Fighting for love and justice, I'm the lovely Sailor Venus, and I'll punish you in the name of the love !
My name is Aino Minako. It means " the girl of beauty and love ". My birthday is October 22, my sign is Libra and my bloodtype is B. I used to be Sailor V, but after a disappointment in love, I joined to the other Sailor Shensi as Sailor Venus.
I currently live with my parents.
I study at Shibakouen Junior High School in Minato-Ku. My favorite subject is phisical education, and my least favorite is everithing else. I used to be on the volleyball team before I went to England, where I were Sailor V.
My favorite foods are gyousa, ramen and curry rice, but I don't like shiitake mushrooms. My favorite colors are red and yellow.
My hobby is just wasting time. I love playing volleyball and videogames.
· In T.V. series, I use the following phrases ( If you click Venus Love And beauty shock!, you're going to watch a video ) : a) To transform: Venus Power, Make up
Venus Star Power, Make up
Venus Crystal Power, Make up
· b) Attacks Crescent Beam
Crescent Beam Shower
Venus Love me Chain
Venus Love and Beauty Shock
· · And now, there is a lot of pictures about me in the Aino Minako / Sailor Venus' Images' Index !
Awards I've Won ! ·
Award for a Great Start
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Based on Takeuchi Naoko / Kodansha Toei Animation's Sailor Moon's Characteres
(c) Takeuchi Naoko, Koudansha, TV Asahi, Toei Douga
Manuel Lara
D-Shadow Software 1998