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A word about soldiers

Do you think you have life hard? Well, at the end of this, perhaps you will think different.Have you ever wondered what it was like to live the life of an American service member or a soldier. But, before anything, lets look at the combat soldier. Do you really know how hard it is to be a combat specialist? To know that you have two options in war....Shoot at them, or have them shoot at you. Do you think life for you is still hard? Well lets keep going. Maybe we will look at what the soldier is doing when he enlists. He gives up his life, and many of his own freedoms. And why does he do this? He does this for you, the people reading this. Do you know what it is like to voluntarily give up everything you have ever known to do something you know nothing about. Do you still think you have it bad? Think about this. Leave the country you have known and lived in your whole life to go to a country and live in a makeshift hut, barracks, or even a tent. Add the 100+ degree temperatures, and a very uncomfortable living environment, and then think of how hard you have it. Think about what it is like not knowing if you will ever come back home alive, or just in a box. Also, think about how hard it is on the mothers, brothers, sisters and fathers to know the same fact. Then think whether you have it hard or not. Think about how hard it is for a soldier to be appreciated more by the people in foreign countries than his native one, and then think of how hard you have it. Then after you think about all of this, think about one more thing; the combat soldier, if asked if all he gave up was worth the torment of his service for his country was worth it, i guarantee he will say yes. Because there is a different person in a combat soldier, and that is a person that believes in anothers happiness, life, liberty, and freedoms before his own. So next time you look down upon the armed forces for something that you dont believe in, think about what they are actually doing for you, and then think that they ask nothing in return. All they want is you to be free. Remember that next time you look down upon the U.S. Army, Air Force, Marines, Navy, or Coast Guard, because they endure more hardships in one day of battle than you will in your entire life. Start thinking how good you actually have it, instead of how bad you THINK you have it.