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Welcome To The Depths Of Dementia

In the dark caverns of one's mind many stories are left to behold. Most of which are misunderstood by the reader and can only be explained by the one who composed them. I write in such a manner. For quite sometime now I have wanted to have a way to get my words out to you...the public. But I was either too lazy or too busy to do so. Finally, however, I did manage to finally get around to it. Compiled inside are my lyrics/poems...whatever you want call them. I hope that you enjoy them and feel free to drop me a line sometime wheather by e-mail or instant message (psychmetal83) and let me know what you think or just to chat. Enjoy.

Links into Obscurity

Deeper into the Abyss
Words of Forsaken Souls
A Rose Amongst the Thorns
In Memoriam of an Angel
