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Many of you have written and asked me about my opinion of the ComposTumbler. Due to such interest, I have decided to try to answer most of the questions here. I hope I manage to answer all your questions, but if not, just e-mail me and I'll respond as soon as it's possible for me to.

We bought our Compact ComposTumbler in the summer of 1998. It was very easy to assemble. It took my husband and myself less than an hour. The only problem we had assembling it was finding the tie rods. They were inside the axle. So, if you can't seem to find yours, look there.

We didn't buy the accellerator product that is sold by the same company and we have never used it, so we cannot comment on it. Sorry.

We add ingredients continuously, which does seem to make it take longer to break down. We usually get about one load of compost in 3 - 6 weeks' time, depending on the balance and amount of ingredients, and the average daily temperature.

During colder weather, the ComposTumbler takes a bit longer to work. We found that it works better for us in cold weather if we only turn the crank handle every 5 - 7 days.

To turn the ComposTumbler, I usually turn the handle half-way around, let the ingredients finish falling, then repeat until the ComposTumbler has made about 5 - 6 complete revolutions.

Sometimes, "balls" of composting materials will form. At first, I took the time to break the balls apart. After a while, I figured out that it doesn't seem to make much difference in the complete composting cycle time, so I quit that.

When it's time to remove a load of compost, we have finally found the easiest way (for us) is to park our cart under it, turn the ComposTumbler opening to a 45 degree angle from the ground, then "pull" the finished compost out, using a long-handled cultivator/digger, a fork, or a shovel - whichever is closest at the time. 8-) Any ingredients which haven't finished breaking down are returned to the ComposTumbler.

Overall Opinion

We are very pleased with our ComposTumbler for the following reasons:
* It makes composting much neater and cleaner.
* It looks much nicer than a pile or bin.
* As long as we don't add too much moisture, there is basically no odor to upset us or the neighbors.
* It is a lot easier on our backs than any other form of composting that we've experienced.


According to our book we received with the ComposTumbler, there are two sizes to choose from:

* Original ComposTumbler - Approximately 18 bushels, 68 inches high, 40 inches deep, 41 inches wide, plus 9 inches for the handle.

* Compact ComposTumbler - Approximately 9 1/2 bushels, 42 inches high, 33 inches deep, 33 inches wide, plus 9 inches for the handle.

The directions say that "to compost in 14 days, you must be able to fill the Original ComposTumbler at least 2/3 full (that's about 12 bushels or 112 gallons) and the Compact ComposTumbler completely full all at one time." Otherwise, it says the process will take longer.

There are three or four of you that I have replied to and I believe I gave some wrong info. I said that since the larger one is only supposed to be filled to less than full capacity, it isn't worth the money to buy the larger one.

I still think the larger one is too large for most families to ever consider (we get our ingredients from our own household and others, also), however, as you can tell by the quoted content under the Capacity/Dimensions listings above, it is not that you must only fill it that full, but that you must fill it that full all at once to make it work in as little as two weeks. My sincerest apologies to those of you to whom I have sent this misunderstood information to.

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