DX LISTENING DIGEST 00-12, January 22, 2000 EDITED BY GLENN HAUSER {Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only providing full credit be maintained at all stages} WORLD OF RADIO ON RFPI: Due to a computer problem could not download more than 75% of WOR 1020 for Friday, UT Sat broadcasts. Got the whole thing in time for Sat, UT Sunday repeats. WORLD OF RADIO ON WWCR. The 0400 UT Sat on 3215 did not start Jan 22, so look for it Jan 29 if the time is still available. WORLD OF RADIO ON WWCR, Sat 1230 on 15685: Hi Glenn, just heard Voice of Tibet 1215-1255 again on WWCR frequency 15685. Joe was right, he heard them last week too. As always, Saturday World of Radio 1230- 1300 / WWCR was on TOP like 80 % to 20 % audio signal. 73 de (Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany) Here, WWCR was quite weak but I could tell a second signal was there (Hauser, OK) ** ANGUILLA. Dr Gene Scott on 11775 was putting out intolerable spikes throughout the 25mb on Fri Jan 21 as we reported, but at 1250 check Sat Jan 22 was on the air but free of spikes! Perhaps they heard about our complaints... (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ECUADOR. Subject: "Coup" in Ecuador Someone from Peru posted to Hard Core Dx about some sort of coup in Ecuador today. This was mentioned as a "sit-in" of massive numbers of people in government buildings on CBS news Friday night. Anyone checked any of the stations there to hear what's going on? [Later posting from same individual]: As of 0130 UT Saturday, HCJB's English service is running news instead of regular programming (I tuned in to hear "Musica del Ecuador", which was pre-empted). They quoted Reuters as saying the army has secured the Presidential Palace. Looters are clashing with police in Guayaquil. HCJB seems to be getting most of their info from the news wires. The military has apparently demanded the President's resignation. HCJB has re-run Pres. Mawad's radio speech from earlier this afternoon. Here in NE USA 9745 is coming in great, not so 12015. Apparently a loyal unit of the military has President Mawad "under protection". Radio Quito on 4919 has nonstop talk as well. ("King Pineapple," rec.radio.shortwave Jan 21 via John Norfolk, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Subject: Re: "Coup" in Ecuador? Radio news says there was an occupation of government buildings by protesters. They are angry because Ecuador has eliminated its own currency, deciding to use the US dollar instead. (Cortland Richmond, rec.radio.shortwave Jan 21 via Norfolk, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ECUADOR. On the political situation in Ecuador: 0400 UT - Monitored HCJB Quito 9745 kHz. Had special newscast on situation, reporting that President had left the Presidential Palace after making speech stating he would not step down as had been called for by those in revolt. Exact whereabouts of the President is unknown. HCJB returned to regular prerecorded programming (Studio 9- Travel and Musica del Ecuador) at 0410. 0435 UT - Monitoring Radio Quito 4918v kHz. Continuous report with what sounded like audio of speeches and demonstrators presumably in Quito. Returned to studio 0440 with male in Spanish reading reports as they come in. Another speech 0442 with crowd reaction. After speech what sounded like a report from the scene. (My Spanish is not good enough to follow reports with any precision, but one can easily conclude from the tenor of the broadcast that things are tense and, in some instances, chaotic.) Radio Quito usually signs off at 0500; will wait to see if they stick to regular schedule. Radio Quito 4918v kHz remains on the air at 0530 UT Jan 22. Carried what sounded like a very chaotic news conference, then went into some reports, what sounded like a couple of phoned-in reports, then a relay of a BBC report on the coup (attempt?) in Spanish. There were some promos and ads (one still has to pay the bills, even during a political crisis!)--the first in over two hours of monitoring. Then some more sober sounding reports and interviews. (John Figliozzi, NY, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ECUADOR. HCJB is providing EXCELLENT coverage of the situation in Ecuador right now, at 0100 UTC on 9745 and 12015 kHz. Live and taped reports from the street, etc. At 0119 it is reported there is looting, rioting, and clashes with police and calls for the President of Ecuador to resign. (Lee Silvi, Ohio, USA, Jan 21, hard-core-dx via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ECUADOR. HCJB is not set up for breaking news, but thanks for trying. At 0110 UT Jan 22 the automation started up whatever program was supposed to be on then, and they had to manually take it off and continue special report. That special lasted until 0145, including pauses to pray for Ecuador with a chaplain brought in for the occasion. Jan 22 at 1900-1910 on 17660 there was another special newscast only about the Ecuadorian situation, and a mailbag program had to be joined in progress at 1910. Earlier on the car radio I was hearing an impassioned speech in Spanish to parliament, not sure by whom, around 1750 on 15140 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ECUADOR. A shortwave station, which always has been very pro- Indígena is ERPE Riobamba. A pity that they are not active on v5010 kHz these days. Other stations are Radio Latacunga and Radio Runacunapac Yachana, both on medium wave only. Radio Bahai de Otavalo (v4950) never has been into politics too much. An interesting catch might be Radio Federación Shuar (v4960) from the jungle town of Sucúa. Radio Río Amazonas was closed many years ago, following a long dispute between the organisation running the station and Indígenas living in the Amazon region. There are other stations in Ecuador, which are operated by / for Indígenas; most of them have an evangelical background and stay away from politics. vy73 (Harald Kuhl, Germany, hard-core-dx Jan 22 via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ECUADOR. I tried to catch other radio stations besides HCJB. Even tho the confusing information about who is actually seizing power in Ecuador (especially in Quito), it seems that Voz de Los Andes doesn't give a penny, and rather broadcast their usual religious programming. In 15120 [must be 15140 -gh] at 01.10, I've heard religious music, with no comments at all about Mahuad and the coup. The only news bulletin I heard was at 22 UT, with brief comments about the president's flee from the Carondelet Palace. At 22.50 I found Radio Quito on 4850 approx. (sorry, I do not have a digital receiver). [4918v as per Figliozzi above] It had a useless signal, SIO 243, and it was kinda hard to understand their words. I just heard a speech from one of the rebel colonels (I think he's Lucio Gutierrez), in the native-taken Congress. I could identify him since I had the Ecuavisa channel coverage. At 00.30 the signal improved a lot. SINPO 34333. A male announcer with latest information and rumours about Mahuad (the usual thing in a coup d'etat). It's been said that he asked for asylum in Peru, but Ecuavisa has denied such info. Others said that he'd go to Chile. Nothing confirmed, just that Radio Quito is covering live from the Independence Square, waiting for a Junta speech. As for other stations, I could not catch anything besides Radio Quito. Any recommendations? Greetings from Lima. (Moises Corilloclla, Jan 21, hard-core-dx via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ECUADOR [and non]. For background info and videos from recent events, mostly from Ecuavisa network, please go to http://www.canalsur.com There is probably little to find on shortwave, besides Radio Quito. Personally, I would recommend CRE on the web http://www.cre.com.ec/cre.htm At this moment they are in a live transmission of the parliamentary proceedings which now are taking place in the town of Guayaquil (where CRE is located). Also, I would suggest DXers to tune to Caracol Colombia, on sw 5076 kHz (if active), or on the web. RCN, which is also on the web, has two daily hookups with Radio Quito (in the Cadena Solar network) and both Colombian networks are quite commendable for their Latin American news coverage. To take one example, Caracol was minutes ahead of BBC during the American overthrow of the Noriega government (in Panama) on Dec 20, 1989. I sent a fax congratulating them on their continuous coverage of events all through the night (local morning in Europe). Although I never received any reply at the time, this fax helped open several doors when I reported for Radio World Magazine years later. Caracol President well remembered this encouraging message, he said. (Henrik Klemetz, Sweden, hard-core-dx Jan 22 via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ISRAEL. Defence Forces Radio Galei Zahal Hebrew heard 0000-2400 new 7345 (x6898) with strong co-ch Vatican R 0300-0630, R Sweden 1830-1900 (Sun only), R Prague 2230-0430; 0700-0800; 1100-1130; 1300- 1400. R Slovakia 0800-0830; 1430-1500; 1630-1830; 1900-2100. (Observer, Bulgaria, Jan 17 via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ?? see next: ** ISRAEL Defence Forces Radio Galei Zahal has moved to 6895 from 6898. Poor reception at 17.10 and 19.50. (Mahendra Vaghjee, Mauritius, Jan 22, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MADAGASCAR For the last few days Radio Madagascar has been heard on 6575 at 16.00 and also on 3268. (Mahendra Vaghjee, Mauritius, Jan 20, DX LISTENING DIGEST) You mean 3288? 6575 = 2 x 3287.5 (Hauser) ** SPAIN. Checked REE again this Sat for exact timing of Radio Waves. On 6055 it ran UT Sun Jan 23 0011-0023, including Linda Ronstadt’s ``Mr Radio`` from 1982y as the weekly radio song (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TANZANIA. 7280, R. Tanzania, Dar es Salaam Jan 22 heard at 20.30 until went off at 21.00 and parallel to 5050 while 5985 was very strong the previous day but nothing to-day as well as the co-channel Congo. (Mahendra Vaghjee, Mauritius, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. From Al Weiner Worldwide, WBCQ 7415, UT Sat Jan 22 0100: Brother Scare is off M-F at 8-9 pm ET, replaced at 0100 UT by: UT Tue, The Apocalypse Hour; Wed, Off the Hook as usual; Thu Idio-Audio; Fri new program of music and commentary from Charles, in Ontario, name unknown, starting Feb 3; Sat, AWWW. Radio Free New York is temporarily off UT Suns 0200. Jeff Davis is off UT Sun 0400, so Tom and Darryl are running from 0400 to 0600, but the 0400-0500 hour is available. Davis is still on Tuesdays at 2300-2400. New at 2230-2300 [Tue per website] is On Being Human. WBCQ-2 9340 situation: still waiting for final authorization to begin test broadcasts. Hopes to have one or two prime programmers on it. And hopes to be using *compatible* sideband. BTW, Glenn what’s his name’s weird covert show, what’s its name, which was following WOR Wed 2300-2400 is already gone and off the schedule (Notes by Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. We are still lacking a comprehensive program schedule for AFN on USB 12689.5 etc. But noted Sat Jan 22 1605-1700 a good talk show from KQED-FM, Tech Nation, Americans and Technology, interviews with astronomer and others by Moira Gunn. At this hour 4 and 6 MHz were not audible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###