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Welcome to the Asylum...

Hello there! And thank you for visiting my site. For those of you that have been here before, you may notice that it is somewhat lacking in the old content - that's because I know longer needed most of that content. But that is going to change. I am starting a new Star Trek Roleplaying Game and as soon as I have all the memebers, this site will grow rapidly with bios and information about the new ship.

The new ship membership is originally going to be filled with members from the USS Ark Angel and other STARFLEET Chapters but anyone is welcome to join. The Ark Angel is a STARFLEET International ship in Round Rock, Texas. We will have members from some of our neighbor ships as well to promote diversity and interaction. I think the new game will be fun-filled. If you'd like more information please email me or visit the website for the ship.

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Disclaimer! I, in no way, claim any connection to the Star Trek franchise or Paramount Pictures. This site is of a fan's doing and nothing more.