GLENN HAUSER'S SHORTWAVE/DX REPORT 99-05, Jan 28, 1999 {Items from this and all our reports may be reproduced and re- reproduced only provided full credit be maintained at all stages} THIS WEEK ON WORLD OF RADIO 974. See topic summary at AUSTRALIA. Radio Australia will conduct a test transmission on Sunday 14 February to evaluate propagation of 21 MHz into South East Asia during their local evenings. The test is from the Shepparton transmitting facility, and will be on 21710 kHz at 0900-1358 UT. The target areas are SE Asia as well as Central & Western Europe. QSLs for this transmission will be marked as "test transmission". (Richard Jary, Australia, Jan 26 via Hauser) COSTA RICA. Joe Bernard announced this revised RFPI frequency schedule Jan 22 at 1900, repeated Jan 23 at 0300 just before COM: 6975 0000-0800 (weekends -1200); 15050 expanded to 1300-0300; 21460-USB 1200-0300 (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 974) Our CONTINENT OF MEDIA's new time on RFPI, Tue 2000, is not supposed to be repeated Wed at 0400, but did appear Jan 27 when Pacifica News was not available; and promos also say it is repeated 16 hours later, i.e. Wed 1200 on 21460-USB. Let's call these "irregular repeat defaults" (Glenn Hauser, COM) ECUADOR. HCJB does it again--picking a frequency oblivious of a strong signal already there. Now it's 9660 for Japanese at least between 1130 and 1200, clashing with R. Australia in English, as noted Jan 24, bad here, and presumably bad in the Pacific and Asia (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 974) IRAN [non]. I am fluent in Persian, I am originally from Iran. That Persian (Farsi) service of Radio WWCR calls itself Radio Porseh. That means Questions. In exact translation it is RADIO QUESTION INTERNATIONAL (P. Mohazzabi, Jan 21, WORLD OF RADIO 974) No reception of this here since, 1100 Fri/Sat on 12160, just not propagating as a rule. Sometimes fades in by 1245 as Sat Jan 23, when the publicized London Radio Service show has NOT been appearing. It appears it was my mistake to put the Kurdish version on Tuesday instead of Thursday; taking another look at the WWCR schedule. In context along with M/W/F entries, which T means Tuesday and which means Thursday is obvious, but not when out of context (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 974) KOREA SOUTH. Some notes from RKI's Murtiwave Feedback Jan 24, 1137 via RCI 9650--which was pounding in, unlike previous winters with lower solar flux: This is the "Year of Architecture," so that's the theme of RKI QSL cards issued both for SW and internet "reception" reports. The first of several designs is issued in February. Also said the Skelton (not Skeleton, Esther has learnt) relay as of Jan 25 has definitely moved from 3975 to 3980, including French at 2100-2200; but a listener warns that IRRS is on 3980 (Glenn Hauser, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING) LUXEMBOURG [non]. Merlin Network One is carrying "The 208 Sound" at various times throughout the morning. Further checking revealed that the program is originating from Radio Luxembourg. See - The web site declares that RL is alive! (Jim Frimmel, TX, Jan 26, WORLD OF RADIO 974) NETHERLANDS ANTILLES. RN's Bonaire relay keeps having annoying problems. UT Thu Jan 14 at 0100 on 9845 and 6165, was running fill music and apology for loss of feed from Hilversum. Then, UT Fri Jan 22 during Media Network 0053+ 9845 had a pronounced audio echo, running roughly one second or 5-7 words behind the original. This delay is too long to be accounted for by long-path dual propagation, and certainly seemed to be coming out of the same Bonaire transmitter. Neither the original nor the echo was in sync with //6165, but this was probably a malfunxion of the built-in delay system which keep 6165 and 9845 (or any two Bonaire frequencies) from modulation peaks at the same instant in order to even out power consumption. Thanks to George Thurman for tipping us in both instances (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 974) PERU. 5906.8 - RADIO PANORAMA. 2350 - 0120 Jan. 23. The Peruvian noted in USA and tip via Glenn Hauser in Radio Enlace-RNW is Radio Panorama from Distrito Recopampa, Provincia de Celendin, Dpto. de Cajamarca. It's a new station formed by the brothers Miguel y Segundo Delabriore (I am not sure of the surname). They have another station on 1400 kHz named La Voz de los Andes, and Miguel is manager of that, and Segundo of Radio Panorama. Slogan: "Radio Panorama la Reina de la sintonia" ID: "Desde Recopampa esta es Radio Panorama la nueva radio que estamos saliendo en senal de prueba en los 5900 Khz...." Off the air at 0120, not heard in the mornings. I don't believe that Radio Panorama is a religious station (Rafael Rodriguez R., Bogota, Colombia, Jan 25, WORLD OF RADIO 974) ROMANIA. RRI's morning broadcast was again at listenable level Fri Jan 22; at 1322 Letterbox giving out some general-information Romanian websites, 1327 into The Skylark, nice folk music -- but frequency 17805 was actually around 17806.3 with het against something more accurate; //17745.0 whilst the two 19mb frequencies, 15335 and 15390 were quite weak and fluttery. The Romanian home service on 17850 had the usual internal noise sounding like self- inflicted jamming (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 974) U S A. On Jan 19 at 0700, "High Adventure Radio" was co-channel BBC on 5975, both about equal strength. High Adventure Radio continued with gospel huxters in English after BBC signed off at 0800. (Ivan Grishin, Ont., WORLD OF RADIO 974) We can only hope that KVOH on 5975 is a punchup error for 9975. I recall that some other US station--WYFR? was previously using 5975 after 0800 (Hauser) Once again this morning, Jan 22, I heard HAM on 5975 co-channel BBC at 0730-0800, with HAM coming out on top. Like you, I hope that is just a typo for 9975. But we can always tune in 6175 (Ivan Grishin, Oshawa, WORLD OF RADIO 974) U S A. WOR on WBCQ: Don't you believe that VOA CW has moved from Wed 2200 to Sun 2100 as PanIview reports; it was never VOA CW on Wed but that other DX program, which stays put. They also have WEWN confused with WSHB on 9385. BTW, if this should reach the guys at PanIview, please correct my address--Box 1684, not 1634 Glenn Hauser, Enid OK 73702) ###