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UWF Application

UWF Application

Copy the application below, click on the link at the bottom of the application and paste it on, then fill it in. You will recieve an acceptence message, telling you that you are offically in. (NOTE: You can not start roleplaying until you recieve an acceptence message.) The UWF only accepts original wrestlers (NO Real Wrestlers), that means no Steve Austin's or Bret Hart's, wrestlers must be original and you can not mix real wrestlers first name with other real wrestlers last name! Original! You are allowed to make one(1) wrestler or tag team. So don't be left out, fill in the application and send it in!


  1. High Flyer
  2. Scientific
  3. Brawler
  4. Mat-Wrestler
  5. Submission Wrestler
  6. Technical Wrestler
  7. Martial Arts
  8. Cheater
  9. Teamwork
  10. Power Wrestler

Click Here To send me the Application



  1. High Flyer
  2. Scientific
  3. Brawler
  4. Mat-Wrestler
  5. Submission Wrestler
  6. Technical Wrestler
  7. Martial Arts
  8. Cheater
  9. Teamwork
  10. Power Wrestler
  1. High Flyer
  2. Scientific
  3. Brawler
  4. Mat-Wrestler
  5. Submission Wrestler
  6. Technical Wrestler
  7. Martial Arts
  8. Cheater
  9. Teamwork
  10. Power Wrestler

Click Here to send me the Application