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Ohio State Patrol
Post 79
New Philadelphia

I have had a terrible time reliably scanning the communications for Post 79.  The frequencies I have accumulated are listed below, but the only one I reliably hear traffic on is 44.94MHz, that's the dispatcher at the post.  From what I can tell it is a duplex system, but I have yet to determine the frequency the cruisers use to contact the post dispatcher.  Occasionally I will hear communication between officers on 45.26MHz, but this does not appear to be the frequency they use to contact the post.

Highway Patrol Post 79:

I know the Ohio State Patrol is in the process of converting to the new MARCs system, but I don't believe Post 79 is on-board yet.  If you have any luck monitoring Post 79 on these or any other frequencies, or any ideas what I'm doing wrong, please let me know!
