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Saravana kumar Rajaram\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/

15,Thirungana sambhander street
Madras 600 097

** Summary

Four years+ of industry exposure in designing developing applications across various software and hardware platforms. Experience in Design, Analysis, Development, Integration, Testing and Maintenance phases of software life-cycle and Product Development

** Objective

To obtain a challenging position in Computer Communication and Networking.

** Work Experience

DSQ Software Ltd.,(formly called squareDSQUARED Software Ltd.,)
Analyst Programmer/Team Leader - Jan97 - till now

SwiftMail Communications Pvt Ltd.,
Senior Software Engineer - Apr 95 - Dec 96

Software Engineer - May 93 - Mar 95

** Education

Post Diploma in Computer Application ,
From Directorate of Technical Education, Central Polytechnic, Madras.
Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engg.,
From State Board of Technical Education, Tamilnad Polytechnic, Madurai.

** Professional Knowledge

Operating System



C, C++, Java Stand-alone Application Development.

Frame Work

Visual C++, Java and HTML.


  1. TCP/IP Network Programming.
  2. Leased Line with PPP.
  3. X.400 Remote User Agent Development, SMTP.
  4. Fax Transmission Protocol using Class I & II Modem.
  5. T4 Encoding / Decoding.
  6. Internet Programming using TCP/IP Sockets.

** Expertise in

  1. TCP/IP Networking Programming.
  2. Data Communication Softwares involving fax, voice and data.
  3. UNIX Systems Programming with Pipes, FIFO, Message Queues, Semphores, Shared Memory and Sockets.
  4. Shell Programming, FMLI and System Administration.
  5. E-Mail Softwares(IcMail , SwiftMail and X400 Mail).
  6. Data storing and retrieval using Hashing Technique.
  7. Java and HTML( Not extensively used )

** Projects

Project Name Open Diosa NWBASE UIC(Hot Map)
Client NEC, Japan
Description Simulating Interactive Country Bitmap containing many objects(computers), which in turn can have unlimited descendant scenes and objects. The color of the object represents its status. By clicking on the object will gives full details about the object. The functionalities are
  1. Zoom-in and Zoom-out the particular area.
  2. Different colors to denote the status of machine.
  3. Providing simple operations to execute on selected machine using APIs.
Environment Windows NT, C++, VC++, Win32 SDK , OLE Control
Duration Dec 97 - till now

Project Name Open Diosa NWBASE SDM Phase II
Client NEC, Japan
Description SDM is the File Transfer software for transferring files between Win NT and NEC ACOS machines across the nework using NWBASE BM(Win NT) and NETMOS BM(NEC ACOS) as the communication base. SDM provides APIs, by which user can request the SDM Manager to transfer the files. Changes were made to improve the performance of the existing Phase I SDM and Additional features also included. They are
  1. New set of APIs in DLL format.
  2. Mapping for virtual file to physical file with access level.
  3. The file transfer logic are changed to speed-up the file transfer.
  4. Supports multiple transfer(send and receive) simultaneously.
  5. Modularized the phase I SDM.
  6. Changed the GUI operations to support the new APIs.

Environment Windows NT, C, VC++, Win32 SDK
Duration Aug 97 - Nov 97
Implementaion System study & Implementation done by me at Japan.

Project Name OSI/TPGW(Transport Layer Gateway) on FTC
Client NEC, Japan
Description The primary aim of the project is to speed up the access of objects which is frequently needed for on-line communication. There are three modules involved in that, They are
  1. Converting text entries to fixed structures(objects).
  2. Loading objects into Shared Memory with Hashing Technique.
  3. Quick Retrieval of objects using Hashing Technique.

It uses Dynamic Hashing with good Hashing algorithm, so it requires less space with faster access.

Environment NEC-EWS Unix, FT-UX and C language
Duration Jan 97 - Jul 97
Implementaion Implementation done by me at Japan.

Project Name Interactive System for SwiftFax Service
Client SwiftMail Communications Ltd, Madras.
Description A Complete menu driven software for Fax Store & Forward Network with remote access facility. It enables the operator to monitor the Asynchronous activities happening in the local and remote Fax spooler. It allows the operator to control & monitor the entire Fax Network. This software uses the FMLI( Form Menu Language Interpreter) package to generate Menus.
Environment SCO-UnixWare SVR4.2 REL 2.1, Shell scripts and C programs.
Duration Aug 96 - Nov 96

Project Name Journaling and Billing for SwiftFax Service
Client SwiftMail Communications Ltd, Madras.
Description It generates journal for each fax messages with its delivery status and send it to sender's fax machine or computer. At the end of each month it produces Bill for each customer with their tariff structure on the Fax Network. It automatically sends the Fax Bill to the customer's Fax machine.
Environment SCO-UnixWare SVR4.2 REL 2.1 with C as language.
Duration May 96 - Jul 96

Project Name Remote Command Execution
Client SwiftMail Communications Ltd, Madras.
Description It allows the user to execute the command in the remote machine with restricted level of privilege. Administrator can configure each users privilege in the remote system.
Environment SCO-UnixWare SVR4.2 REL 2.1, TCP/IP(Internet domain) as IPC and C Language.
Duration Feb 96 - Apr 96

Project Name Web Pages for Internal Use
Client SwiftMail Communications Ltd, Madras.
Description Web pages containing tariff structures of Fax/E-Mail service offered by the SwiftMail is published in the local network for frequent access of different Department.
Environment Windows NT , HTML 2.0 and MOSAIC as Browser in Unix machine.
Duration Jan 96 ( 1 month )

Project Name Bringing Intranet to Internet
Client SwiftMail Communications Ltd, Madras.
Description Whenever the VSAT connection fails it brings all systems into Internet and it restores connection through Internet. It uses Dialup Dynamic PPP for the node where Lease line is not available,and it informs the new IP address to all other nodes in the Network.
Environment UnixWare SVR 4.2 REL 1.1, Shell scripts and C language.
Duration Oct 95 - Dec 95

Project Name Remote User Addition
Client SwiftMail Communications Ltd, Madras.
Description The primary aim of this project is to simulate the entire network as a single system to the customer. It keeps customers configurations in all node, so that customer of one node can access the other node which is far away from his/her home node using the same login and password. The mobile Fax/E-Mail user can use the Network from any city by connecting to the local SwiftMail Office.
Environment UnixWare SVR4.2 REL1.1, C language.
Duration Sep 95( 1 month )

Project Name Internodal Transfer Agent
Client SwiftMail Communications Ltd, Madras.
Description It is used to transferring files between systems. It is a Client and concurrent Server implementation. It uses TCP/IP sockets(Internet domain) as interface between systems.
Environment UnixWare SVR4.2 REL1.1, C language.
Duration Jul 95 - Aug 95

Project Name Fax Receive/Send System
Client SwiftMail Communications Ltd, Madras.
Description It is a Fax software which interacts with customer through voice assistance and validates the login name and password, after that is receives Remote Fax Number & Fax Message. Fax-Send sends the received Fax messages to remote Fax machine. This system supports Class II, G3 standard protocol. To interact with Fax spooler it uses Message Queues as IPC.
Environment UnixWare SVR4.2 REL1.1, C language.
Duration Apr 95 - Jun 95

Project Name X-400 Gateway
Client ICNET Ltd.,
Description The primary aim of this project is to convert the proprietary E-Mail( IcMail ) Messages to X-400 standard Message format using ISOCOR API.
Environment AT&T UNIX 3.2, C language.
Duration Feb 95 - Mar 95

Project Name Converting ASCII to G3 format
Client ICNET Ltd.,
Description It converts E-Mail( IcMail ) Messages into Fax G3 format suitable for fax transmission.
Environment AT&T UNIX 3.2 , MS-DOS 5.0 , C language
Duration Dec 94 - Jan 95

Project Name Mail Transfer Agent
Client ICNET Ltd.,
Description It transfers E-Mail Messages from MS-DOS machine to UNIX server through local PSTN line.
Environment MS-DOS 5.0 , AT&T UNIX 3.2 , C language.
Duration Aug 94 - Nov 94

Project Name Administrative Software for E-Mail
Client ICNET Ltd.,
Description It is a front end software for E-Mail Administrative purpose. It allows to create new users and mailing lists with user limitation specified in the pack.
Environment MS-DOS 5.0, Turbo Vision API and C++ as language.
Duration Apr 94 - Jul 94

Project Name Customer Call Register
Client ICNET Ltd.,
Description It registers the bugs which customers reports to customer support engineer. It gives various reports for later analysis.
Environment MS-DOS 5.0, FoxBase 2.0
Duration Oct 93 - Mar 94


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