radio Cochiguaz op http://members.xoom.com/rcochiguaz/ "Rimaywan k'acha ruwaywanqa mana saywayoq, ichaqa ch'ila saphiyoqmi" (via GUILLERMO GERMAN BARRIONUEVO Rio Claro-SP, BRASIL -Membro do DX Clube do Brasil- DX? http://www.dxcb.org http://www.ondascurtas.com Oct 1, radioescutas via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SRI LANKA. In regards to my observations of SLBC 11905 in Hindi in DXLD 109 (9/10/00), I have noted that the actual broadcast begins at 2420 with music. There is a Hindi ID at 2425 followed by more mx until 2430, then presumably nx then instrumental music. The ID is "Yeh Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation...". "Yeh" is pronounced [yee]. I have been monitoring this nightly for two weeks now. I have not been able to hear 15425 in English for a few weeks; don`t know why, although other Asians are coming in at this time and the MUF is somewhat high tonight. The DW relay fron SL is audible at 2400 on 17860 in German. Also heard at 0230 on 15205 in German. VOA relay on 15250 from 0100-0300 audible, most times well on 15250. Enjoy today`s flare (73/Liz Cameron, MI, Oct 1-2, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SRI LANKA. Regarding SLBC. I can assure you that 15425 is still very much on. I checked it at 0130 today and right now at 0245 it is doing OK. Of course remember that it is only 25 kW as compared to Iranawila 15250 and any DW Trinco outlets. It may be just the propagation. SLBC finally dropped its SE Asian service at 1030-1130 UTC. All Asia EE Sce continues and should do so for a few years, still 0025-0430, 1225-1545 6005 (10 kW), 9770 (100 kW running at about 80 kW the Marconi SEAC txer) and 15425 35 kW VOA Collins Txer. (Victor Goonetilleke, SL, Oct 2, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SWEDEN. Dear Friends, Time again for a new test from Teracom/Radio Sweden and also this time for a transmission directed towards North America. The time is 03.00-04.00 UTC with 30 minutes of Swedish followed by 30 minutes of English. The frequencies are 15245 kHz (regular one) and 9495 kHz. Also, report of the transmission on weekday at 04.00-04.30 UTC on 9495 kHz is of value. Teracom is highly interested in reports from North America but also notes from other parts of the world are interesting. Special interest in report comparing 15245 kHz and 9495 kHz. The test will start 00-10-03 and is schedule to last until 00-10-09. Report from this period will be verified by special QSL-card and a number of T-shirt given away. Report can be sent to (and do not forget to mention the T-shirt size): (magnus.nilsson@teracom.se via Hard-Core-DX mailing list Oct 2 via DXLD) They did the same thing a few months ago, when considering replacing 9495 with 15245 (gh, DXLD) ** TURKEY. Glenn, I have recently returned from a two-week holiday in Turkey at the invitation of the TRT/Voice of Turkey. I was one of 10 winners of their 1998 essay competition. The other winners came from the USA, Germany, Macedonia, Egypt, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Iran, to name just a few of them. There seem to be very few holiday competitions on international radio these days compared with, say, twenty years ago, and I can recommend other listeners who have the time to do the necessary research to enter TRT's competition for this year (it has been running now for 13 years). Our trip took us to Istanbul, Izmir, Anatolya, Ankara and other places. In Ankara we not only visited the TRT headquarters but stayed there in their own hotel which is part of the TRT building. The TRT building is an enormous place. I was told it is the second biggest building of its kind in the world, after the Pentagon in Washington. It contains a vast number of recording and on-air studios, as well as shops, restaurants, banks and the hotel that I mentioned. There are currently eight staff in the English section, led by the very courteous Osman Erkan, whose voice is well known to TRT listeners. The English staff operate from a single small room consisting of just four desks, a number of old typewriters and a computer. They have the reputation - understandably from my experience - of being the most liberal and unconventional people on the TRT staff. One male announcer looks like a 1960's hippy! They all have a good sense of humour. The studios are cool and well-maintained. Engineering is done from a control room next to each studio; I did not see any self-operated DJ-type facilities. Each control room I saw was equipped with Revox reel-to-reel recorders. Digital recording, apparently, has not yet reached the TRT. Overall, my impression is that Turkey is interested in communicating with the outside world, and does so more effectively than, for example, the Greeks do through the Voice of Greece. I was told that the TRT currently broadcasts in 26 different languages, including some esoteric ones (such as Tartar) that are not normally used in international broadcasting. The English staff, in addition to preparing the news, press review and three features daily for overseas listeners, provide 13 newscasts daily for the TRT tourist stations and the TRT 3 domestic service, as well as additional English features for the tourist stations that are not heard on the overseas service. I criticised some aspects of the station's news and current affairs coverage and got the impression that the small staff who prepare these programmes work under great pressure. The Voice of Turkey has just introduced a new set of programmes for the current broadcasting season. One that has grabbed my attention is "Wonders of the World", a series looking at the seven wonders of the ancient world. It's broadcast Mondays starting at about 15 minutes into the transmission (i.e. at 12.45, 18.45, 20.45, 22.45 and 03.45 UT). The Letterbox programme is broadcast every Wednesday, and DX Corner every second Saturday. (Roger Tidy, UK, Oct 2, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U K. Andy Kershaw Returns to the Beeb two months after his controversial sacking by Radio 1 as a regular guest on World Routes, the new series launched by Radio 3 this week. [Sundays 2215-2300 UT] Kershaw joins main presenter Lucy Durán with news updates and reviews of new releases, making his debut on October 1. Also appearing on the show is Brazilian Bebel Gilberto, following Yousso N'Dour's appearance on the first show. It will be the first time Kershaw has been heard on the Beeb since his popular late night Radio 1 roots show was abruptly dropped by Radio 1 boss Andy Parfitt, triggering an outcry by folk and roots fans and even a debate in the House Of Commons. Other forthcoming guests on World Routes include Cesaria Evora and Emil Zrihan (October 8), Mark Tully talking to Ravi Shankar (15), Sabri Brothers (22) and a preview of this year's Kora Awards (29). Other regular contributors include South Asian music specialist Jameela Siddiqi, Colombian Juan Carlos Jaramillo and South African musician Eugene Skeef. Last updated: 03:04 Friday 29th September 2000 (Ananova.com via Chet Copeland, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U K. BBC Radio 4 is planning a host of new comedy shows this autumn. One of the highlights is new improvisation programme Blank Script, which hopes to follow in the success of Whose Line Is It Anyway? Boothby Graffoe and Stephen Frost are among those taking part in the show, which promises no rules and no script and will be overseen by the mysterious Voice. There's also a second series of the O'Show, with sketches showcasing the cream of Ireland's comedy talent. Stars include Jason Byrne, Colin Murphy, Kevin Gildea, Patrick McDonnell and Mark Doherty. Also returning is Just Juliette, the sitcom written by Jenny Eclair and Julie Balloo. Perrier Award-winner Eclair stars as a flamboyant media monster and failed talk show host while Annabel Giles plays man-eating best friend Corinne. And The Way It Is, Radio 4's topical sketch show, returns for its fifth series. Last updated: 01:54 Saturday 23rd September 2000 (Ananova.com via Chet Copeland, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 1630 kHz, WAWX (WRDW) GA, Augusta, heard this new X Bander running the John and Ken show at 0355 [EDT?], then at 0359.55 a quick "WRDW-Augusta", into ABC net news. Good on top of KCJJ, 10/3. New. ID on tape. Drake R8 1500' Eastern Beverage, term. MFJ-1026 (Patrick Martin, Seaside OR, hard-core-dx via DXLD) ** VANUATU. Amateur DX-pedition: Hi! I logged YJ0AYL Oct. 2nd on 28510 kHz around 2230 UTC with a fair signal working "Stateside only". I think this YL`s name was Babs, not sure. QSL manager is DL7AFS & it takes 2 "Green stamps" these days. Seems an early start, thought sked was for Oct. 5. Hope you snag this one. 73 & DX from (Bill Flynn, OR, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###