GLENN HAUSER'S SHORTWAVE/DX REPORT 99-19, April 22, 1999 {Items from this and all our reports may be reproduced and re- reproduced only providing full credit be maintained at all stages} THIS WEEK ON WORLD OF RADIO 986: See topic summary at BELGIUM [non]. You're right! Sunday April 17 2247 on Brussels 1043 RVI acknowledged that Radio Netherlands was using the wrong antenna for the 0400 15565 broadcast during its first week. This now puts in an excellent signal near San Francisco. The RVI English staff presents a broadcast well worth listening to. Considering they only have an on-air staff of five the quality of presentation and topics selected is outstanding. The lucky people who can listen in FM quality on Saturday to Music from Flanders, enjoy by far the best non-BBC music program in international broadcasting. Paul Rans' selection of classical and folk music is second to none (Larry Nebron, April 19, WORLD OF RADIO 986) BOLIVIA. HCJB's DX Partyline April 17 interviewed Eldon ---, engineer of R. Mosoj Chaski. Name means "New runner" or "New messenger". Was inaugurated April 12 at 6 pm; sked is 5-8 am and 6-9 pm in the UT-4 zone, so sign-on is at 0900 UT. All in Bolivian Quechua dialect; Casilla 4493, Cochabamba; for QSL, tho unsure if they can QSL by E-mail. Using lazy-H vertical-incidence antenna (Glenn Hauser, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING) COSTA RICA. Once the new powerline is in place, RFPI has plans and is seeking funding for, a 100 kW transmitter! The 21460-USB antenna is still the standby, favoring the west (part of NAm?) (RFPI Mailbag April 17 via Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 986) COSTA RICA. MUNDO RADIAL ON RFPI: Monday 14:00 UT, Thursday 15:30 UT, Friday 14:00 UT on 15050, 21460 USB (Joe Bernard, RFPI, April 13) GERMANY. The summer edition of DW's English program newsletter arrived yesterday. According to the new schedule, "Mailbag North America" will be broadcast at 0105 and 0505 UT on the last Monday of each month. On a more ominous note, the DW website still has not been updated for the A99 frequency and program info {Jim Moats, OH, April 16, WORLD OF RADIO 986} GREECE. VOG English confirmed: 0140 and 0340 on 7450, 9420, 11645, 15630 (Bob Thomas, CT, April 13, WORLD OF RADIO 986) INTERNATIONAL WARFARE. has up-to-date schedules of English broadcasts from the region, and frequency lists for military activity on HF, VHF, UHF (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 986) INTERNATIONAL WARFARE. A correspondent of mine wrote those broadcasts to the Serbs are on 87.9 -- not heard yet, and 106.4, and to hear it better she tunes to 106.5. There's another broadcast from a mountain site on 106.5. She says she's heard that in 4-6 weeks a "network" of FM stations from sites in surrounding nations will be on the air, 24 hours. Construction is underway. Interesting; since FM is going to be tough out to the mountains and can be easily jammed. My friend says FM is very, very popular in Sebia and like in the USA, AM isn't too popular. Many people in the reigon have SW; they reluctantly tune in AM; FM is the trend. The affluent 10-12% or so have a satellite dish, usually hidden from view-- put out at night and hidden during the day. There's fear of confiscation and problems. CNN is a popular view but only about half with dishes watch it regularly. One female correspondent isn't too popular with some. Sports is very popular with basketball a hit. There's come NASCAR interest and baseball is a curiosity. Takes their mind off the woes they're undergoing. BKB was missed during the strike and car racing before NATO action started was a major interest. Allegedly there's some electromagnetic jamming causing problems with domestic radio, TV, electrical power, appliance use. I understand domestic radio and TV installations which are tied in with the military comms are now fair game to air strikes by NATO. A US military honcho said in a prepared statement to a reporter's question that they'd like to take out the Serbian radio and TV studios and transmission sites in order to disrupt *their* one-sided reports, lies and propaganda. There's an email URL [] around where people in the affected areas can file reports wihtout fear of having it traced back to them. They're encouraged to openly speak out on how they're being hampered, what they've experienced, damage reports, what aid is needed, etc. (Bob Thomas, CT, April 12, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING) NIGERIA [non]. Opposition station R. Kudirat has unexpectedly returned, heard April 15 at 1900 on its former frequency 6205, also announcing 11540; heard the next night 1900-2000 on 6205 and 11560, not 11540. These are via SENTECH, South Africa. Press reports say the station returned April 12 after having difficulty getting permission to broadcast within Nigeria (Chris Greenway, UKOGBANI, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING) ROMANIA. RRI English: at 0200 9510 is hit by WYFR and RHC on 9505; 9570 has a good chance; 11740 has Voz Cristiana and Taipei English. But at 0200 I continue to hear RRI fairly well on unannounced 11725. That was first heard UT April 9, pretty good, some fade and a bit of hum at 0200, but not active there at 0400 when R. Svoboda was on 11725 (Bob Thomas, CT, April 13, WORLD OF RADIO 986) RUSSIA. At 0300, VOR English -- I usually listen to 9665 and 7125. Tuning around I cuaght 'em nicely on 17690 and 17630. At 0400: 9665 fair, 7125 best, quite good on 17690 and 17630 (Bob Thomas, CT, Apr 13, WORLD OF RADIO 986) SPAIN. Justin Coe interviewed his predecessor, Terry Burgoyne, on REE Radio Waves April 17. Misunderstanding about the circumstances of his departure came from his wry wit, he says. It was entirely voluntary, as he decided to take early retirement at age 62, as there were other things he wanted to do, instead of waiting until 65. Plans to visit Vatican Radio soon and hopes to tape interviews for a free- lance piece on RW. References to being replaced by a younger person were just being factual (Glenn Hauser, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING) UKRAINE. I heard Radio Ukraine April 14 on 5905, tuning in around 0045, and surprised to hear them coming in quite well. (Ivan Grishin, Ont., WORLD OF RADIO 986) U S A. I have decided to remove my Spiritual Awakening show from WWCR. I had been producing three different versions, and this was too much work. The WWCR version lacked references to Buddhism and other eastern religions. Still on RFPI (Sunday 2100, Monday 0500), and on Wisdom Radio network (James Bean, Maine, April 15, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING) U S A. The AT&T coastal stations WOM, WOO and KMI have returned to the air, following their planned Feb 28, 1999 permanent shutdown. Apparently this was by order of the FCC. I monitored 8722 kHz on 9 April at 0859 UT and heard an announcement pertaining to the reactivation after the traffic list. AT&T is trying toi "resolve" the situation; until then, the stations will remain active (Dave Hughes, Kansas City MO, WORLD OF RADIO 986) ###