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This is a picture of Jen, my "adopted sister", and I. Over Thanksgiving break we each cut our hair short. We live in differnt cities and didn't tell each other how we were gonna cut it. So just like everything else we do, we ended up with almost the same hair cut.

Aimee is the first person (other than my resident assistant) that I remember meeting when I went to Rio Grande. She saw me standing on my bed singing along with music and decided to call that "Christy in Concert." We've been friends ever since.

As a baby, I was in the hospital a lot and Cheri was one of my nurses. She and my family grew close. Cheri and her hubby recently celebtared their 25th wedding anniversary. With out telling them, we showed up for the party. Cheri was so surprised to see us since we hadn't seen each other for a year or so.

The two cuties in this picture are my nieces: Devin and Breanna. Aren't they cute? They take after their Aunt that way LOL.

Laura and I have been working together at K-mart for a while now, but its only been with in the past couple months that we've started hanging out and getting close. K-mart beware, we feed off each other's sillyness!

Another friend from college. Deana said she loved me. But I think she loved my candy more.