GLENN HAUSER'S SHORTWAVE/DX REPORT 99-35, August 19, 1999 {Items from this and all our reports may be reproduced and re- reproduced only providing full credit be maintained at alls stages} THIS WEEK ON WORLD OF RADIO EXTRA 31: See topic summary at COMMEMORATIVE EDITION WORLD OF RADIO 1000 will air next week, starting August 25 on WBCQ, August 26 on WWCR, August 27 on WRN and RFPI... GH LIVE INTERVIEW, on INTERNATIONAL RADIO REPORT: Sunday August 22, 10:30 - 11 am EDT = 1430-1500 UT on CKUT 90.3 Montreal, PQ, Canada, also streamed live only via ** ALBANIA. R. Tirana, English to NAm 0145-0200 and 0230-0300, switches to and fro between 6115 and 6120. Parallel 7160, which spars with 7155. 6115 spars with 6110 BBC Spanish to SAm (Bob Thomas, CT, Aug 12, WORLD OF RADIO Extra 31) ** ANTIGUA [?]. Regarding my previous report of Portuguese mixing with English Sunday August 8 at 1510 on 17840, Wolfgang Bueschel says DW does not have any Portuguese scheduled at this hour either [not even to Africa, as I assumed? -gh] and this was Seemingly a mixture product originating from ATG: 17680 1500-1550 zones 13 ATG 250 160 DW 17730 1400-1700 1-4,6-10 ATG 250 300 DW 17765 1400-1700 12-16 ATG 250 160 DW 17840 1400-1700 11SW,12 ATG 125 205 BBC 17840 1400-1700 6-8,10,11 ATG 125 300 BBC (Bueschel, BC-DX) Well, these frequencies would not make a 2A - B mixing product on 17840, but it could after all have been an audio feed mix going into the transmitter... (Hauser) ** BELGIUM. RVI will begin weekly program to Belgian troops in Kosovo from Sept 3; relatives can send greetings, Fri 1900-1930 on 9925 (RVI Radio World Aug 16 via BBC Monitoring, condensed by Hauser) ** BELGIUM [non]. RVI English to NAm 2230 on 15565 via relay has had some problems with the link. Sunday Aug 8, severe audio breakups. Ditto Mon and Tue. Minor breakups Wed Aug 11, my local days. No such problems at 0400 on 15565 (Bob Thomas, CT, Aug 12, WORLD OF RADIO Extra 31) ** BELGIUM [non]. Feeder woes continue - NAm service of RVI, breakups, open carrier, then music filler with joined-in-progress close or just OC until near hourtop. THis is 2230 English on 15565 out of Bonaire. Today had OC during the slot. OK at 0400. Usual features; slight 15560 splatter (Bob Thomas, CT, Aug 14, WORLD OF RADIO Extra 31) ** FINLAND [non]. Low-key American-accented world news in English at 1035 Aug 19 on 6160 soon went into news of Finland; good with some side-splash from VOA 6165. Does YLE Radio Finland know or care that they have SW relays in Canada? They, and other CBC overnight clients might as well list CKZU Vancouver, which this was, and CKZN Newfoundland timings and frequencies amongst their transmissions, but as far as I know not a single one of them does (Glenn Hauser, OK) ** GERMANY. DW has made some changes in the 45-minute English NAm service: 0100, 6145 is inactive. They remain on 6040, 9640, 11810, 13720. At 0300, 6145 inactive; 9535 shut out by 9540 REE, and co- channel 9535. 11810 spars with a CC Romania in Spanish (Bob Thomas, CT, postmarked 12 Aug, WORLD OF RADIO Extra 31) ** LATVIA. 5935 - Latvia Radio International Two different full data cards signed by Y. Cimcus, one with a portrait of a religious man for my 18 April 99 report and another with black and red splash for 26 April 99 report with a note as follows: "Dear Listeners, Latvijas radio is grateful for your listening to our programmes, at the same time informing you that with a view to a more efficient use of our financial resources, its short-wave transmitter on 50.6 m, 5935 KHZ will be closed as from 1st of August 1999. Henceforth please listen to our programmes at our Internet address: " (Mahendra Vaghjee, Mauritius, Aug 15, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING) [News in Latvian, English and Russian is available in RealAudio on Latvian Radio's web site at] (BBC Monitoring) ** RUSSIA. Subject: test transmissions from St. Petersburg Our Centre of broadcasting and radio communications no.2 (former GPR-2) will carry out two special test transmissions to one of our clients this weekend. Here is the schedule: Saturday, August 21st 19.30-20.00 UTC on 7330 and 12040 kHz Sunday, August 22nd 10.00-10.30 UTC on 15230 and 17610 kHz Transmitter power on each frequency is 200 kW, antennas: curtain ones. The frequencies in the 7 and 15 MHz are to Western Europe and in the 12 and 17 MHz to Central and South-East Europe. We suppose it will be also possible to hear our signals in some other parts of the world, such as North-West Africa, South America or Australia. We will relay a program of our local FM radiostation called Radio Gardarika (they broadcast on 69.05 and 102.4 MHz here at St. Petersburg). We will be very glad to receive any reception reports or any other technical comments about these transmissions from various parts of the world. We are especially interested in comments regarding the audio/modulation quality of our transmitters. Please send your reports BY E-MAIL ONLY to the following address: Unfortunately, we will be able to verify your reports ONLY BY E-MAIL with a Radio Gardarika QSL letter in English as a Microsoft Word 97 file. I hope this information will be interesting for you. Thank you in advance for any help. (Mikhail Timofeyev, St. Petersburg, Russia, WORLD OF RADIO Extra 31 and REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING) ** TAIWAN. Regarding your Edition # 999 and the item concerning Radio Taipei International relayed via Merlin U.K. I have located the English broadcast and have been listening in for the past week or so. Excellent reception on 3955 kHz 1800-1900 UT. Unfortunately there is slight distortion on the audio (as is the case with German on 6175 kHz at 1900). Could be due to a feed via Internet rather than by satellite. (Alan F. Holder, Cowes, Isle of Wight, U.K., Aug 13, WORLD OF RADIO Extra 31) ** U K O G B A N I. BBC WS previews for rest of August: [This is one of the regular features in REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING -- just as an example of what non-subscribers are missing...] Matter for Debate, explores ethical dilemmas, starting with armed struggle and legalised prostitution in Aug; then, human genetic engineering, arranged marriages, right to suicide, gay parenting. Two panelists debate the topic, then listeners' calls and E-mail to +44 171 379 7444 or -- 6 x 55 min, 40 min rpt, from Aug 22. AE Sun 1405, Mon 0615; Af Sun 1405, Mon 0715; As Sun 1405, 1905, Mon 0320, 0820. BBC Proms '99. Duke Ellington: A Centenary Celebration. 55 min Aug 20. AE Fri 0305-Am, 1830-Eu; Af Fri 0805; As Fri 1405. Mozart: Marriage of Figaro Overture; Ravel: Le Tombeau de Couperin; David Matthews: Symphony No. 5. 50 min Aug 21-22. AE Sat 1800-Eu LIVE, Sun 0305-Am; Af/As Sun 0905. Durante: Concerto No.4 in E Minor; Vivaldi: Filiae Maestae Jerusalem; Wassenaer: Concerto No. 4 in F Minor; Pergolesi: Stabat Mater. 60 min Aug 28. AE Sat 0301-Am, 1830-Eu; As Sat 0801. Stravinsky: Circus Polka; Judith Weir: Natural History; Delius: Brigg Fair. 45 min Aug 31. AE Tue 1800-Eu LIVE. [I thought that repeats would appear in the Sept issue, but apparently there are none] Play of of the Week: The Sorrows of Young Werther, Goethe's classic about unrequited love. 1 x 60 min from Aug 28. AE Sat 2230, Sun 0530- Am, Sun 1830; Af Sun 1130; As Sun 1130-E, 1501-S. Meridian Books: Goethe on his 250th birthday. 1 x 30 min Aug 26: AE Thu 1430, 2130, Sat 0130; Af Thu 1130, Sun 2130; As Thu 0430, 0920-S, 1130-E, 1530-S. Brain of Britain 1999 [BBC's only "ENTERTAINMENT" programme], 17 x 30 min from Aug 28. AE Sun 2230, Mon 0920; Af Tue 0230, Thu 1430; As Sat 0130-S, 0530-E. Car Stories: cars as cultural icons, status symbols. 1) Nigerian learns to drive Peugeot; 2) a spin in the Mini, the quintessentially British classic; 3) the Mercedes in Russia; 4) Maranello, birthplace of the Ferrari. 4 x 30 min from Aug 21: AE Sat 2130, Sun 0730, Wed 0430-Am; Af Sat 0730, Tue 1430; As Sat 0730, Mon 1430-S, Fri 2330. Dreamtime Dreams. Dreams and visions from across the world, and the meaning they have for mankind. 10 x 15 min from Aug 21. AE Mon 0715, Tue 0330-Am, Thu 1930, Fri 1515; Af Sat 1215; As Mon 0805, 1515-S, 1945, Tue 1430-E. From Where I Stand. Audio diaries from British folk. 6 x 15 min from Aug 28. AE Sat 0330-Am, Mon 1730; Af Sat 1845. Hot New Country music with Nick Barraclough. 9 x 30 min from Aug 15. AE Wed 0920-Eu, Thu 0530-Am, 2230; Af Sun 2230, Mon 0230, Thu 0920; As Wed 1615, Thu 0230-E, 0530. Waveguide. This month: children's radio habits and projects which are addressing their listening needs. 15 min from Aug 21. AE Sat 1730, Sun 0045, 0905, 2105; Af Sun 1045; As Sat 0005-S, Sun 0645, 1230, Mon 0905. (BBC On Air via Chris Hambly, with additional info from BBC Press Office via gh, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING) ** U S A. Re: Off The Hook The "fiasco" with OTH was NOT our doing; they have a dial up phone feed set to WBAI in New York which was set to another station that day by accident. Our operator Tom did not know this, hence the problem. So, we have dozens of programs per week, one operator, therefore sometimes a glich. (Allan H. Weiner, WBCQ) As I replied to AHW - Fine; not surprised it was something like that. Note I did not assign blame for the fiasco (Hauser) ** U S A. Note that the Jew-hating 'Yahweh' preacher with his retired military cohort have disappeared from WGTG (5085 - sometimes SSB). Claims those who call themselves Jews not the real Jews: instead it's us Euros who really are. The manifesto left by the synagogue burners in CA word for word with the utterances heard on this program. Haven't checked to see if still on the nut-case radio net on sat (G7/14 7.70) (Loren Cox, KY, Aug 8, REVIEW OF INTERNATNIONAL BROADCASTING) ** U S A. KWRR -- Wind River Reservation, Wyoming Early in August I was travelling thru central Wyoming, and came upon this station on 89.5 late one afternoon playing Indian music; then went into an hour of classic rock, as announced. Listed in old FM Atlas as 100 kW, and penetrated some distance to the west, but inaudible later in nearby Lander -- evidently off the air, at least this day, between about 10 pm and 11 am MDT. Location is Ethete, pronounced, I believe EE-the-tee, with the 'th' not vocalized, which is off the main road; construction discouraged me from making a side trip. Whenever the mike was open there was a constant high level of background noise (Glenn Hauser, WY, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING) ** U S A. KPBC Garland TX on 2310 kHz? A few weeks ago Bill Smith in TX asked me to check whether this Metroplex station was audible in Enid on 3 x 770 = 2310 where he has been hearing it locally. I was away at the time, but finally checked Aug 19 at 1100, usually the prime hour for 2 MHz harmonic propagation, and there was no sign of it. Why is 1100 prime? 6 am local is when day facilities take over from night, whilst darkness propagation remain here (Glenn Hauser, OK) ** ZANZIBAR. Tanzania: Zanzibar to get new SW transmitter PR China is giving V of Tanzania Zanzibar a new SW transmitter worth $600K, expected to arrive in November 1999, ready for installation (VOT-Z Aug 13 via BBC Monitoring, excerpted by gh for WORLD OF RADIO Extra 31) ###