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Good example is the work of GENEALOGY FRAUD
Truth of Ancestry of Jacob Snyder from Lancaster County Historical Society , Pa.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Few genealogical investigation were the result of the work done entirely by one person. Usually, at least some information and assistance is provided by others. My appreciation goes to my friends and for their help.
Preface Of Controversy
In the year 1975, Ernest Snider starts to researching the Jacob Schneider family history. Knowledge has shown me that you have to deal with discrepancies in genealogical research. It can be a frustrating fact of research. Here is the story was part of an elaborate swindle of Jacob Schneider of Back Creek, Virginia. My goal is to put together enough evidence so that a reasonable person can make up there mind. I present the facts and don't try to convince anybody.
I have been doing family genealogies since 1968. Simply out of simple respect for the living family members . I do not show their personal information or do anything that would put a bad light on these individuals.
I feel very strongly, it is wrong to show living family members birthday , marriage and children name. When I see that they do this to my family genealogy concerning living family members . I feel very disgraced and dishonored by their actions. But if there are untruths, especially those that cast a living person in a bad light, defamation may be added to invasion of privacy.
Therefore it only server for dishonest people who would use it for identity theft or use to invade someone's right of privacy or criminal activities. If this person really cared about people, they would care about their right to privacy before he publish any personal information or place it online about living family members. They would have purge files of information relating to living persons.
Fraud and related activity in connection with identification documents. Letha Snider Bolender and others has no legal rights of distributing my work without my permission. Please destroy this copy. It was never to be use as documented and verified for public use or commercial purposes.
Produced without lawful authority knowing that such document was stolen from Origin Researcher was Ernest Snider. Knowingly transfers or uses, without lawful authority, a means of identification of another person with the intent to commit, or to aid or abet, any unlawful activity that constitutes a violation of Federal law, or that constitutes a felony under any applicable State or local law.
For all those reasons, that is why I strongly favor of put an end of showing living family members genealogy or family information online should be against the law. When I see my family's history been invaded and violated by showing living members. I will turn those people into the law , because I feel these people need to be prosecuted.
How can someone steal your identity? Identity theft occurs when someone uses your personal information such as your name, Social Security number, credit card number or other identifying information, without your permission to commit fraud or other crimes.
Identity theft is a serious crime. People whose identities have been stolen can spend months or years - and their hard-earned money - cleaning up the mess thieves have made of their good name and credit record. In the meantime, victims may lose job opportunities, be refused loans, education, housing or cars, or even get arrested for crimes they didn't commit.
The original researcher material was copyrighted in 1989 from a number of sources.
The original researcher does not take responsibility for the criminal activity or alterations or changes to the original document.
Ernest Snider was the original researcher of this material.
Let me make myself perfectly clear about the history of Joseph Snyder. After 29 years the researching records concerning him. Especially in the County of Bedford , Pennsylvania there is no evidence that Joseph Snyder was ever born in Bedford County , Pennsylvania.
I had the opportunity to speak to one of the son of Ralph G. Rarick. Basically to learn what he use for the source that supported Joseph Snyder was born in Bedford , Pennsylvania. After a number of years of writing back and forth. It was learned that Ralph G. Rarick made a mistake. He did not have any sources that would support his claim.
What is known about Joseph Snyder from other documentation that he indeed was born in Pennsylvania on 2nd of November, 1801. There is no record that show that he ever had cousins or family ever came to visit him in Ohio or Indiana. His early account, he was married in that German Baptist Brother Church. I expressly like the explanation in Ralph G. Rarick book that Joseph Snyder was an orphan. In my opinion , this is the best explanation for Joseph Snyder. All I can say something really terrible happened to Joseph Snyder. That him personally , would want to forget his mother and father for the rest of his life on the face of this earth. I am going to honor Joseph Snyder's wish.
I can see why people are confused in the County of Bedford, Pennsylvania. with this kind of research. Since the records of Bedford County is so poor . I do not think you going to find many answers. You will spend about $50 for research for this mass confusion.
I do recommend for you to file a complaint with the FTC.
To protect you from Identity Theft.
A list of people who violating or doing a criminal activities against living person are the following.
1.)Stanley Rarick Address: 1173 Old State Road 46; Nashville IN 47448-9211
Home: (812) 988-6298 Email:
2.)W. Keith Fisher Address: 7284 Landon Lane; New Albany, OH 43054
E-mail : unknown Phone: 614-939-0529
3.) Cecil Edwin Tharp Address: 204 N. Russell St., Eaton, Indiana 47338
E-mail: Phone: (765) 396-3471
4.) Edwin L Tharp Address: 502 W North St, Eaton, Indiana 47338
Phone: (765) 396-9101
Please help and support of put an end of showing living family members genealogy or family information online.
Ernest Snider
The problem with Snider/Schneider family is that someone had "jumped" to a conclusion about Jacob Schneider which later turned out to be incorrect. The act of skipping over information to save time never did pay off as a shortcut. Jacob Schneider's history was a presumption not based on fact. What is a presumption statement? To give reasonable evidence for fictions; appear to prove.
One case, there is a survey stone on Jacob Schneider home farm at Swinging Bridge in Berkeley County, West Virginia. This survey stone result of court action of Jacob Schneider Last Will and Testament in 1790. Order by David and Moses Hunter (MH) to be sold at (Will Book 4, p. 54, Berkeley County Supreme Court) Supreme Court auction.The survey stone reads," 1790 (meter rod or 179 Degree), 50 Degree South of Center line of the stone. ( see Endnotes A20, Appendix F; 1790 meter rod is 18.864379 poles, Pole = square rod, Rod = 5.03 meter) On survey land for 54 areas and 140 areas is a survey mark that reads, "Then North 40 degree East 74 Poles to a Black Oak on to East side of a ridge, then North 50 degree West 18 Poles to two Black Oaks on this side of a ridge.
The unstructured survey stone is in an open pasture on Jacob Schneider home farm. The inscriptions on survey stone is very badly weathered allowing you to decide the credibility of the evidence. The survey stone is between two ridges on a hill.
Knowing this first, that no genealogy of Jacob Schneider is of any private interpretation
"In the past, some genealogist have cited published abstracts as though the original records were examined. When errors are discovered, those genealogist must acknowledge their deception or explain why they were unable to abstract or interpret original records correctly. When a genealogist uses, evaluates, and cites published abstracts, he or she may be justifiably called upon to defend his or her judgement on the value and interpretation of the abstracts used, nothing more."
If the record or document was created at the time of or immediately after an event, that document is a primary source. The same criteria are applied to other records sources to decide their value, reliability, acceptability as genealogical evidence. The record given the most credibility is the Last Will and Testament (see Endnotes A1) of Jacob Schneider in 1790. It does mention his wife and sons, no daughters. In the Will of Jacob Schneider, Jacob Studebaker is called a "friend", not a relative.
The Marriage records show no (Marriage date, suretor, minister) relationships of Jacob Schneider's family, but are very confusing about identification of family members. (See Endnotes A11) The Marriage records of Bedford County, Pa. and Berkeley County, Va. evidence will have to stand unsupported. It is unacceptable. Should be used only for clues toward finding the original records.
How do I defend my judgement on the value and interpretation of the abstract, "Will of Jacob Schneider in 28 Nov. 1787?" My evidence upon which it is based is, Will Book 2, p. 68. Will of Jacob Schneider proved: Wife: Margaret David, Joseph, Abraham, Jonathan, Jacob Schneider, youngest:Daniel, George, William Schneider Witnesses: Jacob Silver, Joseph Liecher, Thomas Sharp Executers: David and Abraham Schneider, Supreme Court Clerk: Moses Hunter(MH)
The Schneider surname was common in Berkeley County. , Virginia. Three Schneider families lived in Berkeley County, Virginia. One in Berkeley Springs was a Jacob Schneider Home. Another was minister of Evangelical Association near the Morgan - Berkeley line on the Martinsburg Road. (See Estate: Snyder, John, Will, 11-11-1816; Jacob, brother. ; two churches, see Endnotes A4) Many faulty lineages exit because of incomplete research. Anover eager researcher has been known to accept the first entry of the name they are searching for as the person sought. Lackadaisical ones will justify not digging any further by claiming the surname is uncommon or that only a few insignificant facts don't fit. If there are other entries, check the records to decide which one is the person you are seeking. Remember to plan for research success by learning as much as possible about record sources and always work from the known to the unknown. Because of these facts, my point regarding ancestry seldom is based on one source.
Jacob Schneider was a resident in Frederick Co., Va. in 2 March 1768. See "Abstracts of Virginia's Northern Neck Warrants & Surveys," by PS Joyner Vol.IV page 93, (Berkeley Co.) Jacob Snider, assignee (in 1772) of Robert Jackson; 2 March 1768 - 22 May 1769; 140 area on West side North Mountain & Back Creek; adjacent There (Jackson's), Robert Elder's 296 area pat. , James Patterson's 100 area pat. CC-Robert Loudoun & Andrew Floyd. 7 survey. Richard Rigg. In the deeds of Jacob Snider was in English. (See Endnotes Appendix F)
Jacob Schneider was an owner of Royal Mine that contained lead copper and tin ore. What is gunmetal? An alloy of copper with ten per cent tin. What is gunpowder? Mixture of potassium nitrate, charcoal, and sulfur. It is also the site of the Swinging Bridge at the former site of Snider Dam and Mill. The Snider Mill may have been a possible armory for (see Endnotes A7, A20) Harpers Ferry. This opens new area of research on Jacob Schneider.
If you don't take time to verify family traditions, you run the risk of building a faulty lineage and further perpetuating erroneous information.
I do believe that Jacob Schneider did contribute Wheat for the Revolutionary Army. (See Appendix F, Military Contributed: Pubic Service Military Contributed: Pubic Service Claim, Certificates, Berkeley Co. No. 376, Certificate that Jacob Snider and Frederick Firse Contributed Wheat for Revolution Army's Use. Dated Oct.2, 1780. No. 92 Virginia State Library). How do I defend my judgement on the value and interpretation of the abstract, "Service Military Contributed?" My evidence upon which it is based is, 54 areas of Jacob Schneider land adjoining to William Firse the family of Frederick Firse. It is still to be proven that William Firse was part of the family of Frederick Firse and adjoining to Jacob Schneider land. Since none of the sources included in the initial research plan produced information about Frederick Firse.
The wife (see Endnotes A5) of Jacob Schneider died prior to 1810, without a tombstone. She is buried in Snider Ritchey Cemetery, Snake Spring Valley, Pa. Is it also possible that Jacob Schneider may be buried with his wife?
You may find that a tombstone offers differing information from what you have learned from other German sources. (Schneider = Snyder, Stucki = Stuckey, Schuhmacher = Shoemaker, Stutenbecker = Studebaker) Keep in mind that tombstones are often inaccurate. This is so for several reason:
Unqualified relationships are Hannah Snider married Jacob Rinner. Jacob Snider married Catherine Postetter died 1848 (see Endnotes A8, A12, A13, A14) John Snider died 1793 married Susan? ; Abraham Snider died 1845; David Snider born ca. 1764 married Susan Studebaker (see Endnotes A9), Joseph Snider married second time: (see Endnotes A6, Appendix E) Catharine Evah. He died prior to 26 Aug. 1825 is buried in Snider Ritchey Cemetery, Pa.; Daniel Snider born 5 August 1772 married Mary Harshberger died 1866; George Snider born ca. 1775; William Snider born ca. 1783 married Elizabeth Warner. Most of the Schneider family were buried in Snider Ritchey Cemetery (see Endnotes A14) without a tombstone. Circumstantial evidence shows relationships with Margaret (see Endnotes A14) and Hannah Schneider.
The first response was to visit the area of the Snake Spring Valley for Snider Ritchey Cemetery for German inscription on those tombstones belonging to the Schneider family. The person giving the information on a tombstone is usually directly related to the deceased, but those tombstone inscription were in English, not in German. See the tombstone of (see Endnotes A12, A14) Jacob Schneider, Jr. mention about Rev. Samuel Ullery who was born 1744 in Hanover, Pa.; died in 1822 in Morrison's Cove, Pa. I have a copy of Rev. Samuel Ullery Bible printed in 1776 at Germantown, Pa. It is the same Bible that belonged to Mary Adams in 1963. I had it translated from German into English. (see Endnotes A7) I would expect all accuracy original be in German for the Schneider and Ullery family in this area. Church of the brethren, at Yellow Creek compilers of original records alive in German and spoken alive in German to the alive German community. The English clerk and other record compilers records names and places as they heard them from German translator, instead asking how they were spelled.
In the year of prior 1884, (See Endnotes A14) No one now living can tell who was first buried here. The oldest graves are unmarked by any memorials about this German community. How can you solve the Genealogy of Jacob Schneider without credibile sources?
Identifying female ancestors are as challenging to solve. It require exhaustive research in dozens of records source. Seek out those records that will make them come alive. You will not be sorry that you did!
You can always find someone who will tell you what you want to hear, particularly if they enjoy the attention or if they think there might be an opportunity to make a dollar or two. Are so unreliable that nothing they say should be accepted without clear and unmistakable verification
8. Mrs. Greenburg National Number 253363; Daughters of the American Revolution; Washington, DC; Rule of thumb is giving a reference to the authority for each statement of Birth, Marriage or Death. Where reference is made to unpublished records, applicant must file duplicate certified copies of same. Statements based upon tradition cannot be considered; Wife always in this paper means legal and lawful wife. Date of marriage may be substituted for dates of birth and death. Where such date proves the soldier to have been living during the Revolution and of a suitable age for service. A rule of thumb that does not apply to Mrs. Greenburg.
"Mrs. Greenburg to Studebaker Family Nat'l Assn.,"20 April 1970, Copy of original in possession of Ernest Snider, Correspondents read:
My first response from 1 to 8 is, This genealogy of Christine Bergen from Berkeley County Historical Society, Martinsburg, West Virginia 25401.
Daughters of the American Revolution make no appropriate apology ( See APPENDIX C:) for the inadequacies of Jacob Schneider research of Berkeley Co., Va. Never investigate. Deception or dishonesty ranks almost as high as generalities as the most difficult research dicrepancy.
There are four Jacob Schneiders that lived in Frederick and Berkeley Countly, Virginia in 1781. Berkeley County, Virginia was formed from the north part of Frederick County, Virginia in May 19, 1772. (part of Hampshire and Loudouin County, Virginia) Virginia Militia records do not give relationships or residents to the Snider family. This record providing only circumstantial evidence. Library of Congress, Washington, DC 20003
My first response from 9 and 10 is, Can you honesty choose the correct Jacob Schneider from this list?
Fraud is a intentional misrepresentation of a material fact, often referred to as "fraud and deceit," and it may be a crime, but it does imply or involve civil liability for money damages from a person who, for instance, represents that a pedigree is true and correct when in fact it is not.
Genealogy that has been reported to be true is indeed not true at all. They do not have one shred of evidence to prove their case. In the last 30 years they've had the opportunity to prove to me that they had a real genealogy that prove beyond any reasonable doubt. It is my experiences in the Berkeley County Virginia and Bedford County Pennsylvania that they do not have the evidence that to prove the genealogy of Jacob Snyder of Berkeley County Virginia.
What you have is people taken advantage of the other people. This genealogy of Jacob Snyder is nothing but a business to make money off at innocent people. After the my experience starting in 1968 in researching Jacob Snyder of Berkeley County Virginia there is no evidence that proves the true history of Jacob Snyder of Berkeley County Virginia. Except for those people who would be more than happy to take your money. I personally worked with Dr. Van Horn of Bedford County Pennsylvania. Trying to resolve the history of Jacob Snyder of Berkeley County Virginia. In those years I shared information with Dr. Van Horn concerning the history of Jacob Snyder. I was trying to get into the court records of Bedford County Pennsylvania. I was recommended to a researcher for $50 which was to check court records for me. What I received for my $50 was history than I sent to Dr. Van Horn. Perhaps this researchers thought he could fool me concerns the history. For the $50 I got absolutely nothing. This is my warning concerning people who take advantage of other people. The other things you have to watch out for are associations who would be more than happy to take your money. When dealing with associations it's important to know how they do their genealogy. Evidence of actual records or just a matter of family tradition proves this. Most of my researchers not base on family tradition. Too often I have found from my own experience that these are only stories but not proven. I do more than happy to talk to anybody who believes they really have the true history of Jacob Snyder of Berkeley County Virginia based upon actual records.
History is the torch that is meant to illuminate the past to guard us against the repetition of our mistakes of other days. We cannot join in the rewriting of history to make it conform to our comfort and convenience.