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*EvEn MoRe AbOuT Me*
200. My name is - Nikki Marie DeSarro
199. I was born on - June 15, 1984
198. I am - italian
197. My hair color is - brown
196. My eye color is - green
195. My shoe size is- 8
194. My ring size is - I have no idea.
193. My bra size is - Code Red Classified! :) haha!
192. My theme song is - i'm not sure... i'll hafta think about that one....
191. I am allergic to - citronella candles
190. I live in - a white house
189. The last three books I read are - a walk to remember, huck finn, & the sun also rises (the last 2 were not by choice)
188. My bed is - small
187. One thing I know for sure about the opposite sex is - They're confusing and hard to understand
186. I am glad that I am (male/female) - female. Just cuz.
185. A (man/woman) that I have a crush on is - i dont know
184. My best female friends are - ty, trisha, kristy, lauren, brittany
182. My best male friends are - willie, brent, scotty, jimmy, anthony, justin, stevie, mikey, matth, eric, danny (even though we dont talk much anymore), ryan.. thats enough 4 now!
181. Three things I can never resist are - Laughing @ stupid stuff, trying 2 have fun @ work, and fighting with Lauren
180. Three of my quirkiest habits are - dont know!
179. My favorite pajamas are - my blue pajama pants and just an old t*shirt
177. The last three cds I bought are - I don't buy CDs anymore due to the fact that I download them from Kazaa. i think the last ones i bought were nickelback, incubus, and linkin park though
176. The sexiest song I know is - Nice and Slow by Usher.
175. The song I feel captures a good life lesson is - The good stuff- Kenny Chesney
174. The songs I love to lip synch in the car to are - mostly country stuff! :)
173. I could not live without - friends
172. My most treasured possession is - I don't think I have one.
171. My three top pet peeves are - people lying to me, and i dont know what else
170. A question I am sick of answering is - "What's wrong?" will always be 'nothing' even if it's something
169. The funniest quote I know is -"the early bird gets the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese"
168. The quote that "sums it all up for me" is - if i could sum up everything in live in 3 words, it would be "life goes on!"
167. My skin's reaction to the sun is (tan/burn) - tan, just takes a while! haha!
166. I have been this far - i dont know what this is supposed 2 mean
165. One interesting fact that I know is - i dont know....
164. Been High Before - Nope. I'm a good girl.
163. Smoked - Nope.
162. Broke the Law - y would i do that? haha!
161. Played Strip Poker - Nope
160. Cheated on a Significant Other - nah
159. Cheated on a Test - I'm sure I have. ...k, I know I have.
157. Skinny Dipped - Nope.


156. Sunday - went to anthony's
155. Monday - dont remember
154. Tuesday - went to the track meet to see scotty, eric, ryan, and jimmy
153. Wednesday - ???
152. Thursday - ???
151. Friday - worked, but got off early and hung out with scotty
150. Saturday - went to the mall and to outback to eat

Next ______, I'm going to...

149. Monday - school til 3 then i dont know
148. Tuesday - school, but then who knows
147. Wednesday - school then i dont know
146. Thursday - school then dont know
145. Friday - school and work til 11
144. Saturday - work then i dont know
143. Sunday - dont know yet

(142-133) I Do/Do Not Believe in..

142. Love at first sight - no, u can think they are hot but u can love them until u know them
141. Luck - Sometimes.
140. Fate - Sometimes.
139. God - yeah
138. Aliens - Not really.
137. Heaven - yeah
136. Hell - yeah
135. Ghosts - Sure.
134. Horoscopes - sometimes

(132-117) Which is Better?

132. Coke or Pepsi - coke
131. Thin Crust or Deep Dish - deep dish
130. People or In Style - People
129. Hardcover or Paperback - hard
128. Math or English - math
127. TV or Radio - radio unless its CMT
126. Tall or Short - Tall
125. Blondes or Brunettes - blondes
124. Pools or Hot Tubs - both!
123. Getting the Back Massage or Giving it - getting one
122. E-Mail or Snail Mail - Both are likeable.
121. Homecoming or Prom - well, we'll see in a couple weeks but probably prom even though i've never gone yet
120. High School or College - probably college! i can't wait!
119. Oranges or Apples - Oranges
118. Curly or Straight Hair - curly
117. Boys or Girls - Boys.

(116-106) Here's What I Think About..

116. Abortion - Horrible
115. Dubya - I have no idea what this is.
114. Pre-Marital Sex - If it's what you want, go ahead.
113. Religion - I don't know... i'm catholic
112. Hanson - haha
111. Homosexuality - nah
110. Classical Music - cant stand it
109. Sadaam Hussein - fag
108. Swear Words - I dont, I swear. hahaha, no pun intended. Is that considered a pun? Nevermind, I'm tired...
107. Love - Above all things I believe in love. Love is like oxygen. All you need is love.
106. Divorce - If you don't love each other, don't get married. Don't make your children suffer.

(105-93) The Last Time I ______ Was...

105. Took a Shower - about 20 minutes ago
104. Watched Bambi - a long time ago
103. Cried - like an hours ago but it was from laughing
102. Got a Real Letter - Not recently. I'd like one. ;)
100. Drove - about 40 min. ago
99. Went Swimming - summer time
98. Spoke a Foreign Language - last year, in Spanish class
97. Went to A Wedding - october
96. Wore a fancy dress (girls) or tux (boys) - Homecoming
95. Grew - ??
94. Rode a Horse - a long time ago... @ camp fitch (in april and in june this year) i walked the horses while kids rode them though, does that count? haha!
93. Exercised - couple days ago
92. On a school day - ...did WHAT on a school day? I don't get it.
91. I always ask - "what?"
90. The ditziest person I know is - not me, probably Lauren
89. The person who makes me laugh the most is - Lauren
88. The book the old west - ...huh?
87. One thing I am pissed about right now is - a few things
86. Today I ate for breakfast - a nutrigrain bar and orange juice
85. For lunch - chicken nuggets
84. For dinner - didnt eat
83. The last movie I saw in the theater was - daredevil
82. The things I notice first about the opposite sex are - Eyes, hair, clothes and smell
81. One question that I want answered is - Why are guys so confusing?
80. The most unsatisfactory answer I've ever received is - "Don't worry about it."
79. My favorite game is/are - cool boarders!!!! haha!!!! right Ty? and Life cause i always beat Ryan!
78. This Christmas break I am - sledriding cause i didnt go ! all this year!
77. This Spring break I am - going somewhere... roadtrip?
76. This Summer vacation I am - going to florida, somewhere with family, d.c., columbus, maybe myrtle beach....
75. Something I will really miss when I leave home is - nothing really
74. The biggest misconception about me is - i dont know
73. This summer - 19th b*day
72. Next Spring - i'll be in college
71. This winter - Playing in the snow.. snowboarding
70. This Fall - college!
69. People make a big deal out of this number because - it's 69
68. I want to go to college - so i can get a good job and be rich when i get a job
67. People call me - nik (everyone)
66. People call me - nik nak (justin & my dad)
65. People call me - nickelodeon (my dad)
64. People call me - cole (britt and tannar)
63. People call me - nikki
62. The person who knows the most about me is - probably Ty
61. The person who can read me the best is - probably Justin cause he always knows when somethings wrong and how to cheer me up....
60. The most difficult thing I've ever done is - Try not to zone out during ACTs.
59. I have/have not gotten a speeding ticket - Have not.
58. I have the following siblings (names and ages) - Lauren- 17, Brittany- 12
57. My favorite people are - brent, ty, stevie, justin, ryan, scotty, jimmy, kristy, anthony, trisha, eric..... i dont know! theres too many!
56. My zodiac sign is - Gemini
55. The person I most thought I was in love with was/is - Ryan br>54. The first person (as in sig. other) who ever said they loved me was - Todd- liar! fag!
53. The best date I ever went on was - anything with Ryan! :)
52. The person I find myself spilling my guts to is - stevie sometimes, brent, and ty and sometimes jimmy and scotty
51. I wish I could have - $$$$$$
49. The lie I tell the most often is - none
48. I have a job at - Giant Eagle, in Calcutta
47. I have these pets (names) - princess (the stupid, ugly dog) and 2 hermit crabs and a hamster- they r all y sister's
46. The worst illness I've ever had is - i dont know...
45. The worst sound in the world is - anything high pitched
44. The worst taste in the world is - rotten food? i dont know!
43. If I could add a survey question to, it would be? - do u love me?
42. What gets on your nerves about your friends - how a couple of them get mad about everything
41. Person You Have Lost Respect For? - definately Todd
40. My hands are usually (temperature) - cold
39. My role models are - i dont know...
38. My favorite shoes are - my new k*swiss
37. The last time I got my picture taken (professionally) was - senior pictures in october i think
36. The last time I got money from a parent was - a while ago
35. My favorite country besides the US is - no idea!
34. My favorite state (other then my own) is - Florida
33. My favorite city (other then my own) is - no idea!!!!
32. My favorite body of water is - ocean
31. If I could be a superhero, I'd be - spiderman : )
30. If I could raid a celebrity's wardrobe, I'd choose - Katie Holmes
29. My favorite three movies are - radio flyer, Hope Floats, spiderman
28. The school I go to is - East Liverpool High School
26. The best age to be is - 17, freedom with a license and ability to watch R-rated movies, and not an adult.
25. This many people are on my buddy list - AOl -200, icq- 344
24. The best thing about today so far has been - nothing yet
23. The worst thing about today so far has been - working
22. My favorite stores are - Pac Sun, Hollister, Wal*mart... umm... almost anything really...
21. I usually get teased about - i dont know....!
20. A secret I know about someone is (don't put there name!) - I'm not telling you, it's a secret.
19. My favorite pants are - my holey jeans that i used 2 have, but i ripped them cause of Ryan (stoakes)!
18. I wear skirts - never
17. The TV Show I never miss is - blind date, and the practice
16. I am a morning person/night owl- night owl
14. An idea that makes sense to me is - high schools should all have escalators
13. If I had to join the military, I'd be in - the air force
12. I plan/don't plan on registering for the draft - nah
11. My worst habit is - getting mad about nothing or things that don't matter/ fightin w/ my bestfriends, but the reasons @ the time seem like they're a big deal
10. My favorite restaurant is - chi*chis
9. My favorite sport to play is - football, only with my sisters and dad though cause i can beat them!
8. My favorite sport to watch is - basketball
7. If your nose itches it means - someone is talking about you
6. My favorite cliche is - i dont know
5. The worst place to get an itch is - The bottom of your foot. when u have shoes and socks on! haha!
4. My favorite nickname for male genetalia is- i dont know
3. And for female genetalia - i dont even know
2. One cool thing about me is - ummm i dont know!
1. I filled out 200 questions because - i'm bored and i thought u might care! maybe not though! ;)

* h O m E *