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Hello people and welcome to my home online. In this little cyber area I express my beliefs, who I am, and what's on my mind. I am sorry for that at anytime you are offended, but please keep in mind that these are not your thoughts, and are under no obligation to stay. Besides, it's my homepage, not yours. You may leave when you feel the need to by pressing that oh-so-convienient 'x'. It may be a while before any further reconstruction is done to this page, so if anything malfunctions or a link does not work, please let me know by an e-mail titled 'homepage'. I'm sorry for any inconvieniences that may occur since i do not always feel up to renovating. Please enjoy yourself and feel free to venture into my mind and ultimately my soul.--although this page will be completely changed, i will retain the gb because as i've noticed people do still think of their chatting past. so feel free to sign, or even e-mail me. It does work. :) this last update on February 2nd, 2005.

