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Welcome to Cleo's Sportpage!

Hi everyone! Thanks for visiting my homepage! As this is my first homepage, I try making it the best I can. I'm still collecting some more pics, info and so on, so this homepage will be updated regularly. If you have some good ideas for my page, email me! And also, as I am an ICQ user, please contact me through ICQ: my UIN is 2839045. If you don't have ICQ, Download It Here. You can send me an EmailEXPRESS to this address:

Put Yourself In! Have A Peek

This Homepage is currently UNDER CONSTRUCTION, please drop in occasionally to see the NEW STUFF!!


My Personal Profile
Tennis Reports And Rankings
NBA Stories and Updates
The magazine all tennis freaks know about
Home of the Laugh of the Day!
Basketball freaks, check out the news here!
