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Reflections in a Cracked Mirror


I'm sure you don't know it, but I have a problem
I struggle each day to resolve.

This problem, I'll tell you (for I'm sure you've not noticed)
Is I'm cursed with knowing it all.

I carry a burden so heavy and cumbersome,
I'm grateful for you that it's rare.

Because people don't care if you know it all -
Unless they know, too, that you care.


I try to be humble - I know it's a virtue
Each fella should strive to achieve.
But humble ain't easy when genius controls you
And brilliance is all you conceive.

I've never attempted a goal so elusive
As hard as it is to admit.
So I must concede that at one thing I'm failing.
Humility's mantles don't fit.

Just kidding -
God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble -
James 4:6b


My ears stick out - I know it's true,
I'll bet you wish that yours did, too.

My nose is short, but what of that -
At least it isn't smashed real flat.

My curly hair's a mop with spikes,
I'm never sure what I'll look like.

I don't have much to sit upon,
But I'm just glad it's not all gone.

Each part may look a little queer,
But overall I have no peer.


I don't drink or run around,
But I eat cherries by the pound.

I don't smoke and I don't chew,
But I eat plums and oranges, too.

I don't pop pills and I don't toke,
But I'll eat apples 'till I choke.

Don't lie a-bed 'till half past three,
But might kill for a strawberry.

No common vices do me in,
But just like Eve, fruit is my sin.

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Copyright 1998 Judy Sadler