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Welcome To My HANSON Hangout! :^)~

That is the banner for the page!! My little brother's best friend made it for me even though he can't stand Hanson. Is that sweet or what?? Even though Young Zachary looks a little deformed...LoL.

Okay, today is Friday Feb. 18th. I haven't updated the page in AGES and I'm gonne redo it in the coming weeks. There's a LOT of stuff going on but I'm sure you all know. a while everything will be up to date again.
8-15-99~~~The Hershey concert was a year ago today. This sucks. I have not seen Hanson in person in a whole year. Anywho. Keep checking out Hansonline for studio pics. They have some sound wavs of the Hanson Hotline too. Which is pretty cool I guess.
7-31-99~~~Okay the Chicago concert was one year ago today. Er's 1:40am so it's really August 1st but no matter. There are some HOT pics on Hansonline. Man theres this one of Taylor wearing a wife beater and OMG does he be looking good!! =) Okay uh...Hanson Hanson Hanson...what else has been going on with them...About the girlfriend's still supposedly true although it's a little twisted. Please don't email me asking. I don't want to talk about it. It's kinda sucky. Plus I don't know much about it. Whatever I know, I stick up here. So typical of an obsessed girl who gives her fave band absolutely no privacy or respect. Well I haven't made the trek to Tulsa yet (nor do I plan on it) so I'm not THAT bad!!
7-16-99~~~Happy Birthday, Mom!! Uh...yeah. She's like 46 or something. Ok so like I went to camp a few days ago and our counselor saw my best friend and me wearing Hanson shirts and she goes "Oh I met them!" We're like "You uh...did WHAT?!?!" She has a friend who works at a radio station and he got them backstage passes to the one at the Nissan Pavilion and she said they hardly got to talk to them and Diana was there going "Ok that's close enough..." and stuff like that. She's apparently REALLY overprotective. I was there when they sang the National Anthem at the World Cup game but my mom actually got her @$$ moving and got a tape to record it on for me. Hanson themselves thanked us for emailing and calling ABC to get the anthem aired. It was soooo cool. I emailed them from each one of my email accounts...LoL it was so great. See, we HANSON fans can do something!! =)
7-5-99~~~One year ago like EXACTLY this time, 3:00pm, the tour bus was pulling into Lakewood Amphitheater. We'd been there since 8 in the morning and the concert started at 7. You just wait til 7 rolls around...I'm going to lose it...Actually the worst day will be August 15th, the one year anniversary of Hershey because means we haven't seen them in a long ago...well anyway. I'm too miserable to continue.
7-4-99~~~Happy Fourth of July fellow Albertanians!!
6-30-99~~~It's almost the one year anniversary of the Atlanta concert. We left July 3rd and the concert was July God it's going to be the most miserable day of my life. Hansonline has some videos from in the studio and everyday, they put a new studio pic on so like...go check it out if you haven't already. Next order of business, MOE #5. It's awesome, as it always is. Especially the "albumitis" section. LoLoL. And the MOE would be totally awesome except for the fact that it doesn't work on my computer. ARG!!! The "setting up an account" window never appeared. C'est la vie...The HansonWorld thing sounded pretty good...the videos are awesome. Zac's voice is amazingly deep, Taylor's earring is in full view, and you get a clip of a song that might be on the new album and I think it sounds really cool. More rock sounding...
6-8-99~~~There are some good@$$ pics on Hansonline. they are SSSSOOOO good. I sat there going "OH...MY...GOD...THEY LOOK SOOOO GOOD!!!!!!" It was hilarious. Anyways. They really are good. I finally got Motown Live on tape. I just wish I had TRL...omg do you guys believe how deep Zac's voice is?? I find it to be deeper than Taylor's. I got this recent soundclip and omg...I almost died.
6-5-99~~~Omg you guys guess what?!?! Some little girl emails me and starts blabbering ON and ON and ON about how wrong the letter from Ike to Tay in heaven was. She's like "Where I come from you don't mess around with that stuff!!!" She has problems...go to the link to the letter and read the little disclaimer I'm adding. I'm going to put the emails I've gotten from her on there. It's SSSOOO funny!!
6-2-99~~~Ok yesterday was the worst day of my life. Taylor and Ike officially have girlfriends. Taylor's is such a whore and is clearly using him for his money and in his eyes, she's perfect so he lets her. I haven't seen any pics of Ike's. Theres a sound clip that proves it. Also, I was supposed to go to a silverchair (my other FAVORITE band) concert tonight in Norfolk but my dad told LAST NIGHT (!!!!) after I'd spent the whole day freaking out and getting excited that he wasn't taking me anymore. So I'm like all suicidal now. I wasted $40.60 on the tickets too. Needless to say, my dad and I aren't speaking.
6-1-99~~~SCHOOL'S OUT!! I'm a Junior now!! Ok well. Hanson DID end up appearing on the Mtv Star Wars Private Screening thing. Zac looks SO much older and Taylor has his hair up which means you can see his earring really well. It looks awesome. Ok I know theres a big thing going around about how he cut his hair short. My best friend said she saw pics of it but I haven't yet. If you have a link to one, PLEASE tell me so I can see this. Gracias!
5-19-99~~~Mmmk Hansonline has now said to check back every day now because they're having daily updates!! YAY!!! Now we'll actually know whats going on with them somewhat. They DID end up making a video for Gimme Some Lovin'. You can download it on Hansonline.
5-15-99~~~Greetings!! Yes, I am alive. But is Hanson?!?! Thats the question. Last we heard, they said they were safe from all the tornadic activity that swept through Oklahoma. Thats good. Yes it is. The most recent I've heard was that they're among the many celebs invited to attend the private Mtv Star Wars (yuck!!!) exclusive screening thing or whatever it is that all those famous people do without us, the reason to which they hold their social status. Ok forgive me. Anyways. They may show up for a second or two on candid camera shots. I hope they have fun. Even I hate Star Wars with a passion.
  • 4-7-99~~~ARG!!!! I was just working on this dumb thing and got cut off. Anywho...if I may recommend an awesome CD to you guys, it'd be silverchair's new one, Neon Ballroom.
  • 1-28-99~~~Like uh...hello or something. Guess what?!?!?! Marissa and me are now wearing Hanson shirts to our high school under other shirts. We take the other shirts off during lunch and at the end of the day. Major but this one junior...she pissed me off so bad but thats another story. Anyways...Saturday I'm actually going to a Hanson party!! There ARE other fans around here! Well, its the girls from that football game I mentioned earlier. Oh yeah...check out this link for the most awesomest Hanson webpage. It's Mmmbutt!!!
  • 1-14-99~~~HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ZOE!!!! Zoe Genevieve Hanson turns one today! It seems like only yesterday I found her birth announcement at Tulsa Heh heh heh...I just discovered that all my January updates had 1998 on them. Don't I feel dumb? Mmmk there was a Disney Chat the other night and the transcript is on the Updates page at Hansonline. Also, radio Disney supposedly plays a lot of Hanson so check it out at 1560 AM on your radios.
  • 1-13-99~~~Well, I tried to put most of the Admiral Twin section of the page back up...check out the link thing below...I have a cool image I need to stick on sometime...Zoe turns one tomorrow!! Happy Birthday to her!! The latest news with Hanson is that they've been doing Radio Disney chats or something and going around looking at different recording studios. They're also putting one in their house.
  • 1-8-99~~~Hi. Happy New Year!! I hope all is going well for all of you. Alex and me broke up...but you know what that means?? A new dedication to Hanson. I had a revival the other day...Now that dating thing really bothers me...There aren't any appearances scheduled so that means they're in Tulsa and most likely working on the new album.
  • 12-25-98~~~MeRrY cHrIsTmAs!!!! I hope you all caught the Melrose Place that they were on. It was December 21st. There was also a Yahoo! chat on December 22nd. MOE members can now register on Hansonline. Go check it out. You get exclusive e-mail updates!
  • 12-10-98~~~I apologize profusely for not having the page all that well updated over the past few weeks. Let's see...they were on Buddy Faro last Friday...They were on Regis and Kathy Lee this morning. They're gonna be on Donny and Marie on the 14th and the Christmas Day special of Oprah Winfrey will also be re-airing on the 14th. Guess what? THEY DATE!!! My life is over. Amazingly, when they said so, on Leno, I didn't shoot myself or hurl things at the tv. It's only because of Alex though...we have our 7 week anniversary Monday the 14th!!! Sorry...I had to say it!
  • 11-13-98~~~They hosted Total Request yesterday and the day b4. Let's just say that they're getting much more affectionate and touchy feely with the fellow fans. It was very emotional.
  • 11-7-98~~~Tonight on the Family Channel, there is an hour long special on the Albertane Tour. It's gonna have footage from Road To Albertane and the vids for Weird and IWCTY. It's at 7 pm eastern. Also...Monday they're on Letterman, Monday I think (the 16th) they're on Rosie O'Donnell Thursday the uh...12th it's the Howie Mandell show. Check out Hansonline...
  • 10-31-98~~~Happy Halloween!!! How many of you guys are going as either a Hanson bro or as a teeny-bopper? J/k. Anyways, on Hansonline, it says that on Nov. 2nd, Hanson is doing a Yahoo! chat. The Road To Albertane is coming out on Nov. 10th and apparently it's going to have footage from almost everywhere...on the first parts of the tour, that is...I guess.
  • 10-30-98~~~Um I have some rather disturbing news...Someone confirmed that in an interview, Taylor said that he and Aimee Osborne both liked each other. I wonder...And uh...I'm like...going out with someone now and he made me repeat this chant getting the message across that Hanson sux...He's putting me in rehab...LoL. But little does he know that I had my toes crossed!! The Live Album comes out Tuesday. The 1999 Hanson calendar is also out.
  • 10-15-98~~~Uh...There hasn't been much to update lately. Young Zachary becomes a teenager in a week. We're like...having a party with him but he doesn't know it yet. We're like, going to this Mexican restaurant with him. He's going to be invisible though. We're gonna order for him, feed him, have the mexican dudes sing to him etc. Its gonna be like, cool or something. I was at this football game last Friday at a high school near us. There's 4 girls that are fellow Hansonites. They got into a FISTFIGHT with some other girls that were making fun of them. These girls (the fans) are getting charges pressed against them because they stood up for Hanson. Its so surreal...
  • 9-27-98~~~I got back from Paramount's King's Dominion today. Guess what I did when I was there!! First, I did the bungee jumping thing that Hanson does in Tulsa, Tokyo, and the Middle of Nowhere, then Marissa and me made a music video for Mmmbop, then we did an audio of it, THEN...the big event...We got up on a Karaoke Stage in front of over 500 people and sang Mmmbop!! Hanson would be proud. The cool thing was that we sounded awesome and even though I'm sure everyone there hated Hanson, they cheered and got into it. We even did the hand clappy thing that they do. It ROCKED!!!!
  • 8-16-98 Hellooooooo!!!!! I just got back from the Hershey Park concert. I tape recorded this one!!! If you want a copy or something, like uh...e-mail me and stuff and we'll work it out. It was soooooo awesome. I shall have a review up in a wee bit.
  • 8/2/98---OHMYGOD!!!! I went to the Chicago concert (READ THE DANG REVIEW!!!! I WAS IN THE 2ND ROW AND GOT TAYLOR'S WATER BOTTLE!!!!) and I'm also going to the concert in Hershey, PA. What really sux is that they've been to my state twice and to other places within 2 hours of me and I haven't been able to go.
  • 7/17/98---I'm leaving for Chicago tomorrow and hopefully I'll get to go to the concert there. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!!
  • 7/7/98---I just got back from the Atlanta concert. It was a totally awesome experience. My very first Hanson concert is all I can say.
    Ok heres the secondary pages. The links will be up for them as soon as i get the codes typed in.
  • Tay Fax!!!
  • Zac Fax!!!
  • Ike Fax!!!
  • HansonPictures!!!
  • Lyrics
  • Hanson Appearances
  • Right Now, Hanson Is In...
  • Things Noticed In Hanson's Videos
  • Tour Dates
  • Hanson News Archives (sort of)
  • Hanson's Family
  • Hanson News
  • Ike's Letter To Tay In Heaven...this is soooo sad!!!!
  • About me!!!

    Lookee Here!!!
    Hansonline...The OFFICIAL Hanson page
    Hanson House
    Hanson Hitz
    Hanson Hotel
    Larry Land, LoLoLoL
    Admiral Twin's Homepage
    Fish Dance!!!!!!
