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Julia's Happy Place

Hi, I'm Julia. I'm 17, and I live in the beautiful, scenic state of Oklahoma. My life has been really chaotic since school let out a week ago, but in a good some say, "organized chaos." It's weird but I have more responsibilities and more going on in the summer than during the school year! I am going to be volunteering for the third year at Hillcrest Medical Center, in the Special Care Nursery. I am so excited about it--it's a department they save for the older, more experienced volunteers, so I was thrilled when they asked me if I wanted to do it. I'm looking forward to it, I think it will be a really neat experience. I am also helping to plan Youth Conference 2000 and the Priest-Laurel activities for the summer, since I am on the Stake Youth Committee, and I am going to be a Youth Camp Leader again for girls' camp, so that is taking a lot of preparation also. I will be so glad when June's over...then I can start working on the three laurels projects that I have to have done by the end of the summer! So, there's my fun-filled summer, now here's more about me. I have a beautiful mommy and daddy, a hilarious Big Little brother named James (he is 15 and a lot taller than me at 5'9), and an adorable little sister, Shannon, who is 7. I am 5'0, by the way, on a good day. But that's without my clunky shoes which have become my trademark over the past couple of years. :) I also have two cats named Tigger and Precious, and they are the cutest cats in the world. I play guitar, acoustic and electric, and right now I'm really into the Dixie Chicks so I'm learning lots of their songs. My favorite is "Cowboy, Take Me Away"...I hope that one day I will find a guy that I will feel that way about. I used to play soccer, but I had to quit because the Under-19 division plays on Sundays. My favorite thing to do is serve others, I love doing volunteer work and helping others. I'm also a waitress at Tippin's, which is a restaurant that specializes in pies (YUM), so that is a big chunk of my life right now. I guess that's about it, so I'm gonna leave...but PLEASE take a second to sign my guestbook, I'd really appreciate it...thanks. :)

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