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My Poems

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Karen's Poems

By Karen
Our Love

Late in the moonless night we awoke intangled.
Reaching out for a love that's getting lost.
Hands against their will, roaming over each night hot body.
Feeling the other's pounding heart in a tortured breast.
I hold your sweat covered brow tight against me.
The rise and fall of my chest moves your tired head.
Your hand comes to rest on my breaking heart to soothe it.
Warm tears slide silently down my face to touch your face.
Your hand can feel the ripping in two of my heart you loved.
There is still a deep love in our bodies for each other.
We have to break free of the lonely past before it's too late.
Move on to an unsure future, yet a future to build upon.
We've over come all of life's misfortunes before this.
As a we together, we can rebuild our future again, fresh and new.

The Door

The thick wood door stood ever so slightly ajar.
Nothing to be seen through the tiny opening.
Just a black darkness on the other side.
So as I turned my weary back away from it,
You gently kissed the back of my neck from behind.
I turned with a sudden jerk, you was gone already.
Disappeared, like a shadow running from a bright light.
I took a quick step forward toward the still open door.
It slammed shut in my face with an echoing bang.
I stood looking at the wood grain of a closed door.
Remember I'm still standing on this side of this separator.
When you decide to swing open wide the door once again.


In a cold and unyielding place I lay, unknown, unwanted.
Somewhere I travel in the deep realms of my own mind.
Looking for a forgotten being who was once a true person.
I lay down and start to drown in my own self pity.
Crying til the hot tears pool about my cold face.
Sick to the bottom of my soul of not remembering a me.
This day dawned with my feelings in it's heart.
A rainy morning weeps with me as I stand outside.
Oceans of rain and tears mix to flow down my face.
I'll let the rain cleanse my tortured soul and aching head.
Spending the days of tomorrows searching for a me.

Who am I Without Him?

I exist totally because of him.
I have no me anymore without him.
I have spent a life time with him.
I can't go on living without him.
I am but an empty being without him.

He molded me into what I am.
He put the US in WE.
He gave us a joyfulled life.
He is my reason for living.
He has made me nothing now.

We lived for each other.
We held tough as a WE.
We can't just leave it all.
We where the reason for life.
We will be nothing without the other.

Her Look

She's found her look again.
Holding herself tall and proud.
A sparkle, a red hot fire,
Back in her emerald green eyes.
A dance once again in her walk.
Hearing her own music as she goes.
Shining as bright as the sunniest summer's day.
Love radiating from deep in her soul.
Sending out rainbow beams of light.
Smiling in the face of a so cruel world.
Nothing bringing her down now.


The sun peeks over the horizon.
A lonely icicle sighs as it spies it.
Smiling is the sun as the day begins.
The icicle starts to cry as it greets the sun.
Drop by drop, the icicle disappears with the night.

Snow Flakes

Beautiful, white snow.
Fat, soft flakes,
Moving in slow swirls.
Looking across the field,
Seeing the wind blow
Snow through the trees.
Watching the snow covered birds
Feed on bread crumbs.
Standing in the middle of
All this beauty, with
Snow flakes upon my face,
Mixing with tears on my cheek.
Feeling so alive and free.
No one but me, the snow, and
The singing of a few birds.

A Summer's Day

A walk in the quiet woods on a slow summer's day.
Bugs buzzing around your face.
Birds singing in your ear.
A warm breeze floats past, through you hair.
Smell of pine, mixed with mint, tickles your nose.
A stream giggles as it trickles down hill.
A wide eyed doe, jumping a log as it runs away.
These are wonders of nature, on a slow summer's day.

The First Time

She takes you in her hand.
Runs it up and down your shaft.
On your way to a promised land,
As she works her sweet craft.

You are in a wonderous ecstasy.
As she holds you in bliss.
Gives you a delighted fantasy
You didn't know could exist.

Your cup runneth over.
She has committed a crime.
As you both lay in sweet clover.
Does she know it's your first time?

Your juices they did flow.
Yes, I bet she does know.

How Many

I sit here and watch
The moon out of my window.
How many moons have I watched now?
I've lost count long ago.
How many dreams have I dreamed?
Too many unanswered ones.
I wished upon a star.
Many before now.
What will the new year bring?
Maybe the same as the last.


A lonely bale of hay
Sits in a forgotten corner,
Covered with snow.
Does anyone remember
It;s there, wasting away?
Forgotten til the very last.
Maybe never to be used at all.

Deal with it

You can't catch hold of me.
No solid proof do you have.
Don't run your face,
You have no idea who I am.
My boys be here, taking care of me.
You best ease back fast.
If I did, can you do anything?
Here's my cell, try to find help.
No one be there, not if my boys
Be here and bumpin', I rule here.
You be out of your range.
So forget your words, go back.
Say peace and deal with it.


When I gaze into my mother's face,
I shall see you looking back at me.
When I look upon the smiles of my grandkids,
I shall remember our times spent together.
When I glance at my brother and sister,
I shall think of our childhood with you.
When I hear my uncle's voice ring in the air,
I shall laugh at the secret fun we shared.
When I watch my grandmother's tears fall,
I shall know your body is gone from us this day.
When I dry my own tears from my face,
I shall not be sad to long, we will see you again.

Car Show

He looks both directions at the show.
Down never ending rows
Of sleek, shiny old cars.
Smells of hot dogs, gas,
Exhaust fumes. Breathless with
The excitment of the old vehicles.
To listen to them purr. The rich interior.
Thinking of things of times past.
With a smile that reaches the moon.
The small boy takes his dad's hand.
That's the one I want when I grow up!

Once a Rainbow

The last sun beam is fading, leaving back to the sky.
I reach out my hand for it, it struggles in my grasp.
What do I do as it stills momentairly in my curled fingers?
The clouds hold back for it to still shine through to me.
All the bright beams once filling my shining world.
They're fading so fast, dimming one beam at a time.
It rains in every world from time to time.
We was on top of the rainbow when it appeared.
Now, I slide slowly off one side by myself.
He's sliding off the opposite side alone.
I still hold the tail of the beam in my shaking hand.
If I don't let it go, can we slowly climb back to the top?


I am an explorer
Exploring the deep realms of the forbidden.
Traversing on grounds of the unknown.
A sparkle of wonder in my glowing eyes.
Experiencing places not yet visited.
Delighting in the new feelings it gives.
Perhap too discover this with someone.
Exploring together in a land totally new.
I am an explorer.


Ah, yes a glorious morn.
The clouds are speeding past.
Wind whipping my hair across my face.
Standing just outside the door, watching
Snow blowing in little twists.
The laughter of the blue bird
Just outside my window.
It's so cold and windy,
Yet ever a glorious morning.


To be a star,
A twinkle in an eye.
That dazzling, dancing light.
Blinding light from which to shade your eye.
To see that in someone's eyes
Moves my heart so completely,
Where I gasp and try to catch my breath.
Feeling the sun's first rays upon
My face, warming my cheeks to a rosy pink.
Wrapped in the arms of a lover,
Being held tight, to feel this way
Is to be a star.


You can see my face
In your dreams at night.
Your face is an image to me,
And your touch I do know.
Reach to me across the miles.
Feel my passion, my heat.
My love can be real,
Not only in dreams.

The Auction

The thrill of an auction.
The hustle and the noise.
A box with a strange concoction
Of glass, iron and toys.

The people push and shoves.
Friends are no more at the start.
Everyone takes off the suede gloves.
Awaiting that item what captured your heart.

When it's all said and done,
Too much money you have spent.
But you know how much fun
You had with friends under the tent.


Do you hear the voices of the night?
They try to reach out to you
From the past, present and future.
The last tries to whisper to you.
Try to comprehend what it says.
It's wise to take heed of them,
Less they remain unobserved.
They are speaking to you.
Choose not to ignore them.

The Rain

The rain pours down on the new spring.
The sun then peeks through the clouds.
Flowers reach to embrace it's warmth,
As their roots drink up the last of the
Sweet tasting rain. New life opens it's
Petals. The explosion of colors dot the field.
The smells of spring mingle, the sweetness of
An apple, the frangrance of lilac.
Staleness creeps in until the next
Black cloud rolls over the horizon to
Release it's sweet rain upon the spring again.

Looking Out

The world appears distorted, twisted out of shape.
So bleary and nonexistent about it's very edges.
I'm peer out through a thicken smoke stained piece of glass.
I am Alice jumping head first into a strange wonderland world.
I view the remote world outside, yet it doesn't envision me.
As my solitary world begins to slowly fade to a bleak blackness,
I agnize I'm looking out from behind my own weary eyes.

Gentle Rain
After the gentle rain falls to earth
From the heavens, where it hides.
The small droplets everywhere are
Glistening, sparkling, shining
In the newly found sunlight.
Sunshine beaming off the moisture
Makes the reds and yellows of the flowers
Come alive with birth of nature.
Oh too soon the sun draws up the droplets.
Back to the sky above to be soon born again.

Look at all the fuzzy bunnies here.
Hopping madly in their small cage.
Too many for such a confined place.
I yearn to release them, set them free.
I swing open the gate, dozens of bunnies
Scramble past, why are they all pink?

Death Watch

Death traveling in your silent footfalls.
A dance meer seconds behind your shadow.
You narrowly escaping the instantaneous moment
That the harvester reachs out to grasp your
Your shoulder from the dark realms behind you.
Spindling to stare straight at the unforseen.
Laughing heartily into a faceless shroud.
Thwarting the executioner's reason for being.
Watch angering life's thread cutter, for he
Will try to catch you unaware of his plaguing.
He shall attempt to seize hold of your soul,
While you look forward into your life.

Illusions(Thank You Tony)

The ghost in your computer,
Just a spirit of loneliness
Reaching out for hope,
For things that don't exist.
Illusions of a happier world,
Of things that will never become.
Turn off the computer, the spirit disappears
Still lonely, cast adrift in an empty universe.
No one to reach out for,
Only an eternity of loneliness in the future.
Yet the spirit will travel on.
The ghost wandering forever
Can eternity be so long?
Can sadness be louder than words?
Can a ghost ever know
The true reality of love?
Or is it too just an illusion
Of things wanted to be?
Is of this just an illusion?
