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Tupac Shakur

September 17, 1971 Tupac was born in Brooklyn, NY. Early in his life he moved to Baltimore,MD, wherehe attended The Baltimore School for the Performing Arts. at this school, Tupac left a lasting impresion on his teachers and was showing tremondous potential. Unfortunatly, Tupac was unable to continue his training. He moved to Oakland, Cali with the rest of his family. That's when Tupac began to as he called it "hang with the wrong crowd" Not held back by his lack of education. Tupac joined the rap Digital underground as a dancer. Not long b4 the group achived award winning success, Tupac released his own album "2paccallyps Now", which also a success. The hit single "Brenda's Got a baby" launched Tupac's career like a rocket. His Stunning talentalso got him a role in the motion picture "Juice." Tupac eventualy released a second album "Strictly for my Niggaz," which was an even bigger success. The highlight ofTupac's acting career came when he appeared in "Poetic Juctice" beside Janet Jackson. The role made Tupaca household name and showed the world that music may not be Tupac's #1 attribute. In the midst of a role in the movie "Above the Rim" and a Platinum album " me against the world," Tupac's rising career was snagged. He was brought up on sexual assult charges by a woman he had met in a nightclub. Hours b4 Tupac would be found guilty, Tupac was robbed at gun point by men whose intent and purpose is still unknown. Tupac was eventulay released at over $1 million in bail, after his release, Tupac answered his critics by releasing his best album "All eyes on me," it curently sold over 6 million copies, which is revolutionary for a double cd. Especially in Hip Hop music. As the album climbed the charts, Tupac also completed work on two films "Gridlock." While on his way to do charity work, Tupac Shakur was assasinated by the bullets of unknown gunmenon september 13th, 1996..........