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Pelab Mission #1

From PadiPadi go west and turn left up the Pasir Kurai road. Follow this sealed road till it ends. Load up with Coffee and water and then ride up till the top on the rocky road which is quite slippery in the morning. This should take about 25-45 minutes. From here you can go left to mission #2 or go right down the hill into a nice valley. Follow the rocky road(down most of the way and double shocks are almost mandatory here) till crossing a large river and joining the sealed road again. This road then goes up up up and then fairly easy riding on the sealed road(and very little traffic) all the way through Cikotok and back to the coast. From the coast it is another 62km back to Pelab if you could be bothered to ride it.
The start of the most scenic single track we've found.
