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I often wonder if anyone else ever feels the velocity I can feel, when I hear a set of words, placed together and defined as a quote? 

Sometimes the quote is only a few letters combined from the lyrics of a song or a clear and  black plastic expression placed upon the sign board of the local church. 

I have even gathered some uncanny form of inspiration from the voice of a child. 

I just seem to feel the statement run thru my soul. Several words expressed without too much thinking...that mean so much. Words presented by another person, and it feels like me. 

I love quotes. Certain passages that pack such a punch. For me I believe "WORDS HEAL

You see and hear the unification of words in a quote and if it stimulates a personal thought of your own, you can find some sort of a common denominator within yourself and the narrator. A human bond. 

Quotes are the deepest of  thoughts, the strongest of  beliefs, the most innate of ideas, the prevailing hopes, the hidden upsets, the unfortunate setbacks and the prides of the soul that travel from a person's thoughts and heart, and out into life.

All of that in just a few simple words. What can be more healing?

"Words heal"

Because I CAN feel it, I have seen it....Vickiveil


"we should be more afraid 
of rush hour traffic than dying!" 
Jessica Tandy 
talking to Kathy Bates
 in Fried Green Tomatoes

"Some things are true...
whether you believe 
in them or not."
Nick Cage to Meg Ryan in 
City of Angels


  "The old 
every one deserves 
a piece of it" 

spoken with great sarcasm as Dennis Quaid played the part of a "probed" psychic in the 1984 movie 

"Sometimes God dreams bigger dreams for us...than we do for ourselves"
Jewel on the Oprah Show



"Coincidence is God's way 
of giving you a miracle...
and remaining anonymous" 
Deepak Chopra


I believe in the
Kingdom Come
Then all the colours will bleed into one
Bleed into one.
But yes, I'm still running.

From the lyrics of
I Still Haven't Found
What I'm Looking For
U2 -
  "Change is an
inside job"
Iyanla VanZandt / InnerVisions


"A man can make so many moves in life - he can do so many great things in life but without a great woman - he ain't getting nowhere.

My lovely wife Rosa [Sledge] is my life - my heart - my stone and backbone
my brain...and I ain't said nothin yet!"

[When A Man Loves A Woman]
speaking of his wife Rosa Sledge at his induction to the



"She swore that she could see
The present, past and future
She could ready your destiny
Everybody knew about her
Came to get their fortune read
Concerning health and wealth and power
Who to love and when to wed
Well, I just like helpin' people
I'm just glad that I could help
Why, I know everybodys secrets
But I keep it to myself

Some called her witchy woman
Some said she was insane
Some said she was a prophet
Still everybody came
Just because a bodys different
Well, that dont make em mad
Well, theyve crucified a many
For the special gifts they've had
I had often heard about her,

This gift runs in the family
I know you also know
And I passed this gift on to you
These old bones, they're just for show
These old bones will tell your story
These old bones will never lie

You just remember that the magic is inside you
There ain't no crystal ball

Dolly Parton
These Old Bones