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isn't this a cool pic?? made it myself! :)

in my world. . .4.20.2000: sorry everyone, but this little page will be closing in a few weeks... however long it takes my lazy ass to transfer the story files (yes, they WILL be continued!) over to my other page, Unspoken. bookmark it! :)
thanks to all of those who have supported this suffering little webpage and it's suffering little webowner, i'm sorry i couldn't keep it open just for you :)
special thanks to Karima for encouraging me and pushing me to actually make this page a reality, Tiffany for being so excited for me, and Naomi for REALLY REALLY helping me out in the beginnings (how much stuff did i "steal" from you? lol) and for *trying* to help me out with all that HTML shit! VISIT HER PAGE "Isn't It Weird?" IT ROCKS (and it's still alive and kicking!)
Most of all, Thanks a trillion and three to HANSON, for providing the ispiration for this page and everything in it, and for being so very... well, Hanson
peace out, keep the Hanson Pride Alive!
