GLENN HAUSER'S SHORTWAVE/DX REPORT 99-23, May 19, 1999 {items from this and all our reports may be reproduced and re- reproduced only providing full credit be maintained at all stages} THIS WEEK ON WORLD OF RADIO 990. See topic summary at CHINA [non]. On May 11, CRI came on at UT 2302 on 5990, but with that same RHC mixing problem they had one day last week. Heard RHC's interval signal at 2329. CRI was gone just after 2330 and did not return for the rest of the hour. (Ivan Grishin, Ont., REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING) CHINA [non]. The 5990 and 9570 relays of CRI, evidently via Cuba, have been more sporadic lately. Sat May 8 at 2300 English on 5990, 2400 English OK, but UT Sun May 9 at 0100, 9570 was missing. UT Thu May 13 at 0107 check, 9570 was in Spanish! -- assumed CRI, but could have been RHC, as already at 0108 they crossfaded into CRI English; 0200 Chinese, strong and distorted (Glenn Hauser, OK) CHINA [non]. Quite irregular now; Sat May 15 the 2300 English on 5990 appeared, but no Spanish at 0000; and 9570 at 0100-0300 is often missing. Wonder if they are trying some other frequencies we don't yet know about? (Glenn Hauser) CUBA [non]. I checked R. Marti's new 21500 via Delano around 2150 May 15 - and Cuban bubble jamming had already attacked it. However, due to larger skip distances on higher bands, I expect Cuba cannot skywave-jam this; should have used this band long ago, but IBB can only be dragged kicking and screaming into 13m! I'm not really complaining, since that means less QRM to other stations (Glenn Hauser, OK) NEW ZEALAND. Checked for RNZI Mailbox UT Thu May 13 at 0305 on 17675; something else was on, but left it tuned in with sound almost down. Ears pricked up at 0334 when familiar Mailbox theme started, and show ran half an hour late! (Glenn Hauser, OK) NICARAGUA [non]. Aqui es Nicaragua Glenn, during our DSWCI AGM and DX camp we came across a program calling itself "Aqui es Nicaragua", seemingly relayed over AWR Radio Lira Internacional Costa Rica on 15459.5 kHz till s/off at 2331 UTC. It was heard on May 1, which was a UT Saturday. I do not know whether this is a daily outlet since propagation normally does not allow late reception on such a high frequency here. It seemingly is pre-produced in Nicaragua. Our first thought was a new clandestine, but I tried again the following night and found Radio Lira active from s/on 2200. Any further background info available? vy73 (Harald Kuhl, Germany, May 14) NICARAGUA [non]. COSTA RICA. 15460 Mayo 1 Radio Mundial Adventista, Alajuela, 2215-2330, diariamente, muy fuerte aqui en // 13750 aqui con sen~al regular hasta despues de las 2300 horas con mucho ruido. entre las 2215 a 2230 hrs con pgma "Compartiendo el Amor" QTH: Casilla Postal 1919 Cochabamba, Bolivia.ID" Usted esta en sintonia de Red Internacional La Voz de la Esperanza", entre las 2230 a 2300 hrs emitiendo mx Gospel, a las 2300 hrs con programa desde Managua- Nicaragua "Vistazo Internacional" con programa "Enfoques cristianos" entre las 2305 a 2315 hrs con presentadores Vicky Bravo y David Murillo y entre las 2320 a 2330 con interesante programa sobre Nicaragua con el presentador Ronald Gonzales con "Asi es Nicaragua" QTH: Apartado Postal 92, Managua, Nicaragua o e-mail: de la Radio Adventista de Nicaragua. (Yimber Gaviria, Colombia, Noticias DX May 15 via Hauser) SOMALIA. New pro-Museh Sudi radio to open soon Text of report by Somali newspaper `Ayaamaha' Museh Sudi Yalahow [the chairman of an enclave in southwest Mogadishu] will soon open a radio station which will support his policies. The radio station used to broadcast in northern Mogadishu and supported Ali Mahdi Muhammad [the chairman of the Somali Salvation Alliance]. The station [Radio Mogadishu, Voice of the Somali Republic] was captured during recent fighting between the militia men of Museh Sudi and those of Husayn Ali Ahmed, the governor of Banaadir Region [Mogadishu and environs]. Source: `Ayaamaha', Mogadishu, in Somali 12 May 99 (BBC Monitoring, copyright, via Hauser) What's the frequency?! We know the Somalis are found of the 6.8 MHz area... (gh) U K O G B A N I. The programming wizards at BBC WS did it again -- ditched a heavily promoted program (cover and full page story in May On Air), on this week's Assignment, heard at 1130 Thursday May 13, NOT about Cuba, but Albania!! And promoted next week's topic -- what else?? -- Slobo!! (Glenn Hauser, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING) YUGOSLAVIA. Glenn, Just checked the Radio Yugoslavia website and they now omit the NAm service. Here is what they show: 1800-1830 6100 Russian to Russia/Moscow 1830-1900 7230 Serbian to Australia 1900-1930 7220 Spanish to Spain 1930-2000 6100 Serbian to Europe 2000-2030 6100 German to W.Europe 2030-2100 6185 French to W.Europe 2100-2130 6185 English to W.Europe 2130-2200 6185 Serbian to W.Europe (Ivan Grishin, May 13, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING) ###