"ZX Yagi"
This is quite an antenna...
This just may be the BEST Yagi in the world...
Check it out...I just got the first one in the US,
and it`s a helluvan antenna...
(Just ask the Europeans I`ve talked to on it)...
Antennas by BAZ Spezialantennen
Here's what they say... directional antennas (quad, yagi, dualband, crossyagis) for 2m,
70cm, 23cm and 13cm,also WLAN antennas. In addition to ferrite antennae for VLF, LF,
MF, HF, Sferics,
137 kHz, Navtex and for the new experimentalband 500 kHz.
Interesting place!
"Big Hair's Antenna Projects"
Strange stuff goin' on here, folks. Take a look!
"Antenna Specialists"
Everybody knows these 'Old Timers'!
"Hy-Gain Antennas and Rotors"
One of the oldest names in antennas and rotors...
"Jo Gunn Antennas"
A Most Impressive Base Antenna...
"Signal Engineering"
Check out these Quads, and funky lookin' mobile antennas...
"Sirio Antennas"
From Italy... Now, HERE'S something different!
"Max-Gain Systems"
Here's a great "on line" catalog...
"Big Boy Rotators"
These rotors will turn a Volkswagen on your tower!...
"The Rotor Doctor"
Sales and service.
"Texas Towers"
Where you go to buy towers, and Ham accessories...
This is where I bought my 55 foot crank-up, and my
Yeasu G-800SDX. Great people!
"Projects, Do it Yourself Thingies"
"Rex Research"
I don't even know how to categorize this! So many links, so little time!
"C.B. Clinics of America"
GREAT info here. Need a coax length calculator?
Wanna' know about SWR? Check it out!
An online magazine about antennas...
"Antenna Elmer"
Don`t know what an "Elmer" is? Go here, and find out!
"The Ultimate Guide to 11 Meter CB Antennas"
If you don`t understand antennas, GO HERE!
Even if you THINK you understand antennas,
go here anyhow!!!
My FAVORITE "Quad" Calculator
by KD6DKS...
"Yagi"Another Great Calculator
by Aaron Schmitz..KD6DKS
"J-Pole Calculator"
"AC6V`s Homebrew Antenna Links"
Great projects for you to build
"AC6V`s Technical Reference" Page...
CB, Ham, Pirate, Antennas...
"Ham Radio Universe"
A universe of info about antennas...
How about a "5/4" Wavelength Antenna?
CB Radio "MOD" and "TECHNICAL" links...
(for educational purposes only)...
"Raider's MOD Page"
Great mods by a guy who KNOWS what he's doing!
Want to know how to convert those popular 10 meter
radios? Conversions for Cobras and other radios, too!
"Radio Mods"
A GREAT site from New Zeland. GOOD info, here...
"Technical Documentation for Radio Equipment"
A VERY useful page! Block diagrams, alignments, Mods!
"CB Tricks.Com"
A really NEAT Mod site!...
"Peg Leg's CB Radio Repair"
A great guy with some good information...
"Snake Doctors CB Mods"
....One of the BEST "Mod" sites...
"Electronic Service Professionals"
D-104 Mods?...That`s what I said...D-104 Mods !!!
"Old Man Copper`s Mike Wiring Guide"
"Some Lil` Ole` Linear Links"
"Alan's 22 Caliber Driver Amp."
"Dave Made Competition Amps"
A good competition Amp!
"Texas Star Specification Page"
Here's where you go to check out them ole' Texas Star's.
"The Mechanical Man"
Those Linears don`t mean a thing if you don`t have
the power to run them... Go here for
High Output Alternators...
I am also interested in Shortwave DXing. I have a Drake R8-A, a
Realistic DX-390, a Zenith Trans-Oceanic G-500, a Knight R-100A
(this thing is HUGE), Realistic Amplified Shortwave Antennas(3),
Discone antenna, As well as my own home-made antennas.
OK, OK, You asked for it...
Here are some Reeeealy good
Shortwave Radio Links...
Radio DXing Bookmarks and Links"
All the links you'll ever need for Shortwave!
"The WWW Shortwave Listening Guide"
Search for those programs you wanna' hear...
"Glenn Hauser`s World of Radio"
Everybody knows Glenn Hauser...
"Radio Habana Cuba, with Arnie Coro"
Everybody knows Arnie, too...
"The Cumbre DX Homepage"
"Monitoring Times Magazine"
My Favorite Shortwave Magazine...
Grove`s World of Radio Monitoring"
A GREAT place to buy shortwave equipment.
"C. Crane Company"
A great place to find everything from SW Radios to Night Vision Scopes.
"Universal Radio"
EVERYTHING from soup to nuts!
Antennas, Rotors, Radios, You name it!
"Drake Shortwave Radios"
My Shortwave Radio of Choice...
"Speedx Shortwave Listening Guide"
Good Page, Lots of links...
"The Grove websites"
"Grove Enterprises"
"Monitoring Times"
"Hugh Stegman's Utility World website"
"For Spy Numbers Station Information"
"Shortwave Broadcasting: Glenn Hauser's DX Listening Digest"
"For VHF/UHF US Aero Frequencies"
"New York Area Scanner Frequencies"
"World Trade Center Disaster website"
"Washington DC Area Scanner Frequencies: The Capitol Hill Monitor"