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My job at UPS

Nan. . . . At work.
Yes, I am a truck driver. I've been with UPS for more than 12 years,
and, for 8 years, I've been a full time Delivery Driver.
I'm no longer a "Cover Driver"
(that's a subsitute, delivering for drivers who are on vacation or injured).
On my own route, I deliver to zip code 21239. I have the Southern half of the Zip code.
That's Loch Raven Blvd and Northern Parkway down to Cold Spring Lane,
including Morgan State University.
That means carrying cartons of copy paper, boxes of books, and computers, monitors
and assemble-it yourself furniture. Ugh!
I like this job a lot. It's definitely the toughest work I've ever had to do. EVER.
I like it that people are glad to see me all day long. . . .
The mailman brings bills and junk mail. UPS brings the good stuff.

. . .
