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My Miracle (September 6, 2004)

Miracles are mentioned all thru the Bible. They are there to show those in doubt that God could do anything and those who were wavering in faith that he was there and still providing. We see healings, births, even supplies of food when all hope was lost. The greatest miracle was the virgin birth of the Lord Jesus Christ, the death and his resurrection to offer salvation to all who seek it.

My miracle may seem basic to some but it has given me a purpose. The Lord has instructed me to go out and share it with others so it may encourage those who need to hear that miracles can and still happen in our world today.

In September 2004 a miracle happened in my life. By sharing this I hope you are inspired and encouraged knowing that God can do anything with even the most impossible situation.

I was visting my boyfriend in Kansas City during Labor Day weekend 2004. It is a 3-4 hour trip 1 way. I had frequent this stretch of highway numerous times running back and forth from home to there and back.

> I was running on empty. Physically my head hurt, sinuses draining, and a low grade fever. I did want to go but I missed him. The long distance relationship was wearing me out. But I went against my mother’s advice. Myself and my dog.

When I got there we sat down almost immediately for a family dinner. It was a very unusual dinner. His dad who is very crude in his language, was careful with his words. His mother who no longer goes to church was stating she was interested in finding a church to take the 3 grandbabies to. And asked if I could help them find a church my next visit.

The excitement inside me over this outcome was awesome but my head still throbbed. I excused myself, took some medication, Thanked God for the change in them and laid down.

The next night I left later then I planned due to my stuffed up head. My boyfriend encourage me to stay one more day but I needed to get to work in the morning.

So I packed up my dog and myself and headed out. But I did something I usually do not do. I put my seat belt on.

The first 30 minutes of our trip was fine, I stopped to use the restroom and a voice whispered “seat belt”. It was on again.

We drove the lonely stretch of road. The radio reception is terrible on this stretch of road. I finally found a Christian radio station playing Praise and Worship music. We traveled on.

About 9:30pm and we were about and hour and a half from home. I had just passed a group of cars and was in total darkness.

I glanced at my speedometer and was going 75mph 5 over the legal limit. I glanced up and was in a patch of fog or smoke. I proceeded to slow down.

When I look up I saw the back of a semi trailer. It was aprox 15 feet and the closing in quickly. I remember slamming on my brakes, closing my eyes and hearing my dog hit the back of my seat.

(I did not think I was knocked out. But after going over the accident in my head it occurred to me I must have been. I did not feel the air bags or remember hearing any part of the accident happen.)

I opened my eyes and all I saw was blackness in front of me. I could feel pain in my chest and right ankle. I looked down and my ankle was sideways. And the pain was unreal. I started screaming, Jesus! Jesus! Help me please!

I watched a truck driver run around my car trying to open it. I unlocked the door and he proceeded to try to pull me out of the car but I could not walk on my ankle at all. Another truck driver jumped out and stated he would grab my leg. After getting my seat belt off they helped remove me from the car and away to safety.

It hurt to breathe the pain was everywhere. The first truck driver leaned over me and stated that he drove 30 miles out of the way and was not sure why he did but now it was clear. It was to be there for me, he then asked if he could pray for me. The other truck driver who helped with my leg also asked if he could pray.

After praying we saw flames flying out of the engine, they offered to get my things that I needed, my dog was all I could think of needing at the very second. They were reluctant to get him out because of his breed but he was out cold so they dragged him out and they asked if I needed anything else I stated my purse.

After the hearse arrived the State Trooper arrived, seeing I was safely out of the car he inquired about the truck driver. I heard him say he was up the road and was heading back to us.

I cannot put in words all my thoughts running through my head. I was scared I was going to die, that I killed my dog, smashed my car, the electric was due and I could not pay it because I was there, would they drop me getting into the ambulance, who could I call?

I prayed for peace. And it worked I was hurting but not so bad I could not think, and I was coherent. I remember getting to the ambulance and the truck driver who prayed for me got in and told me I would be ok and prayed some more.

They took me to the local hospital, which was very small. They performed x-rays and determined I dislocated and smashed bones in my ankle to dust. They did not have the resources or tools to fix this so after the doctor realized this he started to try to tell me about my injuries. I asked him to stop I did not want to know, I knew it was bad but did not want to deal with this. He stated I needed emergency surgery and was going to be transferred by helicopter to Joplin, MO.

While we were waiting for the helicopter a nurse wanted to call a family member to let them know what was happening. I could not think of anyone. They could not call my mom she would go crazy. I could not think of anyone. All my numbers are in my cell phone and no one could locate that. I finally remembered my ex-bosses. She lives 8 miles from my mom’s house and she could tell her in person. Unfortunately she never answered her cell phone so I reluctantly gave them my mother's number. They came back and told me they got hold of her they would meet me in Joplin.

At this point I still had no pain medicine. And I remember just asking God to keep the pain away. The Highway Patrol Officer came and stated he had my purse and could I show him where my license was. He held up a purple bookcase. It was not my purse it was my Bible. It was in the back window before the accident. It apparently jumped the seat into the front. So my Bible traveled with me on the helicopter.

The Helicopter ride was not bad. The techs were very supportive. They apologized that they could not give me pain medicine when there was turbulence. When we got in the sky I felt no pain at all. I even told the one tech that the Skyline was pretty. He asked me my name and birthday to make sure I was not in shock. God was totally in control.

We arrived in Joplin and I was rushed to be prepped for surgery. The Orthopedic Doctor told me about my many injuries which included chest contusions, a bruised abdomen, severe neck burn, cut on my left arm and hand, dislocation of my right foot, fracture of ankle, and loss of a couple bones that could not be replaced in my ankle. He stated it was not a simple fracture. That I lost 2 major bones in my ankle that you need to walk and that my main ankle bone had lost its blood supply and could die which would mean amputation.

They preformed the surgery and I was in the hospital 1 week. My mother and stepfather had to build a ramp at their house to get me in and out. I was bed ridden. I was not allowed to put any weight on my foot. I could not go outside without a wheel chair. I was very upset with everything. Even considered suicide. Felt like I was a burden.

I continued seeing the Doctor in Joplin for 2 months. I could not drive, walk, nor could I work. But I made a deal with God, I know you should never make deals but I knew God would honor this one. My deal was I would get up every day and would not get depressed and lay in bed saying why me if he promised to get me out of this wheelchair. I was not going to loose my leg.

After 6 months I went from a wheel chair, to crutches, then to a walker, to a cane, and now an ankle brace when needed. Some times I use the cane but not often. I was told if I did not loose my leg I would surly not be able to walk on anything but flat surfaces. Never on grass, sand, etc.

Satan is a liar! I can walk on grass but not gracefully; I can go swimming, and slowly with much patience I can climb up a hill. I do have times where my ankle locks up and I fall but then I remind myself I was not even supposed to have an ankle.

Satan fights me a lot, tells me I can not do it and just throw in the towel. Don’t get me wrong I struggle with pain daily. But God is the best medicine a girl could ask for. He has brought me a long way I have been raped, had a major arm injury which was required 5 surgeries in 3 different states and I survived kidney cancer. Thru this all I still seek him. Satan can try to get me discouraged but I have a weapon more powerful then he will ever be. G O D

I have learned from my accident that you need to always trust God and lean on him for all your needs because he always provides and will only gives us what he knows we can handle.

For With Him All Things are Possible!! Luke 1:37