"An Ancient Prophecy"

Author's Notes: This prophecy is a focus on the events from the Death of Nerlana through the coming of the Keeper of the River of Blood.  Also by Beltina, who made the Prophecy of the Seer

Copyright Gary McClellan

In days far away
When the ancient gold queen grows weary
When the Wanderer has come and gone twice
When the Silver Bride has brought the Dawn into the world

In those days, shall come the great dragonwar
The stripling shall overcome the Golden Queen
The Silver Bride will hide with her child.
Terror will overcome the land.

Yet, hope shall not be destroyed
For after a time, the 4 shall become 1

The Morning Dawn, the child of the Silver Bride
Hope of the Ages, the 9th of the Soulmates
The Children of The Woman of Sorrows
The one shall be the Princess of the Free People
The other shall be the Orphan of Ravens

They shall come together, and overcome the stripling
And shall foil the plans of the dark plotter.

Yet, they only open the door to what is to come.
For the fate of the world shall rush down upon it.
And the Keeper of the River of Blood shall confront the power of fate.  In that struggle the world will be destroyed or reborn.