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Amanda Altimus
Vice President:
Kyle Brown
Paul Petrovic
Matt Dominik

Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Robb Sturr

# of Visitors:

SRM Improv Show: "We Sold Our Dignity on E-Bay"

On March 11th, 2004, Stark Raving Mad will be putting on a performance of skits, improv, audience suggestions, and more! There will be food and prizes and YOU have a chance to be contribute by giving us quotes, scenes, and more! We will act out your whacky ideas.

When: Thursday, March 11, 2004
6:00-7:30 PM

Where: Kent State Stark Campus
Main Hall Auditorium

Here's the Program:
Dating Game
Thankful Thursday
Scenes from a Hat
Monday Moaning
Quotes 2
Last Line/First Line

Halloween Party Pictures

Check out the Halloween photos from October 23rd & 30th!

Stark Raving Mad DVD Compilation Spring 2004

Winner of the Contest- Michelle Harr
"A Kosher Selection of Rampant and Unbridled Shenanigans"

We are in the process of compiling and editing our DVD compilation. It will contain all the funny skits, some off the wall moments (like David showing the camera a tour of his nose), and the most exciting Kyle Pun-O-Meter!

See a clip of our video here!
See photos from the DVD here!

New T-shirts coming soon!

Kyle & Mandy are working on designs for the Tshirts. They will most likely involve Penguins!
(Please note: these tshirts are free for SRM members using our Group budget. If anyone who is not a Kent State Stark student or Stark Raving Mad member would like a t-shirt, please contact Amanda for details. Email me:

Spring 2004!

Thursdays 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Main Hall Auditorium
Kent State Stark Campus

(This time begins again January 12th and all the way through the summer!)

NOTE! This time is permanent and covers every semester. This way, you can plan ahead
for other semesters and work schedules because our time doesn't change!


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And our dear friend, the "flying penguin" seen in the "What's New" heading is from Non Sequitur.