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Z A C H A R Y * W A L K E R * H A N S O N

Zachary Walker Hanson
Zachary Walker Hanson*
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Name: Zachary Walker Hanson

Nickname: Zac, Prozac, Animal

Birthdate: October 22, 1985

Age: 13

Lives: Tulsa,Oklahoma

Born in: Arlington, Virginia

Hair Color: Blonde/Dirty Blonde

Eyes: Brown

Height: 5'3" or ^

Weight: Around 100 lbs.

Shoe Size: 8 (in mens)

Fave Color: Blue

Band Postition: Singer, and plays drums and clicky things

Bad Habit: Very hyper and physical. (Thats not bad)

Speical talent: Talking while belching

Personality: Fave Food: He wouldn't mind having a big pile of Jell-O (Lime)

Fave Icecream Flavor: Chocolate

Fave Drink: Dr. Pepper

Fave T.V Shows: Animaniacs

Fave Movie: Nutty Professor and Action movies

Fave Subject: Math

Religion: Evangelical Christian

Handed: He is left handed

Hobbies: Soccer, Rollerblading, Cartooning, and soccor

Little Facts On ZAC

Zac's favorite book when he was little was "Green Eggs and Ham."

Broke his nose when Isaac and Taylor launched a rock through the air with a see-saw.

Collects bottle caps and shampoo bottles from hotels

Once he carried a girl on stage who was to embarrassed to come up.

Cartoonist, would like to be a cartoonist if Hanson

Loves Laserquest

Got his first drum set from a friend's attic.

He loves to embarass Tay.

Compared to Bart Simpson and Chris Partridge of the Partridge Family.

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