DX LISTENING DIGEST 0-106, September 3, 2000 edited by Glenn Hauser, wghauser@hotmail.com {Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only providing full credit be maintained at all stages and we are provided exchange copies. DXLD may not be reposted in its entirety without permission} WORLD OF RADIO ON WWCR: Confirmed new frequency 3215 ex-9475, UT Monday Sept 4 0000-0029 CONTINENT OF MEDIA 0007. A new edition has been produced September 3, and should appear shortly on RFPI, and http://www.DXing.com See topic summary at: http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio/com0007.html ** AUSTRALIA. I heard Radio Australia with a fading signal at 1158 UT on 21820 kHz, Sept. 3. It`s been quite a while since I could remember hearing RA on a high frequency in the daytime; sure reminds me of when RA used to reach Europe on 21 MHz back in the early 80`s and I could hear them well (Joe Hanlon in Philadelphia, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BHUTAN. By the time you read this, operators/members of the Clipperton DX Club should be active from Thimphu until September 14th. Team members include Denise/F6HWU, Gerard/F2VX, Alain/F6ANA, Vincent/G0LMX, and Alain/F5LMJ. As of press time, the callsign is unknown. QSL via F8RZ. Suggested frequencies are: CW - 3505, 7005, 10105, 14015, 14015, 18075, 21015, 24895 and 28015 SSB - 3795, 7045, 14195, 18145, 21295, 24945 and 28475 kHz For updated info, check the Clipperton DX Club Web page at: http://www.multimania.com/cdxc ADDED NOTE: From "The Daily DX", Laurent, F8BBL, is the pilot station for the Clipperton DXpedtion to Bhutan. He reports that the recent A50CDX station is not the group and is a pirate. As soon as the team starts he will confirm the callsign. They are not expected to be on the air until around 0630Z Sunday September 3, 2000 (KB8NW/OPDX September 4/BARF-80 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BHUTAN. A station signing A52FH was active on Sunday on 14195 kHz at 1250z and 21295 kHz at 1426z. No other details are available at this time (KB8NW/OPDX September 4/BARF-80 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BOLIVIA. R. Yura, September 2 at 0946 on 4716.74 kHz, opening announcement by OM in Quechua as: "Ymaynallan ... amallulla, amasuwa, amaqella ... kay iskay p'unchaypi Septiembre killawanta ... faltan 15 minutos para sean las 6 de la mañana. Radio Yura ... qhechuawantapacha, Provincia Antonio Quijarro, Departamento de Potosí." (Shoji YAMADA, Tokyo, Japan, RNM via DXLD) ** BRASIL. R. Cultura, Manaus, September 2 at 0820, audible on 4844.81 kHz (ex-4845.3v) (Shoji YAMADA, Tokyo, Japan, RNM via DXLD) ** BRASIL. The R. São Carlos article is up at: http://www.swl.net/patepluma/south/brazil.html 73, (Don Moore, August 31, DX LISTENING DIGEST) A previous DXLD item about plans to bring this 120m outlet back in Sept is linked to a photo of the station (gh) ** BRASIL. Aug 27 at 0222 on 4905, R. Somjusat?? Or Comjusat? Not certain of ID, very ``forró`` [my Langenscheidt only translates this as ``popular ball`` which hardly makes sense -gh], very good signal. Phone 0852952000, taking calls from listeners all over Brazil. I tried to call but the line was always busy. SINPO 44344 (João Benigno, Mauáus, Amazonas, Brasil...) João, the 085 prefix is for Fortaleza, Ceará, and we do not have any tropical band stations in CE; can someone clarify? (Djaci Franklin Silva...) Djaci, the correct name of the station is REDE SOMZOOMSAT, of the franchise group Mastruz com Leite, based in Fortaleza. This network has many affiliates all over Brazil, so the station João heard could just be an affiliate, broadcasting on tropical band. For more details about the Radio do Emanuel Gurgel, consult http://www.somzoom.com.br Hugs, (Jailton C. Amaral Presidente do SRDXC, via radio-escutas; all translated by gh for DXLD) Two Brazilians on 4905 are listed in WRTH and PWBR: R. Anhanguera and R. Relógio Federal and Mark Mohrmann shows among current logs: On 4904.66 BRAZIL * R Nova Relógio, Rd Janeiro [2050- 0250/0845-0902] (.66-.8) Sep 00 D On 4905.05 BRAZIL * R Anhanguera, Araguaiana [2121-0921] Jun 00 X (r)Araguaia FM 97.1 0259* (gh, DXLD) ** CANADA. 6130 CHNX hopes to be back on by mid-September. If they cannot fix their transmitter by then, they will look to purchase another one, according to Mark Olson, station engineer (Hans Johnson, Aug 30, Cumbre DX Sept 1 via DXLD) ** CANADA. 6160 CKZN St. John`s is on 24 hours a day as of July 10th. They relay CBN 640 except from 6 AM to 9:30 AM local when they relay a morning program from CFGB in Goose Bay, according to the station`s engineer, Keith Durnford (Hans Johnson, Aug 31, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** CAPE VERDE (IOTA operation). Operators Manuel/EA8BYG and Jose/EA8EE will be active near the capital of Mindelo from the Island of São Vicente (IOTA AF-86, new reference about June 2000) from November 1 to 8th. They will actually be operating from Carlos`, D44AC, QTH and use his callsign. Their activity will be on all HF bands around the IOTA frequencies including the 17/12 meters and VHF 50 MH (grid locator HK76KM). Modes will be on CW/SSB/RTTY/PSK31/HELL/STREAM/MT63/SSTV and PACTOR. Their equipment will be an IC-706 MKIIG, with vertical antenna and a directional antenna A5S to be built on a mast. They will also have a homemade dipole for 6 meters, and TS44O Kenwood. The QSL via EA8URL (The Gran Canaria DX GROUP). (KB8NW/OPDX September 4/BARF-80 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CONGO DR? Unknown station on 5995 around 1855 UT Aug 31; heard a weak station without QRM. Male voice speaking unknown language, almost certainly African, but it did not seem to me a Bantu language. Before any ID could be heard, RCI started up very strong at 1858 on same frequency, no doubt UK relay. The African station became completely inaudible. WRTH 98 refers to a station in Mbandaka, DR Congo, ex-Zaïre. Now since Bantu languages are not spoken in the northern Congo, I am thinking Mbandaka is what I heard (Fernando de Sousa Ribeiro, Oporto, Portugal, radio-escutas, translated by gh for DXLD) Fernando, I think it really could be Congo, or since stations vary their programming patterns, it could be Mali; not sure (Rudolf W. Grimm, São Bernardo, SP, ibid.) We had a previous report that Mbandaka was getting a new SW transmitter, and 5995 was their last known frequency (gh, DXLD) ** ICELAND. 15775 Rikisutvarpid (National Radio), 1218 Shortwave relay, of radio Channel 1. At 1218 Classical vocal piece, then ID at 1220 "Utvarp Reykjavik" (Radio Reykjavik) and time check. Decent signal at sign on. By 1230, heavy QRM from All India Radio on 15770. Weak by 1240. News program, including a story about the Icelandic genetics company, Decode. This station modulates only the USB portion of the carrier. I have not heard parallels 13865 or 11402 recently. Don`t know if these frequencies are no longer in use, or whether it`s just Summer conditions. I have not tried evening broadcasts (David Hodgson, TN, Aug 25, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** INDONESIA. 3395, RRI Bandar Lampung. This is in response to Yamada's question. I heard them at 1514 announcing the ID as Programa satu, Radio Republik Indonesia Bandar Lumpung. Puppet show follows. The song that now follows the news is "Dirgahayu Indonesia" (Long Live Indonesia). the previous theme music was "Padamu Negeri" and not "Bagimu negeri" as the DX press had published for years. The opening lyrics of this song are "Padamu Negeri, Kami berjanji...". I think the misunderstanding was due to the similar meanings of both phrases which means "For my country". (Richard Lam, Singapore, Aug 26, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** IRAQ. Baghdad on 11787 seems to have its good days – usually when its domestic Arabic is on air – the modulation is even spotlessly clean, by Egyptian/Pakistani standards, at times! Noted with English & German c0230 via Radio Iraq Intl, and again at c2045 in (possibly) French. The modulation of these transmissions is diabolical, whereas the Arabic from c1500 is often of high quality. Arabic is also heard on // 9755 until c1800; Egypt may well be underneath, but the Iraqi signal is unambiguous (Ray Merrall, UK via Noël Green, DSWCI, via DXLD) ** IRAQ. Radio Iraq Int`l 11787 noted in August with new service in Turkish. The Turkish px broadcasts 2115-2200 right away after sces in English, German and French. The morning px in Turkish noted from 0305. This sce isn't daily like other Iraqi foreign sces (Robert Petraitis, Lithuania, via Noël Green, DSWCI via DXLD) ** IRAQ [non]. SA`UDI ARABIA. Voice of the Iraqi People (Clandestine) is definitely running a third txer on 11710 in clear // with established 9568.5 and the more recent 9563. Despite the clutter and co/adjacent channel QRM, it can be heard coming on air in the period 1500 to 1515, occasionally staggered across the band. Although there are signs of the 31mb signals on one or the other txers occasionally leaving c0100, in the main, transmissions continue to c0315. Koranic chants and full verbal ID precede the sometimes abrupt off air (Ray Merrall, UK, via Noël Green, DSWCI via DXLD) ** NEW ZEALAND. Here is an updated RNZI Schedule 03 September to 01 October, 2000 1650-1750 6095 Target: NE Pacific, Samoa, Cook Islands 1750-1950 11725 Target: All Pacific 1750-0705 17675 Target: All Pacific 0705-1105 15175 Target: All Pacific 1105-1305 15175 Target: NW Pacific, Bougainville, East Timor, Asia Occasional use for Sports commentaries and Cyclone warnings-: 1305-1650 6095 Target: All Pacific http://www.rnzi.com (Adrian Sainsbury, Technical Manager, Radio New Zealand International, Sept 2, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Had planned to use 17690 in the 1105-1305 period. New 15175 was OK in the clear here when checked around 1030 UT Sept 3 (gh, OK, DXLD) ** NICARAGUA. This evening I caught a broadcast from Miskut. [5770- USB] Something I found interesting is that during the broadcast, a beep is heard ever so many seconds. At first thought it to be QRM and not part of the broadcast. But at the end of the broadcast, they gave the ID at 2358 and then went to the NA which was when I noticed the tape player they where using started causing problems. Slow then normal then slow, etc. The interesting is that the beep mentioned previously was part of the slow and normal in the audio. I suspect this broadcast was a taped version of the mw broadcast and used as the shortwave program. I have had better copies of the Miskut in the past but too much static to make a clear judgement but think for this time of the year, output to be back where it was prior to the xtmr breaking down. (Bob Montgomery, PA, hard-core-dx Aug 31 via DXLD) ** PALESTINE [non]. IRAN The Voice of the Islamic Revolution of Palestine has been heard in reasonably clear airspace on 9610 from 0329 with the usual ``Saut`l filistin...`` and the obligatory patriotic songs. I haven`t yet heard the listed // 7250 (Ray Merrall, UK, via Noël Green, DSWCI via DXLD) ** PERÚ. R. Municipal de Panao, September 2 at 0915 on 3172.69 kHz, audible also here in Japan. The program consisted of Peruvian folklore (huaynito criollo, chonguinada, etc.) and OM talk in Quechua. Canned ID was given at 0937; "Panao ... Radio Municipal en frecuencia modulada estéreo 95.5 MHz y onda corta banda tropical de 90 metros ... al pueblo del mundo." (Shoji YAMADA, Tokyo, Japan, RNM via DXLD) ** PERÚ. R. Comas Televisión, September 2 at *1000 on 4880.84 kHz, S/on with National Anthem and usual opening announcement. The morning program was seemingly entitled "La Hora Huanuqueña" and playing nice folklore of Huánuco (Shoji YAMADA, Tokyo, Japan, RNM via DXLD) ** PERÚ. UNID, September 2 at 1104 on 5632.99 kHz, heard música chicha and OM talk with poor modulation. Presumably R. Univisión 2000. NOTE: Don't confuse with R. Perú which is audible on 5637.24 kHz (Shoji YAMADA, Tokyo, Japan, RNM via DXLD) ** PERÚ. R. Bambamarca "Frecuencia Líder", September 2 at 1110 on 4420.77 kHz, ID was often announced as "Radio Líder" or "Radio Líder Bambamarca". (Shoji YAMADA, Tokyo, Japan, RNM via DXLD) ** SPRATLY ISLANDS. One of Japan's DX clubs, the Far East DX Ploiters (FEDXP), will carry out a DXpedition to Layan Layan Island in the Spratly Island group to celebrate the 40th anniversary of their club. The FEDXP was established in 1960. Some may remember that in 1982 FEDXP members went to the Republic of Guinea (3X) to celebrate their 20th anniversary (callsign were 3X3JA and 3X5DX). The Layan Layan Island operation will take place September 12-16th. This time look for operators JA1BRK, JA1RJU, JA4DND, JK1OPL, JR1FBE, 7K1WLE and JF2XGF to use the callsign 9M0F from the Spratlys. They will operate on 160-6 meters on CW/SSB/RTTY (using the usual DX frequencies). They plan to have two HF sations operating simultaneously and the beacon will transmit 24 hours around the clock on the 6 meter band. QSL via JA1HGY: Nao Mashita, 8-2-4 Akasaka, Minato, Tokyo 107-0052, JAPAN (KB8NW/OPDX September 4/BARF-80 via John Norfolk, OKCOK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U K. RADIO FREE LONDON is setting up a new short wave site next weekend and if everything goes to plan the station will be on air from next Sunday 10th September until Sunday 17th for a full week of broadcasting 24 hours non stop with 20 hours of programmes on 5805 kHz. Reception reports are welcome at RFL@England.com or on our phone line 07930 11 34 30 --- Snail mail: RFL, 101b, Kings Cross Road, London WC1X 9LP. E-mail: RFL@England.com Telephone: 07930 11 34 30 Web site: http://www.geocities.com/sunsetstrip/villa/2375 Real Audio: http://members.xoom.com/rfl819/rflweb.ram Chat: http://www.onelist.com/ (via Mike Barraclough, England, Sept 3, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Fine Arts Radio International, http://www.kxms.org provides an advance schedule of the classical music programming it originates. After the Indonesian experience, I searched for NATIONAL DAY during September, and found further plans to play national anthems, either from the Coldstsream Guards album or the Slovak orchestra. Days and times are here converted to UT; unfortunately, KXMS does not give exact times (unless the item is the first thing during an hour or two block), but if you really want to know and guess, check http://www.mssc.edu/pages/kxms/frames.htm KXMS relies heavily on composer and musician anniversaries, as well as national days, for programming ideas, something I am very familiar with from my days at WUOT! Rest of September: Wed 6 1800-2000 Swaziland Thu 7 1400-1500 Brazil (with an hour of Brazilian music, something they can`t manage with most other countries, e.g. St. Kitts) Sat 9 1400-1500 Korea North Fri 15 <1600 Costa Rica Fri 15 2100-2130 El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras Sat 16 1400-1500 Mexico Sat 16 1600 Papua New Guinea Tue 19 2100 St Kitts & Nevis Thu 21 1500 Belize Thu 21 <2000 Malta Thu 21 2300 Armenia Fri 22 1600 Mali Sat 23 1500 Sa`udi Arabia Sat 30 1400 Botswana Or you could go to Al Quaglieri`s website or that other website for DXers to hear NA`s upon demand... (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. On Allan Weiner Worldwide, UT Sat Sept 2 0000 on WBCQ 7415, Allan was upset about E-mails accusing WBCQ of being a Station of Hate. Do the math: WBCQ is 75% ``alternative`` programming and only 25% religion, contrary to his expectations when starting the station that the proportion would be 20-80. So WBCQ is NOT a Station of Hate (via Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [non]. I did hear the Christian Science Sentinel program on 17635 at 1200 in English, on Sept. 3, and I do believe from past experiences with 16mb monitoring that it indeed comes from a Russian site, possibly in Central Asia. SIO is 444 (Joe Hanlon, Philadelphia PA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Someone noted a few weeks ago that New Dimensions Radio, via WSHB, was missing UT Sun 0200-0300 on 9430. I kept forgetting to check, but it was there Sept 3 (gh, OK, DXLD) ** URUGUAY. 6140, R. Montecarlo at 1000 Heard them again on Aug. 30 with news, though not present at the same time in the following morning. I haven't checked their other frequencies, at other times (Horacio Nigro, Uruguay, Aug 31, Conexión Digital via DXLD) ** VANUATU. 4960, Radio Vaunatu, good audio out of this one in recent days. 1053 with American Christian program, Searchlight, I think. 1056 male announcer, much lower level but sounded like English. Filler music till 1100 when Pidgin Christian program heard. 1113 closing announcements, but didn't hear an ID, just "bilong tomorrow," anthem and off (Hans Johnson, WY, Aug 29, Cumbre DX via DXLD) ** VIETNAM [non]. CLANDESTINE from TAJIKISTAN to VIETNAM. 12150 Que Huong: between studying their web and WHRI's, Que Huong appears to be here 2300-0000 from Mon-Fri and via KWHR Saturdays only on 17510, ex Mon-Sat (Hans Johnson, Aug 28, Cumbre DX via DXLD) UNIDENTIFIED. 4392v Latin America? 0908-1015, Sounds like a Spanish language religious station. Wildly fluctuating carrier. First heard 0938 Aug 30 with apparent religious talk, fair to poor signal strength. Heard again Sep 1; 0116 extremely weak wobbling carrier, too weak for audio; checked again later in the morning; 0908 wobbly carrier came on with good strength, 0929 sign-on with announcement, into religious program. (Perhaps "La Voz de la Liberación?"), religious talk and testifying. Faded by 1015 (Mark Mohrmann, VT, Aug 30/Sep 1, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. Glenn-- So who is on 15125 kHz at about 0350 UTC? It was heard on UT-September 3. Obviously the station would be Voice of Indonesia but the speech is not readable enough for me to get a read on it... according to the 2000 PWBR this is the only station that would be using the channel at this time. SIO rating is about 121. (Joe Hanlon, Philadelphia, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ABU registrations give an entirely different idea: IRAN IRIB Masshad 15125 0330 0430 39S,47,48,52,53 500 210 0 146 Swahili, and BANGLADESH Dhaka 15125 0300 0400 41 100 305 0 10 But I don`t think the latter is in use; much more likely Iran. Quite a weak signal here too at 0340 check Sept 4 and still on past 0400 (gh, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###