Backstreet Boys Chat Log 10/2/97

MTVixen: Welcome to the MTV Arena for this chat with the Backstreet Boys! Backstreet Boys did their time, 4 long years of readin' writin' and rhythm during their stint at Orlando's High School where students AJ McLean, Howie Dorough and even younger junior high student Nick Carter found each other at local acting auditions. Inspired by groups Boyz II Men and Color Me Badd, the boys formed a singing group and added two more for good measure, Kevin Richardson and his cousin Brian Littrell. Four years later Backstreet Boys are top of the charts with their self-titled album, and kicking off a tour of the US. You will have the chance to cut in with each of them during this chat. Welcome, Howie and Kevin! The other members, AJ and Nick will be here in a sec.

BckStreet2: The next single is going to be As long as you love me
BckStreet1: (Kevin) If you wondering about the new album... We're currently writing and on the 4th we go to Stockholm, record some tracks with Dennis Pop and Max Martin.

MTVRock: DazLover asks: Question: Do you ever wish that you hadn't gotten into the music biz?
BckStreet2: Howie: Never, it's the best thing that ever happened to me
BckStreet1: (Kevin) Music will always be a part of my life.

MTVRock: BabybeanE asks: are you going to put "if you stay" on an any album?
BckStreet2: Howie: It was on the "Booty Call" soundtrack it might be a "b" side to an upcoming single

MTVRock: Buzzbin31 asks: Do you ever get wary of all the attention?
BckStreet1: (Kevin) Sometimes you would like to go unnoticed. But overall, we're all pretty much hams and we love the attention.

MTVixen: Yidda100 asks: Are you planning to release "Everybody" here in the US? Great track!!! Love the remixes as well
BckStreet2: howie: It might be a bonus track on the upcoming single or on the next album
BckStreet1: (Kevin) We would like you and everybody you can muster up to voice your opinion... to radio stations...and possibly...our record company... because we're contemplating releasing it in the States...and on the next reprint
BckStreet1: of the album adding the track.

MTVixen: Bckstreet1 = Kevin, Bckstreet2 = Howie. The others will be along in a moment!

MTVRock: BeatleKrz asks: How did you come up with the name Backstreet Boys?
BckStreet1: (Kevin) Backstreet Boys comes from the Backstreet Market in Orlando, Florida... it's like a flea market when it's not a flea market it's a big parking lot... where people hang out. But now they've built a new building on the lot. So it no longer exists. Nick has entered the building!!! AJ is in the house.

MTVRock: Mandi6308 asks: do you have girlfriends?
BckStreet2: AJ: no, but we do date
BckStreet1: (Nick) but we date. (Kevin) no serious relationship right now...

MTVixen: N10818 asks: (about computing) Do you guys do this often?
BckStreet1: (kevin) not often enough.
BckStreet2: Howie & AJ: Not as often as we'd like to
BckStreet1: (nick) I love to play video I do it alot online.

MTVRock: ENTGATR asks: what are your ages?
BckStreet2: Howie: 24,
BckStreet1: (Nick) 17
BckStreet2: AJ: 19
BckStreet1: (Kevin) 26 tomorrow actually, (Brian) 22, but he's not here.

MTVixen: MOONWLK18 asks: When is the video for "I'll Never Break Your Heart" coming out in the US??? I love that song!
BckStreet1: (Kevin) That won't come out until we release it as a single. (Nick) Ditto

MTVRock: Vambuffy asks: Kevin, how does it feel to be bestfriends and not get on each other's nerves
BckStreet1: (Kevin) We get on each other's nerves all the time... that's what makes people closer.
BckStreet2: Howie: He ain't lying

MTVixen: KrazySpic asks: What's gonna be your guys' the next US t.v. appearance
BckStreet1: (all) The Today Show on Saturday, Oct. 4th...
BckStreet2: Howie: The today show--this Saturday, 10/4

MTVixen: LKT17 asks: what is your favorite sports?
BckStreet1: (Kevin) Football and basketball
BckStreet2: AJ: Billiards
BckStreet1: (Nick) Baseball and Football
BckStreet2: Howie: Water skiing
BckStreet1: (Nick) and Basketball

MTVRock: ILuvNick8 asks: omigosh! i can't believe i am sending a message to the hottest looking guys in the world. i just have one question: has being famous musicians changed any of you in any way?
BckStreet1: (Kevin) First of all thanks for the complement...
BckStreet2: Howie: omigosh, I can't believe we're responding back to the hottest on-line guest
BckStreet1: (Kevin) Travelling all around the world has changed our general outlook... on the world.

MTVixen: AnimlRite asks: what is your reaction when girls run up to you and do all the stuff they do??
BckStreet1: (Nick) what are you talking about?
BckStreet2: AJ: I'm flattered and what guy would'nt want a bunch of guys screaming at him?
BckStreet2: Howie: Mistake by the typist---what guys wouldn't want a bunch of "girls" screaming at him.

MTVRock: Takaja asks: What influences the lyrics you guys write?
BckStreet1: (Kevin) Anything...something that happens to you during the day...a girl you might meet...
BckStreet2: Howie: Experiences in our past
BckStreet1: (Kevin) something a friend might say...problems you're going through.
BckStreet2: AJ: Personal Experiences on a day-to-day basis
BckStreet1: (Nick) Yep.

MTVRock: Mickey840 asks: When was the first time you guys all met up with each other?
BckStreet1: (Kevin) May of 1993
BckStreet2: Howie & AJ: We all met first time May of 1993 BckStreet2: Howie: Nick, AJ and myself meet and then Kevin and Brian came along later

MTVixen: Poetr5179 asks do u all like doing photo shoots?
BckStreet2: Howie: Yeah, they can be fun
BckStreet1: (Kevin) At first I loved sometimes it gets monotonous...but, it's fun when we do creative stuff..

MTVixen: Bckstreet 1 = Nick & Kevin Bckstreet 2 = AJ & Howie

MTVRock: Angie 020 asks: First of all, you guys are really hot(espically nick), anyway, what do you look for in a girl?
BckStreet1: (Nick) Basically somebody who can put up with our crazy schedule.
BckStreet2: Howie: I look for someone with a great personality and a lot of self-confidence
BckStreet1: (Kevin) Obviously she'd have to be someone I was attracted to... But not only physically, but personality, sense of humor, intelligence...
BckStreet2: AJ: Spontaneous, outgoing, good personality, ----I love long nails
BckStreet1: Don't believe AJ.

MTVRock: AGATE4T asks: BackStreetBoys--What singers influenced you the most? Keep up the good work.
BckStreet1: (Nick) A singer from a group called "Journey" Steve Perry...also KC-I and JoJo
BckStreet2: AJ: Groups like the Temptations, New Edition especially, Boyz to Men, and aj: and other vocal harmony groups
BckStreet1: (Kevin) Prince...Elton John...Sting...Vocal groups likes Boys II Men...New Edition... The Temptations.
BckStreet2: Howie: John Secada, Philip Bailey, and Bobby Brown

MTVixen: SKoop7628 asks: do u guys have any animals or rodents
BckStreet1: (Kevin) Nope. I wouldn't be able to take care of them, becoz I'm never home.
BckStreet2: AJ: I have two dogs, a daschund at my parents and at mine, I have a cross between
BckStreet1: (Nick) I have two cats...three dogs...and some fish.
BckStreet2: aj: a boxer and rhodesian ridgeback and her name is delilah!
BckStreet1: (Nick) German sheppard and his name is "Sampson"...
BckStreet2: Howie: My sister has a Pekenise and Hymalian cat.
BckStreet1: (Nick) Small Schnauzer named "Pepper"... also a Golden Lab named "Simba" also I made a mistake...I have one more cat...their names are "Bandit", "Sugar"... and "Rocky."

MTVixen: Who knew there was so much fur-lovin' in this group!

VickiPosh asks: What is your most unusual habit?
BckStreet2: AJ: I pick the skin off my fingers
BckStreet1: (Nick) AJ likes to tell tall tales...
BckStreet2: Howie: I don't have any bad habits. AJ: He sleeps anywhere, anytime of the day
BckStreet1: (Kevin) When I concentrate, like when I'm reading...or playing keyboard... I sometimes chew my tongue....

MTVRock: Luvbush29 asks a question about NYC...: So, what your favorite thing about being back in NY??
BckStreet2: Howie: the dirty water hot dogs and NY pizza. AJ: NY women!!!!
BckStreet1: (Nick) the weather. (Kevin) the energy of the city. The clubs.

MTVixen: Coolio132 asks: did you ever work with puff daddy???
BckStreet1: (Kevin) no but I've met him.
BckStreet2: AJ: No, but we would like to
BckStreet1: (Nick) Me and Puff go way back.
BckStreet2: Howie: I meet him along with Kevin AJ: Yeah Nick, Puff the Magic Dragon
BckStreet1: No really AJ.

MTVRock: Tabbyr asks: how did u get ure nicknames?
BckStreet1: What nicknames...
BckStreet2: Howie: The guys call me Sweet "D" because they say they have a big heart
BckStreet1: (Nick) Awww, that's so sweet Howie.
BckStreet2: AJ: The guys call me bone because I'm skinny and I wear a lot of jewelry
BckStreet1: (Kevin) Brian got his name "B-Rok" because Rok is another name for basketball, and he's a basketball fanatic.
BckStreet2: Howie: It was tribal vodoo bones that AJ wore. AJ: and our security guard started calling me that

MTVRock: Alea99 asks: what is the funniest thing that has happened to you on tour?
BckStreet2: Howie: I fell off stage one time
BckStreet1: (Nick) AJ got caught up in Obie who is our percussionist player.
BckStreet2: AJ: I brought our precussion section down, the whole thing crashed on stage
BckStreet1: AJ got his shirt caught up in our percussionist player cymbals. and knocked the whole set over during a show. In Hamburg at a show...the airport made our mics malfunction. at the sucked, but now it's kinda funny.

MTVixen: Babygir96 asks: What do you guys think about before you go on stage?
BckStreet1: (Kevin) Putting on a good show.
BckStreet2: Howie: About being prepared. Making sure that we have our mics and all of our clothes on us
BckStreet1: get excited, nervous, lots of adrenaline... (Nick) I think about what I ate.
BckStreet2: AJ: Making sure my zipper is up and my shoes are tied

MTVRock: Girltalk7 asks: How long do you plan to keep singing?
BckStreet2: Howie: As Long as you love me
BckStreet1: (Kevin) Awww, Howie how sweet.
BckStreet2: AJ: How creative
BckStreet1: (Nick) until we can do a cane routine.

MTVixen: Boombastc asks: WHat really irritates you guys?
BckStreet1: (Kevin) Racism...(Nick) Liars...
BckStreet2: AJ: People that are pushy, and disrespectful people..
BckStreet1: (kevin) when you're eating and people leave one cookie or chip in the bowl.
BckStreet2: Howie: When people call me AJ. Howie: People who are selfish irritate me, people who think about themselves

MTVRock: MegaCutie asks: If you could do something else other than sing, what would you do?
BckStreet2: Howie: Be an actor
BckStreet1: (Nick) Howie stop lying.
BckStreet2: AJ: I would be a dancer with circus monkeys. Howie: I'm not lying Nick
BckStreet1: (Nick) I would be the monkey's trainer. (Kevin) Music will always be a part of my life...but, I would probably pursue film and tv.

MTVixen: SnapPop94 asks: Ok, here is one, what is the weirdest date you've ever been on???
BckStreet1: (Kevin) They've all be pretty weird.
BckStreet2: AJ: I went to a country line dancing bar,
BckStreet1: Been. (Kevin) my typist is crazy.
BckStreet2: Howie: I took a date to see Ms. Saigon in Germany and I didn't understand anything
BckStreet1: (Nick) WHAT. I didn't know about that.
BckStreet2: Howie: Nick, there's a lot you don't know
BckStreet1: (Nick)........

MTVRock: AXE FAN 1 asks: Saw you in NYC Tues. after driving from VA... A.J., I noticed at the van the fearful look in your eyes when the girls kinda rushed the van... What goes through your mind when that happens after that whole ordeal in Montreal?
BckStreet2: AJ: I don't like riding in vans Howie: I hate liars
BckStreet1: (Nick) I agree with Howie.
BckStreet2: AJ: They can't feel my pain
BckStreet1: (Kevin) It's gettin' deep in here.

MTVOnstage: TessaLea asks: Did you all think about producing yourselves ever
BckStreet1: (kevin) Yes. We co-produced most of our stuff on the new album as far as vocals go.
BckStreet1: (Kevin) Brian wrote a song called "That's What She Said"... on the new album. (Nick) But of course, I wrote everything... (Kevin) Yeah, in your dreams.

MTVRock: QTLIKEME1 asks: what is your favorite celebrity that you have met?
BckStreet2: Howie: John Secada and bow-legged lou from Full force
BckStreet1: Kevin: it's hard to pick just one. SOme of my favorites...Boyz II Men, Sting...
BckStreet2: AJ: Maxwell, No Mercy, and Chicago, and As Yet
BckStreet1: (Nick) Howie, what about David Hassellhoff....Ha! That's Howie's favorite...
BckStreet2: Howie: Uh, Uh, Uh, Uh, I don't think so
BckStreet1: (Kevin & Nick) Arnold Schwarzenegger (Nick) he said he was goin' to "Pump Us Up".

MTVixen: ManicGrrl asks: whos your fav celebrity youd like to date nick?
BckStreet1: (Nick) Christina Ricci...Robyn...
BckStreet2: Howie & AJ: we thought you always liked Barney
BckStreet1: (Nick) You're not funny.

MTVixen: We are all outta time, we certainly got to know AJ, Nick, Kevin and Howie of Backstreet Boys tonight! Be sure to check out their concerts and CD (self-titled) Thanks tothe Backstreet Boys for joining us here in the MTV Arena.

MTVRock: Thanks so much guys!

BckStreet1: (Nick) We'll be back.....
MTVixen: We'd love to have you here again!

BckStreet2: Howie & AJ: Thanks for all your support, hope you enjoyed this, we can't wait to see you. (Kevin) Thanks for all your continued support. Hope you enjoy the album. Peace and Love. It's been real! I'm out.
MTVixen: Goodnight.
