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Jonesy's Personal Site

Jonesy's Personal Site

Greetings, I wish to welcome you to my site. The Main Site is J B INC, but this site may have value to you in its content as well. Enjoy.

If you wish to see a more professional side of me:

Jonesy's Resume

If you wish to see basic, opinionated pros/cons for SDSU and the U of M:

SDSU vs. U of M

There are a few of my, (J. J. Jonesy,) songs below for your reading pleasure.

"Into You I Give Everything"

"Look to the Future and the Past"

Here are ones composed in '98.

"Something Deep Inside"

"She's Still Gone Again"

Some Interesting Links


J^3's Site--(currently unoperational)

Alamak Chat Rooms

Current Weather at the U of M

PriceWatch-- The BEST Way to Shop for Computer Goods

Email: Jonesy