GLENN HAUSER'S SHORTWAVE/DX REPORT 99-18, April 14, 1999 {Items from this and all our reports may be reproduced and re- reproduced only providing full credit be maintained at all stages} THIS WEEK ON WORLD OF RADIO 985: See topic summary at WORLD OF RADIO ON WWCR: The new Saturday 1130 airing on 12160 is now expected to start April 17; the Sunday 0930 on 5070 is expected to end April 25 or May 2 AUSTRALIA. RA's Feedback was missing without apology or explanation, when checked at usual 0005 UT Sat April 10 on 21740; instead, Asia- Pacific, Saturday edition. Via John Norfolk, new posted schedule shows Feedback shifted to 0030 by when I had quit listening. Extracting all the Feedback times: UT Fri 2110, Sat 0030, 0610, Sun 0330. Also check out Media Report, UT Thu 2330 etc. (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 985) AUSTRIA. ORF's German DX programs are now scheduled: Intermedia: Fr 1605, 2105; Sa 0105, 0405, 0805, 1105, 2005; So 1930. DX-Telegramm: Fr 1225, 1550, 1825, 2225; Sa 0725, 0925; So 0555, 1955. Some frequencies to try for these in NAm: 0105-0230 9655; 1100-1130, 1200-1230 13730 (Hauser, from printed schedule via Maryanne Kehoe) BELGIUM. RVI's see-saw tilts the other way this week, with Radio World missing from the UT Sunday April 11 0400 broadcast on 15565, but instead Music from Flanders, which is the Saturday feature. So this time they decided to put Radio World on UT Monday as the *last* transmission of the day's cycle, confirmed April 12. BTW, I usually find this broadcast ironically marred by adjacent channel Dutch on 15560, presumably R. Nederland; site? (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 985) BULGARIA. Someone from R. Bulgaria was interviewed on REE's Radio Waves April 11; mentioned that they now have English and some other languages on RA at where you may choose the two domestic services, or R. Bulgaria external. They pointed out that Sofia is awfully close, as I had noticed, to Kosovo (Glenn Hauser, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING) CANADA. Thanks to tip from CBC Hotsheet, I was waiting for a new series from April 11 during the last hour of This Morning -- Sunday. Or if it's a repeat, it's new to me: "From Naked Ape to Superspecies" -- 8 parter on human culture and its impact on the natural world, with David Suzuki. This was Sunday at 1506 on 13650; the only announced and listed parallel now, 17800, was occupied by something in French, probably RFI, with something underneath producing subaudible heterodyne but I was never able to confirm as RCI. Show was pretty good; next week's episode: The Ecological Footprint. Says it's also running Monday nights on Ideas. Series is available on cassette for C$39.95 ppd, taxe inclue, from 416-205-7367 or the usual addresses (gh) NAKED APE TO SUPERSPECIES: This Sunday morning David Suzuki begins a new, special series on CBC Radio One. From Naked Ape to Superspecies is a kind of taking stock, about the impact human beings are having on the natural world, as we approach the end of the millennium. This week, Suzuki focuses on biodiversity and how human beings may be less important in the scheme of things than we think. That's From Naked Ape to Superspecies, beginning Sunday morning at 11:00 (11:30 NT) on CBC Radio One. (CBC Hotsheet via REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING) CHINA. Best frequency for CRI in English at 1200 is now 11675; however there is FEBA co-channel until 1220 (Joe Hanlon, PA, April 10 via Hauser) COSTA RICA. Notes from RFPI Mailbag, April 9 with Debra and James Latham: Verifications currently not by card but by QSL letter, uniquely on recycled banana paper. Having severe problem getting Pacifica News downloaded; takes 3-4 hours nightly trying to get it and piece it together. Re-evaluating whether it is really worth the trouble, trying to get Pacifica to send RFPI a file directly. Interns at RFPI are doing a daily Kosovo report based on news from internet, 5-8 minutes "throughout the day" but no specific times given -- I've yet to run across it. People continue to be confused by grid program schedule and the fact that UT days are one day ahead of NAm days in our evenings. I say, keep the sked that way, but always accompany with a fine print explanation as done on this program and have two time/day columns, one UT and the other CST/MDT. New website is up and running, and new E-mail: Anyhow, the old website and address will remain usable (Glenn Hauser, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING) IRAN [non]. New Info on WWCR Persian (Farsi) Radio International Program Today (4-12-99) I have listened to WWCR on 15685 at 1300 UT in Persian (Farsi) Radio International. Radio International program is a pro communist program. Seems to me they are connected to the Iranian Communist Labor Party (It is outlawed in Iran). They have mentioned their fax number for contacts. Fax: 416-515-6722 (anon.) IRAQ. Dear Glen, Just a note to say that I heard Radio Iraq International on 8th April at 21:17 UTC freq. 9685 Khz. Ident in English 'This is Baghdad'; very poor audio, sounded like they were running on low voltage. Tx suddenly off at 21:28 UTC. 73s (Jonathan Kempster, England, WORLD OF RADIO 985) MONGOLIA. As heard mentioning a couple weeks ago, VOM has moved from 12085 to 12015 for English; heard April 13 at 1130 in Standard Chinese on 12015; and 1200 opening English with new schedule: Au 1200 12015; SAs 1500 9720, 12015; Eu 1900 9720, 12015 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 985) NIGERIA [non]. ABS Radio did not appear on RFPI the third week, as scheduled Thu April 8 at 2030 on 15049 and 21460-USB -- instead, without explanation, Music Medicine played (Glenn Hauser, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING) U S A. This Friday afternoon, April 9, I was within reach of a SW radio at 2030 for WBCQ 7415, to check for Jean Shepherd show as Al Weiner had previously mentioned on AWW, but which is missing from the posted WBCQ schedule which doesn't show anything before 1730 ET on Friday -- when you have a website, why not post accurate program schedules, changed as often as necessary, even if it includes "unofficial" filler?? Indeed, filler info is more needed than anything else. There it was, but reception was so noisy I couldn't really follow it, despite Shepherd's ranting -- no soft-spoken storytelling here. Turned out to be a WOR [the other one] aircheck from the 1960s, as Richard Nixon was referred to as "former Vice President" (tho if one disapproved of him while President might well be identified thus). Around 2102-2107 we had full ID for WOR AM and FM, New York, commercials, a period newscast, and back to more Shepherd, tho J.S. was supposed to be on at "4:30-5" Eastern. Never heard a WBCQ ID. Finally at 2118 Gary Bourgois wrapped it up for WBCQ on his satellite feed from Marquette (Glenn Hauser, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING and WORLD OF RADIO 985) U S A and non. OPERATION ALLIED FORCES None of this info is classified. It is public knowledge and has been in print for years. Anything sensitive on HF would be encrypted. All frequencies given are HF and all are USB. Possible frequencies. Those which are highlighted on this copy are indicated here by *, presumably meaning actually monitored lately or known to be active - 4724, 6693, 6865, 8046, *8921, *8968, 89791, *8992, 9118.5, 9269, 9620, *11175, 15016, 16442.5, 16444, 17976 Navy Hi Command: *6697, *11267 Operation Allied Force activity heard: *2962, *6628, *8825, *11140, *13354 *11300 hot! Serbian fighters, excited Americans(?) English. This is an international ATC frequency Royal Airforce: 4742 French Airforce: 6712 -- callsign Circus Vert Code: Cotam xxx 11239, 11245, *11175, 6959, 3930 GHFS US Milcomms: 4724, 6739, 8992, 11715, 13200, 15016 Flight Watch Weather: 11243 USAF: 4724, 6712, *6739, *8968, *8992, 9016, 9023, 9037, 10780, *11175, 11244, 11271, *13200, 15015, 17975 E3 AWACS: 3900, *5691, *8980, *10315, 23214, *10315, 6700, 11228, 8971, 6760, 6695, 3081, 3225, 4542, 4720, 4758, 6762.5, *8986.5, 11270.5, 15050, 17996.5, 6754, *8980 Andrews AFB: *10086, *11244 NATO Forces: 3178 "Bookshelf Net" 4724 USAF Primary GHFS 5218 "Bookshelf Net" 6693 USN Voice Co-ordination 6712 USAF Primary GHFS 6728 AWACS 6739 USAF Primary GHFS 6761 USAF air refueling primary 6865, 6932.5, 8046 "Bookshelf Net' 8992 USAF Primary GHFS 9118.5 9260 *10315 NATO Naval Command Net *16642.5 Naval Hotel Tracking Net (Bob Thomas, CT, April 4) This is an informal checksheet, accounting for duplications and unclear categorization in some cases (gh) Serbian fighters heard on 11300 USB with very excited English speaking shots, possibly Americans? 11175 USB, and 10204 secondary, US GHFC Main, code numbers, weather requests and weather data given; Andrews, Ascension, Thule, Incirlik Comms heard on 6912 8968.0 code numbers, wx, initial comms, told next contact to go to 8992 which is a main active frequency NATO freqs on USB: 5325, 6729, 6773 There's been talk about people with HF access making anti-US/anti-NATO comments and shouting rhetoric on MilComm freqs. OM/YL radio ops have ingored them. I'm sure if they heard them they're slightly taken aback that people would go on MilComm HF with statements. It wasn't done PGWI or PGWII [Persian Gulf Wars I and II] (Bob Thomas' notes, CT, April 9, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING and WORLD OF RADIO 985) ###