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Jacqueline's BIZZ

Hey everyone! You've just found your way to the best page around!! This page is da...

This is a place for all you girls surfing the net!:) It's a place where you can go and do all the stuff you like to do!!

If you love Fashion and make-up this is the place you can find them find the best advice and tricks to everything you can think of!! I've got hair tips, make-up tips and great ideas for what to where on those special occasions... or on those casual days when its too early in the morning to think!!

The newest page I have is the Horoscope page. It's the Back to school guide to the stars. I have every sign and all the months from Sept. through June. Enjoy

Now..the next place you can visit is my site all about, and dedicated to... our favorite thing to talk about as females... guys! Yes. A whole page of stories, advice, and stuff we love and hate about them. (trust me ..there's lots of those) I also have a place where you can post your Most Embarrassing moments ...If they're really good I'll put them up on my page!!

The next place to visit is a site all about *whatever* This is a place where I've written down all my basic complaints on life right at the moment and how I'm currently dealing! I think this is a good place to go if you want to see what other teens your age are thinking and maybe you'll feel better after realizing that you're not the only one!?! Write me and Tell me Your Complaints

The final page that is hooked up to this cool place is a section all about me!! All about me Yes, that's right...boring little old me, but if your interested check it out cuz I have a pretty cool life if ya like that sort of thing!!

Anyways...that's all for now, chicas!! Remember to stay real and don't take no crap from nobody!:)

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