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Whaz uuuupppp???? I'm a born-again, Holy Spirit filled, sold-out Christian, my name is Summer, and I'm the awesome age of 16 years old. My birthday is Dec. 19th, & since I know you were going to ask, I'd like a new car. (just kidding.) God has set my heart on FIRE for Him, and NOTHING can separate us from His love!! Jesus Christ gave His life for us, and the least we can do is give Him our lives in return. He's saved us from death and healed us from our past by delivering us from the hand of the enemy when He died on the cross for us, and I live to serve Him, and ONLY Him. The same Jesus that was on this earth 2,000 years ago that walked through the market places and people dropped to their knees, and the same annointing that raised Him from the dead when He died on the cross for us, is the same Jesus and the same annointing that lives in us. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever, and his annointing NEVER fades!

I go to a youth group called Oneighty (180). I've gone there since I was 13 and I absolutely love it there. My good friends Paul, Ivy, and I go out to a small town called Cleveland, OK, and we bring a couple bus loads of teenagers to Oneighty and back every Wed. night. Also, a friend of ours there has opened up their home for us to hold a Bible study on Tuesday nights for anyone that wants to come. (Thanks April!!) Paul and I lead the praise & worship, and God has really been moving. It's so awesome to see these teens in Cleveland who once partied and got into all kinds of trouble, getting closer to God and having a growing hunger for Him!!!

One of my biggest loves is music. I have such a desire to minister through it. God has really helped me and blessed me in that area, and I give Him all the praise for that!!!!

Well you guys, enjoy the rest of your visit , and I'll catch you later! JESUS LOVES YOU ALL!!! Have a very blessed day, and merry Christmas early!! ><>