WORLD OF RADIO 926, produced Jan 26, 1998 by Glenn Hauser *New time for World of Radio on WWCR, UT Mon 0500 on 5070 *Followed by Ask WWCR at 0530, Feb 2 with Tom Sundstrom, webmaster *We still need underwriting donations for express shipment of tapes, to Box 1684, Enid, OK 73702, USA *W.O.R. also on World Radio Network, relayed at times by WUEV, 91.5, Evansville, IN; try Sat 11 am, Sun 12:30 am CST *World Radio TV Handbook confirmed by publisher to continue publishing; new editor and staff to be named *New US pirate frequency is 6850, heard at least with "WREC" *And we heard Montana Audio Relay Service there (recording) *Radio for Peace International announces upgrade plans, changes in power and antennas and mode on its frequencies *Far Right Radio Review is back on RFPI, UT Fri 0200 on 7385 *HRMI, Honduras, reactivated after several months, with new transmitter (recording) *Radio Ilucan, Peru again heard on 5 MHz band *Senegal claims to have new 11 MHz band frequency *Hans Johnson has article in February Monitoring Times on Nigerian clandestines *R. New Nigeria missing from this week's scheduled broadcast *West Coast Radio Ireland announced its Jan 29th broadcast to N. America would be last of current series *The Media Magazine you Monitor with your Mind, W.O.R. 926, Box 1684, Enid, OK 73702 USA; fax if really necessary: 1-580-233-2948 attn Hauser for latest schedule info *Tip for Rational Living *Standard disclaimer *BBC February previews: African Cup of Nations; Keep to the Path; Winter Olympics; Composer of the Month; Performance; The Life of Galileo; Counterpoint; Braving the Deeps *Kaliningrad MW to be used by WWCR? Not exactly *Georgian Radio English schedule *More on Nagorno Karabakh situation surrounding V. of Justice *Israelis urged to sell their infernal TV sets to Arabs *Radio Thailand frequency change in English *unID on 6621 seems to be in Nicaragua *but another 6621 is in Vietnam *Nei Menggu PBS in China was off SW, but now back on two freqs *Radio Pyongyang's composition competition, verbatim *That's World of Radio 926 ###