WORLD OF RADIO #941, produced May 12, 1998 by Glenn Hauser *Standard disclaimer *WWCR cancelled WOR UT Mon 0430; remaining times are: Thu 2030 on 15685, Sat 0600 on 3210 and 5070, Sun 0630 on 5070, Tue 1230 on 15685 *Open to suggestions about other SW stations to carry WOR *Also on WGTG, Sat 2330 on 5085-USB, starts 3-4 minutes late *Last week WOR was up on time on WRN Sound Store, Sat 1645 *RFPI changes: 21460 ex-21465; and 15049 AM ex-15050-USB; only on 7385 after 0000; no SSB for now and no 24h, so some WOR airings will not be heard *R. Asia Canada now on SW to NAm from UKOGBANI in Tamil; see *Last week's item about RCI planning a west coast site was a put-on *VOA changes date for starting News Now *VOA Communications World will be dumbed-down for general audience *KDSX-1700 DX test was special; our recording of it *WNML-1670 ID, recording from Alabama *Cuba on different USB frequency than on its schedule *New Costa Rican heard on 49mb *R. Nacional, Venezuela, broadcasts nothing *DX Partyline phasing in new host *National Radio of Sahara wants reports on SW frequency *Mali reactivates 25mb frequency *Libya's poor modulation, and rant about other Arab countries' modulation *New opposition SW radio for Sudan *The media magazine you monitor with your mind, W.O.R. 941, Box 1684, Enid, OK 73702 USA; fax if really necessary: 1-580-233-2948 attn Hauser; visit our all-text site: including WOR summaries and DX reports; text of our Spanish DX reports *May Spanish DX report starts May 14 on WWCR, times unknown on RFPI *AWR Madagascar heard better on second try *R. Bayrak, Turkish Cyprus still waiting on SW transmitter; plans RealAudio soon: *Turkey trying to improve modulation despite worn-out tubes *MW clandestines for Iraq from Kuwait *Sa'udi Arabia heard with French on SW, cut off English *V. of Southern Azerbaijan changes morning frequency *V. of Mongolia's English sked--different version than last week *Laos with press teletype in English *New Star numbers station seems to be from Pa Li, Taiwan *Philippines broadcaster heard again on 13 MHz coastal band *R. Simbu, Papua New Guinea closed for lack of funding *Best times to hear New Zealand in Dorset, Germany *BBC late-May previews: The Great Gatsby; Crisis in the House of David *R. France International sites for English at 1200 *Portugal intruded on 20m hamband with distorted signal one night *R. Minsk, Belarus English schedule *[Propagation outlook] from Ottawa May 6 *DX Listening Digest No. 49: $2.50 in NAm; US$3 or 6 IRCs elsewhere from Glenn Hauser, Box 1684, Enid, OK 73702 USA, *concluding World of Radio 941 ### WORLD OF RADIO EXTRA 24, produced by Glenn Hauser *Cui bono -- .tm replacing .com *Be careful how you spell disputed territory [Kosovo/a] *BBC WS charged with racial discrimination *Peruvian radio commentator killed *Radio thriving but often state-controlled *Pirate radio in Ukraine *Switzerland dropping analog broadcasts *Bob Zanotti says shortwave is not dead yet ### WORLD OF RADIO #940, produced May 6, 1998 by Glenn Hauser *W.O.R. 939 was late last week on WRN Sound Store, so RFPI could not get it on air until Tuesday *We survived another week on WWCR UT Mon 0430 on 5070 *HCJB expanded use of 21470 even tho they know it is damaging to RFPI; but quickly changed new NAm frequency *Armed Forces Day May 16-17 likely to interfere with RFPI 7385 *Ken MacHarg says he is leaving HCJB July 1 for Florida *VOA Communications world may be put back together again on web; and why not on SSB? Immediate frequency change; live call-ins *More expanded-band action from Georgia, Colorado *Haitian X-band station in Massachusetts see *Maltese program from NY was a pilot only *Wavescan more reliable and up-to-date on TIAWR now *RCI reported to be planning new site in British Columbia *Cuba clashing with Ukraine again this summer; SSB frequency *Conditions awful last Saturday for AWR-Madagascar special; try again this week *Recording of AWR-Madagascar from Mauritius (2 minutes, distorted) *Malawi finally entering the TV age *The DX program host who has never used a spell-checker, Glenn Hauser on World of Radio 940; or Box 1684, Enid, OK 73702. Check our all-text website: fax: 1-580-233-2948 attn Hauser *Standard disclaimer, including my strange/strained voice due to a head cold peaking at recording time *Read the new Issue 49 of DX Listening Digest, broadcast and amateur, Run for the Border. Sample $2.50 in North America, US$3 elsewhere or 6 IRCs by airmail, to DXLD, address above *Cairo heard with much improved audio, but clash with Sweden *Iraq plans to consolidate radio services, get new transmitters *France in English to North America on new frequencies *Brother Stair expanding the 75mb in Europe *Poland's English confirmed at shifted summer time *R. Yugoslavia just went to summer frequencies *V. of Mongolia English schedule *Another English from Vietnam via Russia *Milton Keynes will soon be famous as World Radio TV Handbook HQ; how to pronounce it, and its other radio connexions *Why Women Don't Like DXing, our article read by Terry Burgoyne *Severe geomagnetic storm May 2-5 disrupted normal SW reception; aurora deep into NAm, even Cuba; blocked out NAm MW signals *Detailed propagation outlook from Boulder, May 5 *That's W.O.R. 940; Glenn Hauser inviting you back next week ###