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Welcome to my Webpage

There are a number of things I am planning to do with this rather homely webpage. But as I have only a little time, it will develop slowly. My apologies. If you have suggestions please Contact Me! (Yay! We love e-mail!). Meanwhile, take a look at the rest of the page!

Right now this is what I have:

Books that I am giving away
Stuff about me. Includes links to sites that interest me. Also known as random links!
My poetry Plus links to my favortie poems!
My characters! This will hopefully soon contain character sheets in downloadable formates for those lazy gamers out there.
My favovrite quotes Includes Jisms and Nee-isms!
Look at cool dragon links! I am now a member of the Adopt-a-Dragon-Foundation! Click the picture to go to the ADF page. Supporter of the Adopt a Dragon Foundation