Would You Like A LIVE SAR DEMO???

Many times we have performed live helo demos for kindergarten classes, grade school classes, and boyscout troops. If you are interested in a sar demo for your group, and you are located in the San Joaquin Valley area, please contact the PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFICER from the directory below for more information. If you have any questions about the HH-1N Helicopter, please call AD2 Holmes and utilize his "Vast H-1 Knowledge".

OMD/SAR Telephone Directory.....all numbers are area code 209-998 or DSN 949 Working hours: 0730-1530
Maintenance Control Chief Spiller 1570
Logs and Records AZ1 Johnson 1640
Division Office Chief 1556
Quality Assurance Officer AQC Harmon 1554
Central Tech Pubs Library AE2 Frazier 1571/2
Supply AK2 Metz 1563
H-1 Natops Officer Lt Kerr 1569
C-12 Natops Officer LCDR Bray
WorkCenter 300 Supervisor AD1 Arias 1558
HAZMAT/Tool Room AE1 Klages 1562
Public Affairs Officer Lt Tomsits 1565
Maintenance Officer CWO3 Augustine 1555
Power Plants Q/A AD2 Holmes 1571/2
OMD/SAR FAX Natops Office 1639
