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TBM-3 Avenger

Accurite Miniatures kit AJ3406B
1/48 Scale
Start Build Date: 08/10/2003
Finished: 09/04/2002, 25 days to complete
121 Pieces


All paint were Testors Acryl: Tri Color navy Scheme: Dark sea blue, Intermediate Blue. Underside, Flat white spray can, Chromate Green interior, and Torpedo MM Gun Metal Enamel.
Future Coat, Decals, Poly S Satin coat.

Aircraft Depicted in this kit credited with the sinking of the Imperial Japanese Navy Cruiser Yahagi, For this mission a single MK13 Torpedo was carried. This particular torpedo (shown below) was equipped with a late war round metal tail

This show the great detail of the interior before fuselage assembly

Avenger Page



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