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 Natural Psychic - Medium - Clairvoyant - Clairaudient - Clairsentient
providing psychic insight by telephone & email



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1 - 513 - 202 - 1426

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The following testimonials have been approved by the client before placing them in this open forum. Rest assured that your reading, you name, your situation is always promised full confidentiality. selected testimonials have been taken from our Web Site Guest Book several years ago.

Any editing of these testimonials are for grammatical reasons or to protect
the full name of the client only.

If you have an experience with Vicki that you would like to share (from a private reading, attended a lecture/seminar, heard her on radio, or have worked with her) you may contact the office by email (by clicking here). Please let us know if you would like your full name, initials, city, state, occupation etc listed on this page. We will place your words and information according to your requirements. 





I felt very peaceful after speaking to Vicki about our dog Kuma [pictured to the left]  Our family was at a great loss when he died without any warning of illness.  For being only a year old, we we left baffled and empty for weeks.

I contacted Vicki and received my first reading by phone. 
Not only did she hit the nail on the head with the things about our dog that only we could know, she even astonished my husband (who is very skeptical of psychics). Some of the things that she told me during the session, I wasn't sure about. They became clear after some time passed.
All I can say is, WOW--she is amazing!
Vicki, thank you so much for bringing things about Kuma to light.  Although we still miss him greatly, at least we have closure.  I highly recommend you, and will definitely keep in touch with you for as long as possible.
Sincerely, Naomi


Thank You Cara for taking the time to let us know that as of March of 2004 Vicki remains on task with providing accurate AND helpful readings! Below is a compliment from Cara who brought along her husband for an in person reading with Vickiveil. 

I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for the reading you gave my husband yesterday at the Amethyst Book Store.  I have had telephone readings from you many times, and I have always left the reading feeling very positive and fulfilled.  My husband on the other hand has never had a psychic reading before.  

He was completely blown away!  

He said he thought a reader would be much more vague than you were. I told him he really got lucky with you - you were very specific!  

(You asked if he worked in Reading, he said no, Sharonville - I reminded him that he works on Reading Road!  lol!That was just one of the many many specific things you told him!!!) You were right on with everything you said to him. Especially about his health. He is having some tests done on Tuesday morning and you really put my mind at ease.  Thank you so much for doing what you do.  

You truly are a beautiful, wonderful woman and you bring more joy, insight and hope to the lives of the people you talk to than you may ever know.  

Thanks so much Vicki. Take care and I am sure I will see you again soon.

Yours Truly,  Cara Ball - Cincinnati OH

PS from Cara - Another funny thing she said to my husband was - I see a woman in your life, her name is T-ara.... I said how about Cara?  You couldn't get much closer than that!  I could go on and on and on about all the things she said - there wasn't one thing she said that didn't hit the nail right on the head! 

Vickiveil is very impressive. I have had several readings by her and attended fairs in which she was present for. I put a lot of work into making a living and I don't enjoy wasting money but I feel I get every penny's worth when I get my reading from her. Thanks for everything and I hope to meet you again.
Randy S. Truck Driver
Cinti, OHIO

Vicki, I came to see you today, Sunday, March 26th, I gotta tell was the most enlightening experience I have ever had! Thank you so much for your caring and support and teaching of others to build their ability. I shared everything with my husband and boy does he wish he would have come...! Thanks again, I'm sure I will see you again!
Missy F.
Cinti Ohio

Dear Vicki, I would like to thank you for all the help and readings you have done for my mom. They have helped her to heal with all of the losses. She adores you a lot and feels you are very good at your job. She really enjoyed your work shop at the Preston hotel last week. Keep up the good work and we'll be talking at ya from Texas
Thanks again, Ed
San Antonio Texas

Vickiveil is a much sought after reader at the Angels of Light Psychic Festivals. Her workshops on "Angels" and "Mediumship" are always well attended. Readings and workshops are VICKIVEIL'S way of sharing her gifts with others. She is very well thought of in the Cincinnati area by her peers and her clients.

Phyllis Hurley 
[former] Owner AMETHYST BOOKS & GIFTS and the

As we entered the Only A Veil Divides Workshop at the Angels of Light Psychic Fair in September of 2000, we were prepared to feel a bit sad afterward. We lost our father 6 months prior. We did cry, and we did laugh. Vicki has such a pleasing and personal spirit. Her humor was more than appropriate in the situation. Vicki did not come to us for a reading, but we spoke with a woman who had lost her son to a tragic murder after the workshop. Her son was the first to come through. We knew, the information was surprisingly accurate. We were also glad that she was one who received a message. By the time my sister and I left the fair, I don't think we could have been more at ease if we had received a personal message. This is one of the best workshops I have had the pleasure of attending.
G. Collins
Cincinnati, Ohio



I have personally been seeing Vicki for almost 2 years. Being I am a policeman, I am very skeptical of everyone and everything. Vicki told me things that only I knew, needless to say, I was very surprised that she knew. Vicki, is very accurate 80% to 90% of the time. She has become a trusted friend, and I would recommend her to anyone. She is not a scam artist. Seeing Vicki is the best money I ever spent.
Pete - Law Enforcement

"What can I say about Vicki. Well, guided.....gifted.....inspired of God. A truly gifted soul able to shed insight and guidance into a confused life. I am a spiritual person that sometimes has a hard time knowing what path to take. I know that God has given Vicki the things to share with me that I've needed to know without me saying a word to her. Through her guidance I have found the path to a place where I can truly share my love and light with those that are in need. She has given me insight into situations with my children that have made rough times easier. I know that when life gets confusing that I have someone I can go to that is able shed light on my situations and provide the guidance I need to enable me to make the proper choices in my life." "I consider Vicki to be a my "earth angel".....and I love her dearly."

It was my first experience having Vicki read for me, and it is my feeling that she is a truly sincere and gifted who offers her readings with great honesty, integrity and heart. When she reads for you, you know that above all else, her main objective is to answer your questions as accurately and truthfully as possible. I look forward to my next reading with her.
Cheryl in Atlanta, GA (Corporate Background)

I remember the first time I met Vicki, it was several years ago at a psychic fair. She was new to the fairs at that time. Her and I chatted during the course of the fair, and became fast friends. Vicki tells you in simple terms what is going on in your life, why the problems are there, and then provides guidance for the future outcomes. She is honest and straight forward. So much so, I have seen her hand money back to a client if she feels she cannot aid them in someway. Whether you are looking for someone to provide you with your first reading, or an old hand at readings, I recommend giving Vickiveil a shot.
Rev. Sharon Vires
Professional Psychic of 35 years

I had my first reading in my life with Vicki, as I was having some "rough times". I come from an upbringing that psychics are a "waste of money" ..but Vicki came so highly recommended to me by a friend, and I was desperate for some answers in my life that I decided to give it a shot. I was amazed at the results. I frequently will e-mail her a "validation" e-mail ...where what she told me a year ago has indeed come true. I am sure this is no surprise to her!
Grace Grimes Fitness Model and Competitor
Actress * Business owner - Believer

Email titled : Fridays Reading 

Dear Vicki, I cannot put into words how wonderful I think you are, I had a phone reading last Friday and it was the most awesome thing I have ever done. The few things I did not understand at the time, I have since validated. I hope you don't mind but I have been singing your praises all over town, not only was I on the phone all weekend with relatives, I went back to work today
and told everyone I've talked to about you and your wonderful gift. I hope you don't mind but quite a few of my friends and relatives are going to book a reading with you. My son must have had an angel on his shoulder when he got me this for
Christmas...I have never spoken to anyone before about how much I would like to speak to a medium. 
God Bless you,

First time client, professional & Mom

I hope you remember me Vicky. I wanted to tell you that I have never had a better reading! I have been getting readings since I was about 19 years old. And have had readings from some of the best psychics known. I found the reading not only on the nail but enjoyable. I laughed after the reading because you are such a hoot. You were right I do know a man in my life with the letter Z. Its a nickname we have for someone at work and no one would have known that except for my pals at the job. I would like to tell you some other personal things I was able to understand after the session but it says you don't take mail from yahoo. Is that correct ? 

Paula Veham




Patty's story is indeed quite amazing as to how she even ended up at this event as it was her first time attending
any type of "psychic" extravagant! Patty has since become a participant of Vicki's intuitive development course,
a regular attendee of spiritual & psychic expositions and most incredibly,
a friend of Vicki's! The statement below preceded the friendship ;)

Patty Figg



I had never heard of you before I attended the Messages from the Other Side session on Sunday April 7th. I went on a whim, hoping that you and your friends were true readers. Well, you all made a believer out of me. You hit on so many specifics concerning my loved ones who had passed and also a short reading you did while smoking with me. It was wonderful. I felt very comfortable with you and felt connected to you in some way. I know that you and your friends are not practitioners of the 'dark side' because I had a good feeling in the room we were in and I felt like I had known you for a long time. It was odd. At any rate, I love your site and I enjoyed the reading you gave me. I hope to learn from you and I hope to be able to spend more sessions with you.

Lawanna Burgess

A Tribute to Payton



I wanted to leave a note that I had been back to your site to look around some more. I cannot thank you enough for the help you gave me and the brightness with which I look toward tomorrow with. You are truly a miracle. . . an angel yourself. For the first time since Paytonpassed away, I feel such a sense of comfort ~ knowing that she is with me still. Thank you so much for that wonderful gift. I wish I could
truly convey how much it means to me.
God Bless, Lawanna


Juliette Morell

Vicki has been right on the money each time! I highly recommend her
and the friends I have recommended feel the same way.  Juliette    Chicago, IL




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I want to personally thank every single person on this page that took a moment of their time to let me know that they enjoyed their reading or a seminar. For those that I have worked along side of - thank you too for your support, recommendations, and encouragement. Contraire to what the cynics of metaphysics would say, this isn't just something we "psychics" do for money...yes professional psychics have bills to pay. Long gone are the days when we can knock on our neighbors doors and offer trade for food, clothing or shelter. I have been blessed to stay busy and there is no way I could provide the amount of readings I do and work a 40 hour work week. We do have to charge. But I also like to know my insight has helped someone. Maybe its changed their mind about psychic work entirely or maybe it just helped them to see the light ahead. There are days, there are words, that will have you wonder if the work is worth the controversy. And then the next day you receive a call or an email like the ones above...and you receive the words like the ones above -- and you know it is worth it. So thank you again. God Bless ... Vicki