DX LISTENING DIGEST 00-03, January 11, 2000 EDITED BY GLENN HAUSER {Items from DXLD may be reproduced and re-reproduced only providing full credit be maintained at all stages} ** ARMENIA/AUSTRIA. Don’t you believe ORF Jan 4 at 1616 on 17865 via Canada, when someone referred to ``The tiny Central Asian republic of Armenia'' - Armenia has roughly half the population and one third the area of Austria itself. Armenia is in Asia only by comparison to Turkey immediately to the west, but certainly not Central Asia (Glenn Hauser, geographer, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** BOLIVIA. 4796.44, Radio Mallku, Uyuni; was heard at 1003-1008 fair on 31/DEC/1999. After playing a nice Bolivian huayno, the canned identification was given as follows: "Desde el salar de Uyuni y para todo el sudeste potosino , transmite Radio Mallku en la frecuencia de 4795 kc banda tropical de 60 metros onda corta." Note: The station which formerly identified itself Radio A.N.D.E.S. under the slogan "la voz de los trabajadores campesinos", was established and operated by FRUTCAS "Federacion Regional Unica de Trabajadores Campesinos del Altiplano Sud" (the Unique Regional Federation of Peasants in the Southern Highland) which has members in five provinces in the Department of Potosi. The initials making up the station name stand for the first letter of the five provinces: Antonio Quijarro, Nor Lipez, Daniel Campos, Enrique Valdivieso and Sud Lipiz. According to the "Diccionario Quechua-Espan~ol" (published by the Municipality of Cusco, in 1995), the "Mallku" has two meanings: the Inca Divinity invoked by the Andean diviners; Varayoq del Ayllu (the authority of the social organization in the Andes) nominated each year. It was symbolized by a totem of condor (kuntur), in the Inca civilization. According to the "Gramatica y Diccionario Aimara" 2th edition (published by Juan Enrique Ebbing; printed by Editorial "Don Bosco" in La Paz, Bolivia, in 1981), it is written as "Mallko" in Aymara and has two meanings: chief and condor. Consequently, Radio Mallku may be translated as "Radio Chief" which signified the peasants federation's chief being invoked by diviner, or "Radio Condor" which signified the authority of the peasants federation, symbolized by condor. (Takayuki Inoue Nozaki, Japan, Jan 9, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** COLOMBIA. Clandestine, V. de la Resistencia, 6261.12, Dec 23 2205- 2227*: Tune in to Spanish talk, LA ballads, lively dance music. 2224 ID. S/off with anthem. Weak, but in the clear; a regular lately (Brian Alexander, PA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** COSTA RICA. RFPI is re-evaluating its current frequency schedule, and may re-expand usage of 15049 starting in February, says James Latham on RFPI Mailbag Jan 8. Our deepest condolences to the Lathams upon the passing Jan 3 of Debra's mother Ruth Schneider (Glenn Hauser) ** COSTA RICA. Dear Glenn, Jan. 3, 2000, Ruth Schneider, mother of Debra Latham, passed away quietly in a hospital in Costa Rica. Ruth had recently been diagnosed with a serious liver ailment. Ruth was not in pain during her last days, and was able to see her grand children one day before she died. Debra and other family members were present on her last day. Ruth passed quietly into sleep. Her husband, Richard, heads the RFPI office in Portland, OR, and is often the person one speaks to when calling the RFPI 800 number for membership. (Tim Hendel, RFPI Board Member, Jan 4, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** COSTA RICA. RFPI will be carrying 6 hours of a homelessness marathon live (see below for description and link) UT Wednesday 0000- 0600 Jan 26, 2000 (7pm - 1 am Eastern, Tuesday). Regularly scheduled programming will be preempted, including WOR, the RFPI Mailbag and COM for these hours only [0300-0430]. (Joe Bernard, RFPI, Jan 10) The 3rd Annual Homelessness Marathon will run from 7 p.m. EST, Tuesday January 25th to 9 a.m. EST, Wednesday, January 26, 2000 and will be available to stations across the country via the NPR satellite. The marathon is not a fund-raising event, but a consciousness raising event; a national teach-in on issues of homelessness and poverty, featuring experts, call-ins, and above all, the voices of homeless people. The marathon isn't about charity or do-gooderism. It's about respecting the rights of our fellow citizens and the urgency of changing our national priorities. The marathon will be hosted on the air by "Nobody," (aka Jeremy Weir Alderson), host of the "The Nobody Show -- Your Unabashed Voice of the Left and Left Out," broadcast regularly for the last seven years on WEOS in Geneva, New York. To dramatize the plight of the homeless, he will broadcast all night from outdoors. This year he will be on the street in Champaign, Illinois, where the marathon will be hosted on the ground by community radio WEFT. "Nobody" will have more than a dozen co-hosts during the night who will discuss various aspects of homelessness (e.g. health problems of the homeless, housing the "mentally ill," homeless vets, etc.). Part of the point of the marathon is to show that, even after fourteen hours, the topic of homelessness will barely have been explored, a sharp contrast to the one-sentence dismissals of the homeless as people who are immoral, lazy, addicted or too ignorant to know where the help is. Last year's (1999) 2nd Annual Homelessness Marathon almost certainly holds the record for airing the most voices of homeless people in the history of American broadcasting, a record that the 3rd Marathon will endeavor to break. As has been the case in the past, activists in Champaign and other cities are invited to coordinate candelight vigils, sleep-outs and other events to coincide with this broadcast. For more info visit: http://www.prairienet.org/weft/homeless/ (DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CZECH REPUBLIC. Prague's real audio was fixed on January 3 after I had sent them two E-mails during the holiday. No indication of whether the problem was caused by the "millennium bug". According to Radio Prague's news, there have been no major Y2K problems in the Czech Republic. (Roger Tidy, England, Jan 3, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CZECH REPUBLIC. Back to Xmas, Radio Prague had an enjoyable fun- filled program on Dec 24, 21745 at 1400. A Radio Prague reporter went to the North Pole to interview an intoxicated Santa Claus, who spent most of the time throwing up, mainly on the reporter's shoes! Then onto the mailbag show, with a letter from a female listener who was "turned on" by one of the male announcers at Radio Prague, and a letter from someone who remarked, "Radio Prague is a pile of crap." (Ivan Grishin, Ont., DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** EGYPT. English from Egypt was back on 9900 at 2300, January 2. (Roger Tidy, England, Jan 3, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** EGYPT. R. Cairo, 9900, Dec 31 *2300-2400 English with local music, Happy New Year greetings from R. Cairo employees. Very strong and good clean audio (Brian Alexander, PA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** FALKLAND ISLANDS. Micha Hackett, an engineering student at the University of Washington, Seattle, proposes a high-power mediumwave station here as a relay for BBC to Argentina and other countries, perhaps on 900 kHz using a crossed field antenna. Details are at http://www.hazelnutspread.com/fk.htm (DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GERMANY [and non]. As Wolfgang Bueschel reported in BC-DX # 446, Deutsche Welle has made many frequency changes and cutbacks. An updated DW engineering schedule is posted on the ADDX site at http://www.addx.de/Hfpdat/px_dw.htm . One change omitted from the ADDX version affects listeners to the English program in N. America. Via Sackville, Canada, 9765 recently replaced 9790 from 0100 to 0145 UTC. 73, {Jim Moats, OH, January 10, DX LISTENING DIGEST} ** GUINEA. Rdif. Nationale, 7125, Dec 31 *0604-0700+: Abrupt s/on with French talk; ID as ``Ici Conakry``. Variety of Afro pops, local folk music, French pops, M/W announcer. Many ``Radio Guinee`` IDs. Very good to strong. Also heard Dec 18 at *0600 with NA. And heard lately in late afternoon: 2200-2400* past several weeks (Brian Alexander, PA, Dec 31) Also Dec 31 into Jan 1, 2355-0100+ local Af folk music, French talk, 0000 national anthem, then continued with regular programming. Good. On late for NY, heard past 0100 (Brian Alexander, PA, Jan 1, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INTERNATIONAL VACUUM [non]. Among the speakers at the upcoming National Convention of American Atheists, April 21-23 in San Francisco is Douglas Adams, award-winning novelist. Visit http://www.atheists.org/convention/ FOR further information on the upcoming National Convention, and to register on line for this exciting event! (American Atheists News Jan 6 via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** IRAQ. 7157, Radio Baghdad: S/on at 1700 with NA, announcement in Arabic then followed by Recital of Koran and at 1730 ID and press reports, then songs mainly Kurdish presented by woman until 1859, then program probably in Turkmen with NX at 1900 and Songs after the news, went off around 2100, fair/weak (Mahendra Vaghjee, Mauritius, Jan 5/6/7, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** IRAQ. CLANDESTINE TO/FROM IRAQ: 4755 Voice of Iraqi People 1810- 1840: Announcements and local music to news 1827, off 1840 with identification and brief anthem. Identification was "Idha'at sawt al- sha'b al-iraqi, idha'at al-hizb al-shuy'i al-iraqi". Fair signal, was transmitting in upper sideband. I was not sure of the identification at first, put a message out on the hard-core-dx list and received a reply from Al Bolton at Caversham 20 minutes later, proves the value of being online (Mike Barraclough, England, Jan 2, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ISRAEL. Dear Glenn, I have some information from Moshe Oren, Freq. Manager at Bezeq, concerning upcoming changes to Israel Radio frequencies. Effective January 4: 1900-2200 UTC 9385 kHz replaces 17545 and 13800 2200-2300 UTC 9395 kHz replaces 13800 all using 300kW. There will be no 9 MHz freq. 2300-2400 UTC. The 50kW transmitter on 9385 will only run 0000-0500 UTC. This unit is only capable of operating on two preset freqs., 15615 during the day and 9385 at night. It was not possible to run a single freq. thru' 1900-0500 and avoid interference from Pakistan and WEWN. It is hoped the signal will be stronger as a result of the change. Also 0500-0515 UTC 11605 will change to 7475. Effective January 7: 2000-2100 UTC on 7510 kHz the fixed log periodic at 341 degrees will be changed to a curtain antenna to try to improve the signal. The curtain is only supposed be used up to 7470, which is why it was not used previously. Thanks for your broadcasts during the past year. I really do appreciate all the hard work you put into "World of Radio". My very best wishes for a healthy and happy New Year. (Alan F. Holder, Gurnard Cowes, Isle of Wight, U.K., Jan 3, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KIRIBATI. DXCC ENTITIES SINKING INTO THE OCEAN!!! The Cable News Network (CNN) reported this past week that Kiribati has doubts about its long-term future. Global warming and rising sea levels are taking their toll on the Pacific island nation. According to some reports, Kiribati (pronounced kir-ee-bass) could be entirely under water by 2025. Portions of Kiribati's islands have already disappeared. For more details on the story, go to the Web Page: http://cnn.com/1999/ASIANOW/australasia/12/29/kiribati.millenium/ (KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80, January 3, 2000 via John Norfolk, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KOREA NORTH. Pyongyang FS no longer has total blackouts. Instead they switch off one or two or occasionally three pairs of txers every now and then to reduce the load on the power grid. Two txers usually have a strong buzz, and a third (standby?) txer also seems to have this problem to a lesser degree. Except for 6070 all FS txers appear to be located at the same site, making a total of 9 at this site plus the possible standby one. 6070 (6100 at other times) appears to be one of the ex-Swiss units, staying exactly on freq. (Olle Alm, Sweden, Dec 30, BC-DX via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** LIBERIA. Government defends ban on Star Radio shortwave outlet Text of report by Liberian Star Radio web site on 4th January The Liberian government has defended its ban of Star Radio's shortwave frequencies. The government says it has no intention to lift the ban in the immediate future. President Taylor said government fears that certain information aired could reach some hostile group through the shortwave. He said this was however no attempt to curtail free speech and press freedom in Liberia. The president was responding to a journalist's question on the withholding of the station's shortwave. The government withdrew the station's shortwave frequencies in October 1998. This was the first official reason given by the president for the action. Star Radio was established by a Swiss based NGO, Fondation Hirondelle in 1997. It is now staffed and managed by Liberian journalists and a local board of directors. Source: Star Radio web site, Monrovia, in English 4 Jan 00 BBC Mon MD1 Media dk ((c) BBC Monitoring Jan 5 via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** LITHUANIA. Hi Glenn - In listening to Radio Vilnius last night (Jan 4 0030 6120), they reported that Program 2 & 3 would be off the air Saturday, January 15 through Saturday, February 15 and layoffs could be expected. They also mentioned a number of tax increases this year because of the poor shape of the economy. I never understood that idea, there's bad financial conditions so the government takes more money out of the marketplace that can be used to make purchases. Putin was deemed to be able to create better Russian-Lithuanian relations. They postulated that Yelstin's resignation may have been the result of his refusal to use chemical weapons in their current military conflict. (Dean Bonanno, Durham, CT, Jan 4, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MAURITANIA. R. Mauritania, 4845.0, Dec 23-24 2320-0225+, mostly constant Arabic talk. 0207 Koran. Actually on frequency for a change. Precisely 4845.0 all night long with no drift. On late for Ramadan [now over]; last heard previously Oct 10 on 4816v. Also Dec 26 at 0630 on 4845 with Koran; Dec 31 0200 on 4845 with Arabic music (Brian Alexander, PA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PERU. 5857.4V, Radio Nueva Cajamarca, Nueva Cajamarca; 1133-1142 fair on 31/DEC/1999 . The station slightly drifted between 5857.3 and 5857.5 kHz. At 1133 a couple of advertisements including "Centro Comercial Lee", "Inca Kola", and "Bimbo" were heard. Canned identification was announced as "Todas las orientaciones de la musica estan aqui Radio Nueva Cajamarca. Las mejores interpretaciones y las mejores canciones se encuentran siempre en Radio Nueva Cajamarca." 5858.7V, Radio Nueva Cajamarca, Nueva Cajamarca; 1120-1134 poor on 02/JAN/2000, with rustic folkLore (Takayuki Inoue Nozaki, Japan, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PORTUGAL [non]. RDP has asked for an extra transmission starting January 3 to Jakarta in Portuguese daily at 0400-0600 on 11550 via Taiwan (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ROMANIA. Heard with program for mariners at 0815 on 15335 15380 17735 17745 17895 and 21480 on 2/2 [sic; 1/1?]. Their Home Sce relay on 17825 is causing very bad interference from spurs and splatter throughout the 17 MHz band, and beyond - audible at 18 MHz and below 17480 kHz (Noel R. Green, UKOGBANI, Jan 2, BC-DX via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SERBIA/KOSOVO. 193 SOW, Special Operations Wing, 1270 kHz, letter in 60 days, for no IRCs. Verie signer: Michael S. Hackman. QTH: Pennsylvania Air National Guard HQ, 193d SOW, Middletown PA. Motto: The Voice of the Quiet Professionals of AFSOC, Never Seen, Always Heard. Web: http://www.state.pa.us/PA_Exec/Military_Affairs/air_national/193fact.html (G. Bellabarba, Italy, Play-DX Dec 19 via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SLOVAKIA. Hello - I was trying all three of your frequencies to the western hemisphere (5930, 7300, and 9440 kHz) at 0100 utc on January 9 as the station with best reception varies by day. On 7300, generally the frequency I receive best, was a broadcast from 0050 for well over an hour in what sounded like a Middle East/Central Asian Language. The unknown broadcast was of 55555 quality here, your broadcast could not be discerned at all. This is the first time I have heard this broadcast on 7300, I tune in 3-4 times a week. I heard station ID's at 0100, 0130, and 0200 and could not determine where the broadcast was originating. I'll try to listen over the next week to determine if this will be regular interference. Oh yes, besides the news, the in-depth feature on RSI was a report on the death penalty.... (Dean Bonanno, CT, to RSI via DX LISTENING DIGEST) 7300 would be V. of Turkey in Turkish to NAm; thought they had been there for a long time (Hauser, DXLD) ** SLOVAKIA. Hi Glenn - I never expected to be writing so soon again, however there appears to be more amiss in Eastern European Shortwave Radio. On Radio Slovakia (Jan 6, 0100, 5930) Jake Slegers interviewed fellow English section broadcaster Pete Miller. Miller stated he was leaving RSI because of problems with management. Slegers said listeners could expect many changes in the near future and indeed he would also be leaving shortly. I always felt RSI was the most folksy, friendly station. Any change from that is not for the better. (Dean Bonanno, Durham, CT, Jan 5, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SOMALIA. 7012, R Gaalkacyo, S/on earlier at 1500 probably because of Ramadan and at present the only Somali Station which is being heard. Strong until 1650. then became very difficult due to heavy jamming from 7010 until went off at 1700. [Next day?:] 1504 continuous Somali Songs, 1520 religious talk followed immediately at 1535 by a family drama in Somali and some English between teacher and a school boy; 1600 news?, 1625-1645 talk on Ramadan by man was talking very quickly and named many Islamic countries - Eritrea, Sudan, Arabia and Iran twice and America also mentioned; then music program until went off at 1700 (Mahendra Vaghjee, Mauritius, Jan 3 and 4, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SOMALIA. Radio Gaalkacyo is a local station in the Puntland region of Somalia. It announces that it broadcasts on the 31 and 41 metre bands, although has so far only been confirmed by BBC Monitoring on 41 metres (7012 kHz). It carries a current affairs programme called "Xog-ogaal" (Inside Information) devoted to social, political and economic issues in Puntland, as well as items on health, environment, culture and religion. Station identification: "Halkani waa rediyo Gaalkacyo, Idaacadda Dowlad Goboleedka Puntland". 1600-1700 Daily in Somali on 7012v (© BBC Monitoring Dec 31 via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SPAIN. REE weekly broadcasts in Ladino: 1825-1855 .M..... LADINO ME 17.770 0115-0145 ..Tu.... LADINO Am 11.795 0415-0445 ..Tu.... LADINO Am 9.650 ((C) BBC Monitoring Dec 31 via DX LISTENING DIGEST) Note the NAm broadcast changed from 9690 to 9650 (Hauser) ** SUDAN [non]. Opposition radio announces schedule The Sudanese opposition radio station, Voice of Sudan, Voice of the National Democratic Alliance, which is believed to broadcast from Eritrea, was observed broadcasting on its usual frequency, 8000 kHz, on 7th January at 1600 gmt. It announced that it broadcasts three times a day at 0400-0600, 1200-1400 and 1600-1800 gmt, on 8000, 9052 and 12000 kHz. The radio continues to be heard despite the recent improvement in relations between Sudan and Eritrea. Source: Monitoring observations 7 Jan 00 ((C) BBC Monitoring Jan 7 via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TAIWAN [non]. RTI, new 9465 via WYFR, Jan 1 0005-0035+, tune-in to English program on New Years celebrations in Taibei. IDs for WYFR and R. Taibei Intl. Very strong; new frequency and time for English, or special for NY? Not heard next night (Brian Alexander, PA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TANZANIA. Reactivated Radio Tanzania, Dar es Salaam on 5985, fair to good with QRM from China 1400 In Swahili by man on Islamic Religion, 1430 ID by woman followed by Af Mx and ID again, then talk by man in Af lang. 7165 has not been heard. (Mahendra Vaghjee, Mauritius, Jan 3, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** UGANDA. Uganda Seems to be back tonight with good signals on 4976 kHz at 1700 UTC. Conditions to Africa in General are excellent this evening with:- 3210 Radio Mozambique 3215 SARL South Africa 3240 TWR Swaziland 3255 BBC Meyerton 3320 R. Sonder Grense all booming in on 90 metres 73's Graham Powell, England, Jan 3, DX LISTENING DIGEST) [These items re DXLD 00-02 that SW had disappeared at yearend] Hi Glenn, Happy New Year to you and yours! Keep up the good work, I enjoy reading your bulletins. While writing this (Jan. 3, 1843 UTC), I hear English talk on 4976 kHz, so Radio Uganda appears to be back on shortwave. I also hear a weak carrier on 5026 kHz., maybe it's them too. Best 73', (Mark Veldhuis, the Netherlands, Jan 3, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Just got back from a trip to Death Valley for New Year, and saw a sign next to the Furnace Creek Ranch reading "Timbisha Shoshone Tribe / 91.1 Timbisha Free Radio / Thursday - Sunday 12 - 8 pm". The sign was next to a dirt road leading to the Shoshone tribal reservation in Death Valley (the reservation looks like a trailer park). The reservation is about 100 feet below sea level. The station was not on the air when I was in the area. I tried to hear it later on Saturday and Sunday, but was further south in Death Valley and was unable to hear it; if it was on the air, it is doubtful I could've heard it anyway from the valley floor due to obstructions. The sign is a couple of miles away from the Furnance Creek visitor's center so visitors to Death Valley should keep an ear out for this one. (Harry Helms, Jan 3, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. WLYH-TV, Lebanon PA, on 26100 Jan 1 0300-0330 local remote pickup station with live coverage of Countdown 2000 NYE celebration at Market Square in Harrisburg PA. IDs at UPN-15. Strong since only about 10 km from my location //local WLYH-TV channel 15 (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. NPR's Talk of the Nation is starting a monthly Film Club of the Air, like the Book Club. Starts Thursday Jan 13 at 1906-1959 UT; see, then discuss this month: Magnolia. Ergo: second Thursday of months? (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. News Now changes on VOA as of Feb 5 affect Communications World: One segment of just under 22 minutes only at the following Saturday times: 0136, 0336, 0536, 0736(not on SW), 0936, 1136. Also, English to Africa is being reduced to these segments: M-F 0300-0630, 1600-1900, 1930-2230; Sat 0300-0700, 1600-2130; Sun 0300-0700, 1600- 2200. And VOA has a new zip code: 20237 (Kim Elliott, VOA Communications World Jan 8 via DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** VATICAN. This fortnight's Ask WWCR rebuts the item previously here about the Vatican owing Rome for electric and other utility bills. Basically, George McClintock says Rome owes the Vatican far more than Vatican owes Rome (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ZAMBIA. R. Zambia, 6265, Jan 1 0045-0415+ on late for NY, English talk, local folk music, vernacular talk, local chants, fair (Brian Alexander, PA, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** UNIDENTIFIED. This morning at 0830 I tuned in a station on 8855, SINPO 35333, a religious broadcast since ``Jesus’’ was mentioned many times, but the language was unknown to me, sounded like Quechua or Aymara. A few words I could understand were "ORMANANPA" "MANA PASTOR" "QUAI PAI". Anyone on this list have any info? (Dinan Rogerio, Brasil, Jan 7, radio-escutas, translated by Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Image from 9765, HCJB? ###