Andreas' at Angelfire

If you would like to know what i think of modern "money", read this!.

When it comes to a healthy economy, and what it should be all about, I beleive A.E.Fekete is on the right track in his prize winning text: "Whither Gold"

Have you ever wondered why people refuse to listen to logic arguments?
(The text explainins it in the case of why people will not believe in the proven fact that the language Esperanto is a valuable and worth-while tool for people who are about to learn their second language.)
When it comes to the question:

"Why don't we teach the language Esperanto as the first foreign language to our scool children?"
there is one solid argument against Esperanto though, and that is the fact that allthough Esperanto in and of it self keeps everything it promises, there seem to be am inherent promotion of communism in the esperantoMovement....

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